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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. in your if statement you will need to use the comparison operator "==" $price2 == wpsc_the_product_price(); Edit: didnt scroll to see the actual if statement. Where is you $price2 variable coming from?
  2. your $db variable is undefined, and needs to contain a valid MYSQL connection link
  3. as I have already stated. What are you trying to accomplish exactly? Woah...
  4. that will work as long as nothing in the pattern is subject to change
  5. just like that...either C:\myFolder\pics\file.ext or C:/myFolder/pics/file.ext however, you will not be able to use these paths as an img src..you will need to save them to the server in order use them as an img source
  6. because each one of the URL parameters is accessible via the $_POST method, so naturally running a print_r will return these values in array format
  7. why can't you simply invoke an onclick event from the input tag? <input type="radio" name="group1" value="Milk" onclick="someFunc()"> Milk<br>
  8. I see, <?php $pattern = '/<td><a.*>USD\/EUR<\/a><\/td>.*<td\s*\w*>\s*<img\s*[\w\d]*\s*\/>(\d+)<\/td>/si' preg_match($pattern,$subject,$matches) $eurovalue = $matches[0]; ?>
  9. the regex above should find the 0.69070 in your code...and store it in $matches[0], then set it to the $eurovalue
  10. <?php $pattern = '/<td\s*\w*>\s*<img\s*[\w\d]*\s*\/>(\d+)<\/td>/si' preg_match($pattern,$subject,$matches) $eurovalue = $matches[0]; ?>
  11. http://www.php.net/manual/en/wrappers.ftp.php
  12. you are echoing the variable $count before using the header() function No output may be sent to the browser before using this function
  13. line 116 is the same issue as the previous cookie, you need to wrap the cookie name in quotes "" as for line 124...header() As I previously stated, you cannot output any code to the browser before using either the setcookie() or header() functions...none at all.. In order to properly help you with this if you still do not understand how to solve this, please post the code
  14. shows you what you need to do, step-by-step
  15. it should be what I previously posted..instead of what you had <?php setcookie(Key_my_site, $_POST['pass'], $hour); ?> it should become <?php setcookie("Key_my_site", $_POST['pass'], $hour); ?>
  16. yes looks like your mysql server is running a newer version..you will need to run mysql_upgrade on your db...look here
  17. I don't fully understand what you are asking...?
  18. Hey everyone, Just wanted to quickly say hello to everyone and introduce myself... I have been coding in various languages for a couple of years now, freelance.. Plan on being active here, seems like a good group of people with a good amount of knowledge. Looking to help/learn here. Thanks
  19. you have assigned your query to the variable $add_topic, whereas in your mysqli_query() function, you have used $add_topic_sql...change to <?php $add_topic_res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $add_topic) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli)); ?>
  20. true..you will need to wrap you $name argument in quotes... <?php setcookie("Key_my_site", $_POST['pass'], $hour); ?> Also, please post your code if you need help with clearing up the headers errors.
  21. most likely you are outputting code before either setting your cookies or using the header() function..which you cannot do, can you post your code so we can help
  22. you have posted broken image links and no code/errors...
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