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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. depends what you are trying to do.. off the top of my head I do not know a jquery function that will "load all extensions".. however you could take a look on the jquery website
  2. AyKay47

    PHP script

    if you have error_reporting set to E_ALL and display_errors set to ON, all of the relavant errors will be displayed to you on the page
  3. are you using a third party player or somehting like the HTML5 <embed> tags?
  4. really thats no different than what you were doing before, just a mysql way of doing it.. that will replace the query you have now..
  5. yes i see what you are saying.. what you will need to do here is compare the date 2 days in the future to the date in your db for date posted.. $sql = "SELECT id,image,`time` FROM tbl WHERE `time` > DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL 2 DAYS)"; on second thought.. now you have me confused as to what the ssue is with the way you are doing it now..
  6. right now your $time_count variable is set for 4 days.. not 2. for 2 days, change to this.. $time_count = 2*24*60*60
  7. you are using the time() function here, which the date function uses by default.. the time function uses the unix timestamp of the corrent time, so the timestamp you have specified will always equal the timestamp for the exact time now, plus 2 days..
  8. its telling you what the matter is, either that function does not exist or you havn't created it..
  9. 1. google why you should not ORDER BT RAND() 2. besides that your code looks to be fine.. have you tested this out yet?
  10. Didn't fully understand the question. Glad you figured it out
  11. Yes. Absolute genius. How anybody could come up with the lyric..? "Have you ever had sex? I have, it felt so great! I did it with my penis..." It blows my mind. bahahahahahahah
  12. jcbones is right, I missed that, your syntax is wrong.. change to this.. $sql = "UPDATE players SET is_banned = 1 WHERE id = $id AND MASTERPLAYERID = $MASTERPLAYERID"; note case-sensitivity..
  13. place this in your script to debug the query.. $sql = "UPDATE players SET is_banned = 1 WHERE id = $id AND WHERE MASTERPLAYERID = $MASTERPLAYERID"; mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
  14. ah okay, i've never sen that method used to do it.. thanks for that info freakie..
  15. AyKay47


    welcome to phpf
  16. cant say i've ever seen an action of "/", not even sure where it would take you.. what is your goal by doing this..?
  17. AyKay47


    If value is NOT set, then the name is sent instead. <option value"female">Female</option> //valid, and female is sent. <option>Male</option> //valid, and Male is sent. Common mis-conception, and valid syntax that I see "corrected" many times. http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/html-spec/html-spec_8.html The problem here is the fact that you didn't provide a name for the select element. <select name="sex"> Without that, no index in the POST array will be present. the point about needing only the name or value is a case by case exception.. in this case, he needs both
  18. nice..
  19. AyKay47


    simply means you are defining an index that does not carry a value.. you can use isset or empty to check for a value first..
  20. AyKay47


    that doesn't make sense.. do you have error_reporting set to E_ALL..? what errors do you receive?
  21. my first post solved your question.. P.S dont bite off more than you can chew.. shouldnt have agreed to help someone when you have no clue what you are doing, and expect volunteers to do the work for you..
  22. nothing stands out at first glance expect you dont have default: in your switch at the bottom.. Edit: to answer your last question.. I am looking into it further, maybe nightsly will see something as he is in here as well..
  23. I am going to ignore 95% of your post, since I did help you.. the default type is the GET type, however you can change this by adding the type: setting.. to what you said, you said you learn by looking at code basically.. now the link I provided you with is a link to the jquery ajax API documentation which has absolutely everything that you will need to answer your own question.. however all you wanted was the code.. now to me this demonstrates not someone who wants to learn, rather someone who is too lazy to read and learn by themselves and needs their hand held the entire way.. im done helping you..
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