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Posts posted by fugix

  1. im guessing that this occurs when you assign $row['website']  to you href...you either need to wrap it in curly brackets eg

    {$row['website'] }

    or assign it to a variable e.g

    $website = $row['website'] ;

    then use $website in your href instead of $row['website']

  2. For the first problem, you don't need AJAX. simple Javascript will suffice, though, if you are comfortable with Jquery, or would like to learn it, Jquery is the way I would do it. It is cross-browser compatible (as all the different ways browsers interpret javascript, especially DOM functionality is behind the scenes in Jquery), and makes development of DOM altering features alot easier and quicker.


    if you are interested in Jquery, try this tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/default.asp


    If you simply want a javascript solution, try a google search for altering the HTML DOM with javascript. Also, if you are unfamiliar with javascript in general, I would google for few javascript tutorials, and read about how it works, because using Jquery without a solid understanding of javascript is a recipe for disaster


    But this isn't quite the correct forum to go over this, so you may have more luck asking about this in the javascript help forum


  3. alright guys this one has me stumped...i have this function

    function showFriends()  {
        var xhr; 
    if(window.XMLHttpRequest)  {
    	xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    } else if(window.ActiveXObject)  {
    	try  {
    		xhr = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
    	} catch(e)  {
    		try  {
    			xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    		} catch(e) {}
        xhr.onreadystatechange  = function()
             if(xhr.readyState  == 4)
                  if(xhr.status  == 200) 
                     alert('Problem with readyState');
             } else {
    	alert("Problem with status");
       xhr.open("GET", "test.txt",  true); 

    just to see if I can grab text from a text file when i click a button...when i click the button is triggers the function correctly, however i receive both status and readyState Problem errors...im not sure if this is because it cant grab the data from the text file or what...any suggestions? thanks

  4. gizmola i have to ask because I have been wandering for quite some time...is you avatar picture your daughter making a funny face?


    When she was a baby, yup although the picture was out of focus which created the smirk.

    ahhh, the smirk is hillarious...says "dont mess with me!"

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