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Everything posted by jazzman1

  1. It should be inside /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ Instead a find command try run a locate. locate libphp5.so
  2. Use mysql_error() or other mysql* error functions you should get a syntax error.
  3. How do you try to reach the local server, by ip address or domain name? Open up /etc/hosts with your text editor and try to comment out (just for a test) all adobe domain name lines to this file, restart apache and try again. The better way for me here is to setup a new virtual host in apache ip based, which means that you would have a different local ip address for your project - http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/examples.html
  4. Set a proxy connection in your browser for this URL (localhost) to port 82 instead the default one 80. Then, you will be able to reach this localhost at addresses: http://localhost:82/test/test.php OR http://localhost/test/test.php
  5. What about if you try to make a connection to localhost without the browser? Can I see the outputs of: cat /private/etc/hosts or cat /etc/hosts
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_file
  7. @Ch0cu3r, I think, he/she wants to apply rewriting rule from space1.php?name=variable to space.php?name=variable. The easiest way is to get the query string after the file's extension. Assuming, the project directory is named: project. RewriteEngine on RewriteBase /project/ RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^name=([a-zA-Z]*)$ RewriteRule ^space1\.php$ space.php?name=%1 [R=301,L]
  8. I still don't understand which one of following (bold) statement is true and which one is false.
  9. Well, turn on the error_reporting() function on the top of the script and tell us if you get errors with that cms.
  10. Assuming, the root web tree structure is like: / - web root /admin /admin/main Put in next code inside /admin directory. RewriteEngine on RewriteBase /admin/ RewriteRule ^\/?main\/.*$ - [F,NC] You can also specify which type of files do not allow to be called: RewriteEngine on RewriteBase /admin/ #RewriteRule ^\/?main\/.*$ - [F,NC] RewriteRule ^\/?main\/.*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|php|pl)$ - [F,NC]
  11. Use javascript to disable (to be non-clickable) the submit button if the attachment of the file is not present on the form, after that validate the form on the server side.
  12. Where is the script of the file named: mail.php?
  13. Then....where did you define $email2 variable in the script above? Before to call if(mail($email2,$subject,$message,$headers) can you echo it? echo $email2; exit; if(mail($email2,$subject,$message,$headers)
  14. Do you get a correct data in the variables ($email2,$subject,$message,$headers) before sending the info by mail function? Are you able to use the mail function as well?
  15. Just ask, phone or email them (your current hosting provider) why that happened and how to solve this issue? You can switch of course your hosting provider to GoDaddy or HostGator. I don't have any problems with them many years.
  16. Then mail them, because I'm going to divine what could to cause the problem. I did not see anything wrong in the headers.
  17. Is there a way to control what ports are open or closed for your hosting plan? Port 25 is open, close it, you don't need to be open unless you have some application that is setup to send email notices from the hosting server.
  18. Vasile, send me an email at tuparov86@gmail.com to check the mail's header.
  19. What's your domain name now?
  20. Try with the code that I provided you above, then switch to swiftmaler, it should be OK.
  21. Turn on php error_reporting on the very top of the file (after the <?php openning tag) Does the URL of this action is correct - action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?> Try, <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
  22. Why are you using their domain name then -> http://vasilstojanoski.atspace.eu This domain is hosting by - www.runhosting.com
  23. It has nothing to do because you don't have a own domain name registered by you! Perhaps, you're using some free shared hosting plan, right?
  24. Example 1: <?php $start_TimeStr="2013-10-08 08:29:52"; $end_TimeStr = "2013-10-08 08:32:46"; $Duration = strtotime($end_TimeStr) - strtotime($start_TimeStr); echo $Duration; // 174 sec
  25. Try to run next code and tell me what you get: <?php $from = "From: jazz <jazzman@jazzman.com>"; $to = "you@yourdomain.com"; // your gmail account $subject = "Hi! "; $body = "TEST"; if(mail($to,$subject,$body,$from)) echo "MAIL - OK"; else echo "MAIL FAILED";
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