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Posts posted by fugix

  1. well you can you can set a variable to a value...say one...for this example we'll say that $i=1, and at the end of your script you could say $1++ which will increment the number every time the script is run...there are numerous ways to do what you want...you could tweak your idea a, use what i told you , you a database...sessions etc..

  2. the only time that you want error_reporting of any kind hidden is when the server is live

    I think you mean when the website is live, not the server. If you are on a shared host it is usually not possible to modify the php.ini file. If you have various websites on your shared host you can control error reporting and the output of errors/warnings to logs and or the screen via a .htaccess file for each individual site. For a live site you should have the display_errors flag to off. A development site on the same server you should have it set to on.


    On a dedicated server I would set the main php.ini file to not output errors or warnings and as with the shared host control the error output via .htaccess for each website on the server.

    yeah website sorry

  3. 1. are you connecting to your db


    2. have you tried echoing the number of rows to make sure you are grabbing any.


    3. have you tried to debug your query yet. eg

    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM admin WHERE username='$manager' AND password='$password' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());


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