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Everything posted by jazzman1

  1. Open up the phpMyAdmin, then find somewhere the SQL tab and run the following: SHOW COLUMNS FROM deltimes;
  2. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/show-columns.html I don't use any proprietary software in my home.
  3. Completely missing this. When he wrote the "ELHO" works by telnet but not with php script my suggest was about mail server configuration. A good observation @kick.
  4. @rocky48, the name of the message field starts with a lower-case letter in your html form.
  5. It really depends @fastsol. I have a cottage rental's web site. In order to avoid any misunderstandings about first and last name, I have developed a set of rules to filter them before the data to be sent to the database. I don't want the owner to get an email from prospective clients with names contained numbers and letters.
  6. To use Gmail,Yahoo (not sure for others mail servers) to send from your other email addresses you need to add that mail address you own to the external mail server.
  7. I have no idea how about "amazon" are configured their mail servers.
  8. I cannot see where the value attribute of select option tag is? Please, use the code [ code ] tags when providing code.
  9. Most likely this error occurs because of escaping the single quotes around the number on the line 669. What type of the field state is to set in mysql ?
  10. I see you still continue to put backslashes in the front of phpmailer class name. What does the server think about it? Where is your html form?
  11. Add chmod($zname, 0755) or chmod($zname, 0775) or chmod($zname, 0777) depends on your wishes. while($zip_entry=zip_read($zip)) { $zdir=dirname(zip_entry_name($zip_entry)); $zname=zip_entry_name($zip_entry); if(!zip_entry_open($zip,$zip_entry,"r")) {$e.="Unable to proccess file '{$zname}'";continue;} if(!is_dir($zdir)) mkdirr($zdir,0777); #print "{$zdir} | {$zname} \n"; $zip_fs=zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry); if(empty($zip_fs)) continue; $zz=zip_entry_read($zip_entry,$zip_fs); $z=fopen($zname,"w"); fwrite($z,$zz); fclose($z); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); chmod($zname, 0755); // here }
  12. Avoid using $HTTP_POST_VARS unless you don't really have a choice. You should define it even to NULL. <?php $session_id = $_COOKIE[""]; $action = $_GET['action']; $HTTP_POST_VARS = NULL; if ($action == "add" && !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS["artid"])) { $artid = $HTTP_POST_VARS["artid"]; }
  13. I prefer to name the image with the same value of id column. Assuming the column is - id integer not null auto_increment.
  14. You still didn't tell us what the role of this type in your application is?
  15. Then, you have a horrible database design.
  16. I don't get something very well. Why do you want one user to have with 3 different types? For example, one user would have at same time - type = 1 (regularUser), type=2(advancedUser) or type=3 (admin). What the purpose of this type column is?
  17. Yea, the script works fine to me. So, a few recommendations before to continue with this php testing script. Open up a telnet terminal from your local machine, test if the port 25 is open, and try to get the server greetings using " "EHLO" word. telnet servername.domainname.com 25 EHLO servername.domainname.com 220 srvername.domainname.com ESMTP Postfix EHLO servername.domainname.com 250-servername.domainname.com 250-PIPELINING 250-SIZE 10240000 250-VRFY 250-ETRN 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES 250-8BITMIME 250 DSN
  18. Absolutely. You can retrieve the result from database and write it down on the HTML markup, only, for instance if the user_ID = 1, or something similar. If you have more than one result you need to use some looping constructs in php.
  19. Do you see the graph when you hard-coding that value rather than using sql?
  20. Check, whether the server supports "EHLO". What happens to use "HELO" instead "EHLO". I will try to run the script on my server a bit late.
  21. I don't see any permissions directory issue here, nor the files. Let me see what permissions have the unziped file? Also, post the script that unzips the archives, maybe php sets some specific permissions into new files. You need to create(write) a php script.
  22. No you! Let "php" to do this. PS: Can you show us some result of: ls -la /directory/file_name
  23. Something like this: $content = " Content Content Content [ol] [li]First Dimension [ol] [li]Second Dimension[/li] [/ol] [/li] [li]Back to First Dimension [/li] [/ol] More Content :3 [ol] [li]First Dimension [ol] [li]Second Dimension[/li] [/ol] [/li] [li]Back to First Dimension[/li] [/ol] More Content :3 "; // before replacement echo strlen($content).'<br />'; // 298 $str_r = str_replace(' ','',$content); //after replacement echo strlen($str_r); //253 Final result:
  24. Well, if the format is always like this: $content = "<p>Content Content Content [ol] [li]First Dimension [ol] [li]Second Dimension[/li] [/ol] [/li] [li]Back to First Dimension[/li] [/ol] More Content :3 [ol] [li]First Dimension [ol] [li]Second Dimension[/li] [/ol] [/li] [li]Back to First Dimension[/li] [/ol] More Content :3</p>"; you would use a trim with character_mask parameter = '' to trim only the white spaces before to insert a content to database. There is a couple of other options to trim/remove them of course.
  25. Any reason why, do you want to insert html markup in to the database? Why don't you start to tell us the whole story?
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