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Everything posted by jazzman1

  1. Give me the message back: <?php $dir = shell_exec('pwd'); echo $dir;
  2. Ok, step by step...... this is a not real directory - "/var/www/mysite.com/mysite.com" What is the real one?
  3. jazzman1

    Cakephp ACL

    Does XAMPP have a proper connection to MSSQL?
  4. Yes, that's correct you can do this. Write a simple bash script which take exerything that you want to get and execute that script by shell_exec(). That's all.
  5. I think you do not understand very proper how those functions work.
  6. Sorry, I don't use Microsoft products, but about the second one with a mb_convert_encoding() function try to get all results from mysql database into an array(). Something like that: $str = array("ąčęėįšųūž","ąčęėįšųūž","ąčęėįšųūž"); $out = mb_convert_encoding(implode(',', $str), "ISO-8859-13", "UTF-8"); header('Content-type: application/octet-stream'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=excelfile.csv"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); echo $out;
  7. No, is not. I think the us-ascii code for an "á" symbol is: $str = "\xe1"; // á echo utf8_encode($str); Can you try to get a ascii code for an "á" symbol?
  8. Put your emails into an array and just implode them. Example: // multiple recipients $to = array('examle1@example.com','example2@example.com','example3@example.com'); // send emails mail(implode(',', $to), $subject, $message, $headers);
  9. @OP, this is wrong: $msg = "NAME: " .$_POST['name'] ."<br>\n"; $msg .= "EMAIL: " .$_POST['email'] ."<br>\n"; $msg .= "COMMENTS: " .$_POST['comments'] ."<br>\n"; Correct one for Unix platform: $msg = "NAME: " .$_POST['name'] ."\n"; $msg .= "EMAIL: " .$_POST['email'] ."\n"; $msg .= "COMMENTS: " .$_POST['comments'] ."\n"; For non-Unix platform: $msg = "NAME: " .$_POST['name'] ."\r\n"; $msg .= "EMAIL: " .$_POST['email'] ."\r\n"; $msg .= "COMMENTS: " .$_POST['comments'] ."\r\n"; You can also check - PHP_EOL. EDIT: Never ever loop the mail function. Take a look at this.
  10. Why don't you create a custom php.ini file if you're thinking that the problem is there?
  11. A shell_exec() should be work too! Try, $test = shell_exec('cd /var/www/mysite.com/mysite.com;pwd'); echo $test;
  12. Christian's answer is correct, you don't have to convert anything, just make sure that your tables are on collation utf8_general_ci. Change and add those: $dbc = mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'password') or die('Error connecting to MySQL server.'); $db_name = mysql_select_db('database', $dbc); //set charset to utf8 mysql_set_charset('utf8',$dbc); $query = "SELECT first_name AS 'Pavardė', age AS 'Amžius', etc. etc. etc. FROM $DB_TBLName"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error querying database.'); $file_ending = "xls"; // change also that header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8");
  13. Try to run a shell_exec() php function instead of exec(), it should work. Exemple: $test = shell_exec('cd /var/www/mysite.com/mysite.com', $output); echo $test; If you want to list another directories where apache does not have permissions: //create a copy of catalogDB to attach $cd = shell_exec("chmod 755 /home/user/Downloads -R; cd /home/user/Downloads; ls -la ."); echo $cd;
  14. When you are using mysqli_set_charset() the first argument must be the link identifier unlike from mysql_set_charset().
  15. I know that Jessi, she is a teenage but obviously she is still a kid.
  16. What would happen if you try to insert lithuanian characters without filling the html form? <?php $conn = mysql_connect('host','user','password'); $db_name = mysql_select_db('wp-database', $conn); mysql_set_charset('utf8', $conn); $query = "INSERT reg_form (title,body) value ('Aciu. Ačiū', 'Sveiki atvyke Sveiki atvykę')"; $res = mysql_query($query);
  17. This doesn't make sanse to me. Can you show us the result of: SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM wp-database;
  18. Hey guys, our daughter lost them few days ago and she is telling us today. What is the standart procedures in these cases? Is it possible the providers or me tracking them by GPS or something else? Thanks in advance jazz...
  19. Just compare the status of collation. Example: SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM wp-database; AND SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM new-database;
  20. @regunix, I think he wants to execute a php GET variable by terminal. My suggestion: <?php $DealerID = $_GET['DealerID']; //create a copy of catalogDB to attach exec("php-cgi -f /home/terra/public_html/CreateDealerCatalogDB.php ID=$DealerID save=1");
  21. I think that the post content-length of the binary file exceeds the limit. Paste in that on the top of your script: <?php error_reporting(-1); ?>
  22. PHP does not care about ids from the form, only names and values atributes.
  23. Hm.... intersting. I never used json_decode converting json objects into associative php arrays. Anyway, I've tested your suggestion minutes ago and.........it's true. Here is it: <?php $data = '{"result":"success","data":{"high":{"value":"207.00000","value_int":"20700000","display":"$207.00","display_short":"$207.00","currency":"USD"},"low":{"value":"172.13000","value_int":"17213000","display":"$172.13","display_short":"$172.13","currency":"USD"},"avg":{"value":"190.06255","value_int":"19006255","display":"$190.06","display_short":"$190.06","currency":"USD"},"vwap":{"value":"189.49989","value_int":"18949989","display":"$189.50","display_short":"$189.50","currency":"USD"},"vol":{"value":"105772.39701647","value_int":"10577239701647","display":"105,772.40\u00a0BTC","display_short":"105,772.40\u00a0BTC","currency":"BTC"},"last_local":{"value":"205.97101","value_int":"20597101","display":"$205.97","display_short":"$205.97","currency":"USD"},"last_orig":{"value":"159.39420","value_int":"15939420","display":"159.39\u00a0\u20ac","display_short":"159.39\u00a0\u20ac","currency":"EUR"},"last_all":{"value":"207.57907","value_int":"20757907","display":"$207.58","display_short":"$207.58","currency":"USD"},"last":{"value":"205.97101","value_int":"20597101","display":"$205.97","display_short":"$205.97","currency":"USD"},"buy":{"value":"205.55333","value_int":"20555333","display":"$205.55","display_short":"$205.55","currency":"USD"},"sell":{"value":"205.97101","value_int":"20597101","display":"$205.97","display_short":"$205.97","currency":"USD"},"item":"BTC","now":"1365510862857980"}}'; $obj = json_decode($data, true); echo '<pre>'.print_r($obj['data']['avg'], true).'</pre>'; Results: Very good forum. I will take a note in the future
  24. Sorry, but your php code messed up, so if I try to help you, I have to rewrite almost everything from scratch. You need to take a step back learning more about good practices in php. Take a look at that web site.
  25. Can you show us how you are defined the "INCLUSIONS" constant? I thing you have a problem with the proper path to the file. Also, could you paste on the top of your srcript that line: error_reporting(-1);
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