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Everything posted by SharkBait

  1. I am looking for advice on how I should look at doing drop down menus for a website. dHTML would be ok because at least I can make the javascript easier cross-plateform except I have troubles with getting the menus in the right spots when you 'onmouseover' Pure CSS drop down menus would be nice but then I would have to worry about cross-platform issues like IE6 doesn't like the 'hover' attribute li tags (think that was the reason for the 'hack'). Anyway what can people suggest? (without 3rd party script) Looking mainly for tutorials or something I can play with and see what I can create. For some reason looking up 'dhtml horizontal menu tutorial' on google doesn't exactly show me what I want lol! I can do drop down menus with javascript but they 'expand' the menu and not 'popup' a seperate <div> over top (so things don't get shifted around etc). Thanks!
  2. Omg that is a silly thing with IE but thank you for explaining it Dave! Yea as for the LVHA thing I noticed that while reading another thread thanks!
  3. Site: www.tyleringram.com/tommys Now in Firefox the text shows up fine but if you view the page in IE6 (not sure about IE7) anything below the header seems to vanish. I've CSS and XHTML validated it so I am assuming its the float attributes that are not working properly in IE or, Firefox understands if I am doing it wrong. What am I missing?
  4. I really haven't had time to do this form for them and I am the only one in the company that has the knowledge do to this and the account department wanted it right away so they got the approval to have it outsourced while I worked on something that was more important. Now that I have time, I'm looking over the code and cleaning it up and adding in validation to it as well. I mean how many times does someone need to write out all of the states/provinces in North America? I just created an array and loop through it each time I need to reference them in a drop down All the accounting department had to do was wait a couple more days and I would of had time to create their online form (credit application) and it would be more functional than the one they outsourced. Oh well I guess if my CEO can have 2 bentley's, we can afford to outsource for some half-ass work
  5. Yea it wasn't that big of a rant, but I am disappointed that we paid someone to do such a lazy job. I am assuming they paid them because my accounting department has come to me to fix the script that they paid hourly to have created for them because i was busy on another project.
  6. The company I work for recently had outsourced a small project to a web design company and I am disappointed in the service that they performed. Definitely not up to my standards. The project was an online application where a customer would fill out various information about their company and then the information would be submitted via email to someone at my company. Well after they said the project was complete I decided to test it out and I found a few things that irked me. 1) You can submit an empty form which is what we didn't want 2) The 'required' checkbox can be left unchecked when submitting the form 3) There is no error handling so if mail() was to fail, no one would be informed. </rant> Has anyone else had experiences like this where they hired an outside company to do a project for them, was informed it was complete and only to find out it was half-ass completed?
  7. <?php $date = $flight['Dept Date']; echo "Flight request date: " . $date; ?>
  8. Oh yea.. that's it magic_quotes was on I wish they would make that default being off. Thanks
  9. I noticed that when I am using mysql_real_escape_string it seems to be adding 2 backslashes like this: <?php if(!empty($_POST['short'])) { $short = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['short'])); } else { $short = ""; } ?> So if $_POST['short'] is this: The car's paint job is great to look at becomes this when I echo it after the escape The car\\'s paint job is great to look at Now there is no other escaping of characters so i am not sure why it is doing this.
  10. <?php $date = date("d m Y", strtotime("+24 hours"); ?> Works for me
  11. I'll use Colour Schemer Studio and see what colours it will come up with to brighten it up. Thanks for the suggestion!
  12. Makes sense.. brighter/light colours makes it more inviting/happier. I'll have to think of a colour scheme then thanks!
  13. I would also do all of your updates prior to redirecting the user. I dont know if it matters but just makes a bit more sense to me
  14. www.tyleringram.com/New Something simple and perhaps useful to myself since I would really like to start doing more design/development/repair work for websites. Just looking for initial thoughts and suggestions.
  15. So you just want to open PHP script within a <div> tag? <?php echo "<div>"; require("myfile.php"); echo "</div>"; ?>
  16. Yea sorry the Mistress as in a lover... So if a guy has a lover who is with another person... they are nothing? weird....
  17. Ok a Female can be a mistress.. what is the male equivalent?? I can't seem to figure out if there is a word for the male equivalent for the word Mistress.
  18. The other thing you might want to look at is the <![CDATA[ ]]> for XML (or rss feeds) that will ignore special characters and display them as is. It took me forever to figure it out but various characters can break the validation of XML and using the above worked for me. Example: <?php $feed = "<item>\n <title>{$blog['title']}</title>\n <description><![CDATA[{$description}]]?</description>\n <link>http://www.tyleringram.com/blog/{$url}</link>\n <pubDate>{$pubDate}</pubDate>\n <guid>http://www.tyleringram.com/blog/{$url}</guid>\n </item>\n\n"; ?> Now because $description is my blog's content it has various special characters that would invalidate or break the XML. Hope this helps a bit too.
  19. Ugh the blue gradient is... icky I would make the page like 800px wide and not fluid like you currently have it. Well make an outside <div> 800px and then you can make everything inside that fluid. As for a web design company's website (and others have said) its not really exciting. You're suppose to create a presence for your client and if they see that, you might not get many clients. Web Design is a saturated with a lot of web design companies, you need to make yourself unique and stand out!
  20. Not only is it a wordpress skin, its a fairly popular one too
  21. I guess if you take my salary ($40k) it's not bad though web development isn't my only task here at work I do a mix of alot of things. Web development, windows programing, IT administration, dog walking.... the list goes on. But its time for a 20% increase in wage I think because I've been here for 3.5yrs without an increase and I have done alot for this company.....
  22. This seems more difficult than I thought it might be hehe. I'll try your approach and see what I can come up with. Thanks
  23. This is more of a nittpick thing but your site says: So if it's out of beta. then why is it still undergoing development?
  24. I am wanting to create a little blackjack game (text for now) for fun but I can't seem to figure out how I should store the cards. Total of 52 cards (right? can't remember lol) Values: 2 through 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace 4 Suites: Club, Diamond, Hearts and Spades I will also want to do 7 decks but for now I think I'll stick to working out with one. I am also not sure how I would handle the values of the face cards (which of course are 10) and the ace being either 1 or 11. Would a multi-dimension array work? $cards = array("S" => array(2, 3, 4, 5....), "C" => array(2, 3, 4, 5));
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