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Posts posted by fugix

  1. Funny, but besides the time I spend at work as a PHP developer, I have actually been writing more server side code using JavaScript than PHP these days. Which do I prefer? At the moment JavaScript, but I'm not sure I would build a complete application with node.js.

    I have been finding myself using js more and more these days as well...need to find that perfect blend of both

  2. Thank you fugix for all your help the line of code u gave me was the fix. I just didn't have my php.ini set up correct once it was fixed it all worked. i had way to much running in the extensions i guess i started over with a new copy and only opened the mysql extension and it all works now with your code add in. Again thank you so much.

    no problem at all, glad i could help

  3. @CV I have some fingerless gloves.  They're pretty cool.  You should get a pair.

    just checked this thread for the first time today..wondering how cars and gloves are involved...lol

  4. i would change your login success page to this

    // Check if session is not registered , redirect back to main page.
    // Put this code in first line of web page.
    if(!empty($myusername) && !empty($mypassword)){
    $_SESSION['myusername'] =$myusername;
    $_SESSION['mypassword'] =$mypassword;
    if(!isset($_SESSION['myusername']) || !isset($_SESSION['mypassword'])){
    Login Successful

  5. jquery is awesomer, if that is a word

    :) i think it should probably be a word... i think i've used it several times before.


    However its not possible to say jquery is awesomer than ajax is it?


    it is, because I said it in my post.

    my reason being its easier to use ajax functions via jquery, than writing them yourself, for me at least.

    jquery utilizes asynchronous functions...which is what I believe you are talking about...AJAX uses them as well

  6. what you have there will echo whatever is in you city_display column..if your query is grabbing multiple rows then you'll want to use a while() loop as well..if nothing is getting echoed then try debugging your query e.g

    $rsP3 = mysql_query($qP3) or die(mysql_error());


    edit: gizmola posted right before me...read the link that he posted...should help

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