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Everything posted by spiderwell

  1. you are clearly still angry
  2. in my times i heard them called a bluey (they used be very blue notes) or a lady godiva (rhyming again) . I havent heard of the Jackson. a tenner is an aryton (senna) all good stuff to know, i might go ask for a payrise myself with this new knowledge google tells me all the answers here: http://www.aldertons.com/money.htm there are some great ones on there: commodore = 15 quid = three times a lady (godiva)
  3. you could just float them all left too
  4. and its that kind of knowledge that gets you a pay rise
  5. mmm I have experienced this too with CKEditor, and would love to know how to fix it, it kills the xml on the system its integrated with wher i work
  6. yay!!! an entire website dedicated to it!
  7. or a pair of monkeys!!! ah i love cockney slang
  8. i knew there would be a string position method too, but i went for the less brain powered answer
  9. why not adapt the answer in your previous thread use explode, use array shift 3 times, then use impode to put back into a string. this might not be the best method but it would work.
  10. array shift removes the first element, you didnt need to adjust what thorpe gave you
  11. its unlikely that someone will just do it for you. unless its thorpe what do you know about php? you want to put all the words into an array, but your example shows an array with a string in it rather than a seperate word in each value in the array. to put every word into an array, look into using explode.
  12. ok, I think i mis understood this, so perhaps use explode like this: $arr = explode("-","XXXX-Y-A-B"); echo $arr[2];
  13. it might be to prevent caching and the parameter is random/session id or something similar, something unique anyway.
  14. you will probably need some sort of regular expression but I am not sure if those can be used in mysql? This post might be in the wrong section because of this .. sorry I couldn't contribute more
  15. if ($rememberme = "on") spot anything missing in this??
  16. i would go for 2 )
  17. what have you got so far? are they going to change in size?
  18. collaborate
  19. happy to help, hit the solved button!
  20. yes i can, look carefully again and check your " and ' are in the right place.
  21. spiderwell


    wow does this mean i can use html5 on my ipad too? or will i need to upgrade to 3g
  22. just to confuse you further its the same as a squid .... its a pound , slang is a quid, and thats often mutated to squid. are you coming out tonight no i havent got any squids. its no different to me not knowing what a benjamin is, but i do know
  23. in order to access any session variables on a page, you have to first activate that session on each page that you want to access it. session_start(); now if you have logged in someone successfully already, lets assume they have a value in the session to confirm this, for instance $_SESSION['logged'] = true; so when it comes to the button bit, make sure the page has the session start bit, then do the if statement like this if($_SESSION['logged']) { echo 'logout'; } else { echo 'login' }
  24. there is an easy solution use explode to turn the elements into an array then you can re arrange them the right order and turn back into a string/date $arrDate = explode("/","01/12/2012"); echo $arrDate[2] . "/" $arrDate[1] . "/" . $arrDate[0]
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