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Everything posted by SharkBait

  1. I completely forgot about the includes folder! omg. Thanks for telling me! Thanks for the feedback, I'll leave it as is then. I will also add the first/last to the page navigation
  2. I like it. I would personally take out the links that currently go no where and also do a rollover or ever color change (a:hover) with the navigation. I also agree about centering it. Currently on my laptop it looks ok but if I to went over to my desktop my widescreen monitor would make it look a bit odd. 1440x900 is nice
  3. Not sure if this goes here or under a different section. I was looking at my blog (www.tyleringram.com) and I am thinking of turning it into a 3-column layout instead of a 2-column layout. Now currently the page is 800px wide and centered on the page. If I were to go to a 3-column layout I don't want to change the left and center column sides but add another 160px for the right column. Is 960px too wide for a website (though 90% of my traffic runs their resolutions at 1280x1024) or should I perhaps shorten the middle column (posts) a bit so that I can bring the overall width down a bit. I don't want to use a fluid layout and like to keep the width at a certain size. I want to go to 3-column layout because my left column is becoming to long and I don't want to have people scroll for some of the block sections Make sense? heh
  4. Google Analytics is based on Urchin (which Google bought) and it's what I tend to use for 4 of my sites and I know alot of other people use it too. I too agree that if you show your visitor count, which is usually just page views, it looks cheesy and GeoCities-ish.
  5. Ah ok I finished building it. Thanks for the table structure I used something really similar, but used 3 tables instead. I have some tweaking to do but it was fun creating it! You can view it on my blog: http://www.tyleringram.com/blog/PHP-and-MySQL-Poll-Based-System
  6. Ok I see what you mean. Have all seperate tables and have one table the joins the question to the options. I'll look into using something like that. Thanks.
  7. I am looking at coding up a poll that will take a maximum of 5 answers. Now I'm trying to think of how to handle the database portion of this and wondering will two tables be enough. One that holds the title and choices and then another table to hold the vote? tbl_poll ---------------- id | question | option1 | option2 | option3 | option4 | option5 | date_started tbl_poll_answers ---------------- id | poll_id | answer | ip | date_voted I would use the tbl_poll_answers to limit the person from voting more than once (yes I know people can spoof the IP but this isn't critical). I would link the two tables based on: tbl_poll_answers.poll_id = tbl_poll.id Now when the user voted for an option what is the best way to handle that portion? in tbl_poll_answsers.answer would I putt in the exact text I have in tbl.poll_{WhateverOptonTheyChoose} ? or am I missing a field or two to get the answer to link up with the question?
  8. PHP is probably the main tasks at work and I get paid about 40k a year. Though I haven't had a raise in 3 years and I now have 3 years more experience
  9. What if you were to run something like Ethereal, though I think it's called WireShark now. Anyway what it does is captures packets and if you do a post via HTTP it should show you the stack and hopefully you'll be able to pick out some info from it
  10. Ah thanks, that's the same page I just recently bookmarked too!
  11. hehe i just signed up as username asdf with an email of asdf@asdf.com no need to validate or anything. In firefox the site is all over the place and I'm afraid I won't look at it any further. I'd contain it into a box of sorts that is aligned in the middle of the screen. I'd make sure the forms that need to be filled out aren't all align="center" too And when I logout I get this: You have been logged out! Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/deathsta/public_html/logout.php:5) in /home/deathsta/public_html/logout.php on line 6
  12. Umm I just looked at this exact same template: http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/index.php verus http://www.evcircuit.com/ So who did what site?? and if you did the PHP and MySQL behind it.. what did FreelanceBusinessman do? I'm confused!
  13. I was thinking about my RSS feed on my blog and whether or not I should make it a dynamic so I can feed it url arguements to customize the feed. Currently I just off a feed for my blog posts. I was thinking of making it so that people could subscribe to an rss feed that is tailored to a blog post's comments. I would have my default RSS feed, and then I would offer a link at the Post a Comment section that they could click on and it would give them the link that would dynamically generate the feed. Would this be a good way about doing this? I thought about using mail() to send out notices when someone posts a new comment but those can get stuck in junkmail filters etc. Any thoughts? Thanks
  14. echo date("F d, Y", strtotime($_SESSION['MY_date'])); bah I was beaten to it!
  15. Something similar to: UPDATE Table1, Table2 SET Table1.Blah = 'WOO', TABLE2.Widget = '12345' WHERE Table1.id = '1' AND Table2.id = Table1.id ??
  16. I've never really looked into it but can you UPDATE multiple tables at once? I normally just update one table at a time but I wouldn't mind being to update 2 tables at once. I SELECT them via JOINs so I'd like to update them too
  17. <?php echo "You're file is location: {$uploadfile}"; ?> Wouldn't it?
  18. Hi, I've been working with the following code for someone: <?php $news = mysql_query("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(NewsDate, '%m-%d-%Y %H:%i:%s') as myDate FROM News ORDER BY NewsDate DESC LIMIT 8") or die ("cant get em"); while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($news)){ $title=$rows["NewsTitle"]; $content=$rows["NewsText"]; $date = date('m-d-Y H:i s', strtotime($rows['myDate']) + 3600); $author=$rows["author"]; ?> But what is happening when I echo $date it shows up at 11-23-2008 22:45:00. It should read 03-06-2007 22:45:00. When I run the MySQL Query by itself within phpMyAdmin it returns the proper value for it which would be 03-06-2007 21:45:00. Now when I run <?php echo date('m-d-Y H:i:s', strtotime('2007-03-06 22:45:00') + 3600); ?> Locally it works fine.. but when the script runs on the remote location it doesnt work properly. I add 1 hour to compensate for the server being behind an hour (there is no control over server time due to it being a free webhost). Any ideas?? Thanks!
  19. Check to see you're setting the session? <?php if(isset($_SESSION['s_logged_in'])) { // Woo I'm in } ?>
  20. Think the only way would be to look at your web server's apache logs and search that for the file you're looking for.
  21. Hey cool you've been able to continue with your design! Nice! I liked your previous thread of the portal page you were creating and I definitely like what you've been doing with the rest of the site.
  22. What error are you having?
  23. This is what I have: RewriteRule ^blog/([A-z0-9\.\!\,\'\-:+)$ entry.php?title=$1 But when there is a exclamtion (!) mark in the title variable it breaks. What am I doing wrong to escape characters like that? Thanks!
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