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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. set a unique id for each user, store the count for each user in a db and increment each time
  2. yeah you need to specify the host.. no problem glad you figured it out
  3. are you using a while loop to display the databases..? if you are expecting multiple databases.. you will need to use a while loop to output all of them <?php $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password'); $db_list = mysql_list_dbs($link); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($db_list)) { echo $row->Database . "\n"; } ?>
  4. are you sure that they are actual databases and not tables?
  5. i directed my statement towards Maq.. not you
  6. yeah it does appear to have good tutorial references.. OP, I would use the link that I provided as more of an example/definition check if you are having issues understanding anything that is instructed in the tutorials, they both carry good information
  7. http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.php
  8. for localhost debuggin yes, however on a live server you will want display errors off, so users do not see the errors..
  9. pretty random post Maq honestly.. heh
  10. Yes, we generally try to avoid hacking the software, my point exactly, i do pay attention.
  11. no problem, any more trouble with this let us know
  12. after you have done what i suggested answer this, are you on a localhost or a live host?
  13. another forum that i know of uses a "thank" system, where you can thank a user for a post, and the number of thanks that a user has is displayed.. however i think that CV will start a ramble about how they didn't code the bb forum blah blah..
  14. welcome to phpf, good to have your experience
  15. add theses lines to the top of your script, this will print any errors you are receving directly onto your webpage ini_set("error_reporting",E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors","ON");
  16. i would start by alerting the contents of "receiveReq.responseXML" to confirm the correct results. function handleReceiveChat() { if (receiveReq.readyState == 4) { var chat_div = document.getElementById('div_chat'); var xmldoc = receiveReq.responseXML; alert(xmldoc); var message_nodes = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("message"); }} my hunch here is that you will want responseText and not responseXML, is your php page content type text/plain or text/xml?
  17. nothing stands out to me as being incorrect, if the mail function is not working, it will be sending errors to your error.log, do you have error_reporting set to E_ALL? if so, what errors are you receiving..?
  18. the jquery UI is very easy to use, as I use it for a number of its widgets.. they provide step by step instructions on how to incorporate the jquery UI in your webpage
  19. you are using a sendmail() function, is this a custom function? what you want is the mail function
  20. concatenate it onto a querystring to rating.php..
  21. have you seen what the jquery UI is capable of? http://jqueryui.com/demos/
  22. so what you are saying is that you can access firebug on anyother website but facebook?
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