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Everything posted by yoursurrogategod

  1. This is why weekly updates to the client are a good idea . Giving them bits and pieces of what you're doing as you go along is a good idea too (unless your client has a modicum of understanding of software development processes and gives you a spec).
  2. Honestly, this is what I would have done: 1 - Find out the country from where the client is making the request. 2 - Contact other web-developers from the same country -- offering the same requirements -- and ask them for their price-range. Boom, you now have a rough idea. 3 - Then, based on how you market yourself, you can charge what you would think is appropriate.
  3. Planking was a pointless kind of stupid, this is just a wasteful kind of stupid. http://www.inquisitr.com/413643/internet-milking-craze-when-will-the-stupidity-stop-op-ed/
  4. This is why I'm updating my resume and sending it out . Basically, we have no documentation for our "applications" (most of them are held together with duct-tape and elmers glue, sometimes if we get fancy, we'll use an actual steel nail!), we don't have a development process and upper-management has recently decreed that "we're not a software development shop" (I found this after I've been working here for 6+ months, my jaw never was never more agape as that moment). Now, middle-management has decreed that we need a spec now. I have experience writing specifications for state-based (desktop apps) programs, but was wondering whether there is any difference between that and web-development. By the way, what are BA and SA? Also, do you know of organizations that have such processes that you speak about? That, honestly, I find to be interesting.
  5. Hi, I'm going to be writing a new application with Zend/PHP. One of the requirements is that we have an SRS. I've never done an SRS for a web app. I'm curious what others have done and what has worked (or not) for you guys. Thoughts?
  6. Hi, I have this piece of text that is stored in our MS-SQL database (ignore the quotes and no, I can't redesign how this work specifically): "TEST|00000298398293|EQ5|Patient" Now, when I do a simple select, I get that result being returned. What I'd like to do is split that string based on the "|" character and return the individual strings associated with this string, so that I could have "TEST", "0000298398293", "EQ5" and "Patient" in different fields. How can I do this? In PHP, you can use the explode method, is there something like that in MS-SQL?
  7. Please ignore this. My whole approach was wrong and with my new way of doing things, these problems went away.
  8. I gotta ask, why is IBM i Server a good platform for web development? Are there any advantages or disadvantages? And hello, have fun here .
  9. Hi, I have the following code: SELECT v.account_number_institution AS inst, v.account_number, v.nurse_station, v.discharge_timestamp, s.form_name, s.date_form_modified, s.destination_address, s.destination_description, s.result_message, s.date_sent FROM patient_visits v LEFT OUTER JOIN encounter_form_outgoing_status s ON v.account_number = s.account_number AND v.account_number_institution = s.account_number_institution WHERE v.discharge_timestamp BETWEEN convert(varchar(, getdate() - 1, 1) AND convert(varchar(, getdate(), 1) AND 'TZK' IN ('', v.account_number_institution) ORDER BY v.account_number_institution, v.nurse_station, v.discharge_timestamp DESC, s.date_form_modified DESC, s.form_name, s.date_sent DESC It returns the following results: TZK 000000090316688 2012-11-13 16:12:07.000 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL TZK 000000090316506 2012-11-13 11:57:08.000 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL TZK 000000090316522 2012-11-13 11:09:30.000 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL TZK 000000090316654 3E 2012-11-13 10:44:00.000 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL TZK 000000090316548 3N3 2012-11-13 13:18:00.000 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL TZK 000000090316480 CCU 2012-11-13 11:05:15.000 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL However, when it comes to the discharges that were done today (on the 14th of November), they are not displayed. I don't get it, I thought that this would not be an issue. Am I missing something in my SQL code? How can I get the MS-SQL schema and post it here?
  10. This is my controller, called ReportsDisplay.php: <?php class ReportsController extends Zend_Controller_Action { /** * This is the initialization method that we can use for debugging or * setting some values whenever this class is instantiated. */ public function init() { //Zend_Debug::dump(get_declared_classes()); // dump the contents of the request object as you see fit. //Zend_Debug::dump($this->getRequest(), 'Request Object'); } /** * This is the reportsAction, it's here for making sure that the reports * page is displayed without an issue. */ public function reportsAction() { } public function reportsDisplayAction() { } public function indexAction() { $reportsForm = new Application_Form_Reports(); $this->view->form = $reportsForm; $params = $this->_request->getParams(); } }
  11. Hi everyone, when I run my view, this is the result that I get: This is my view: <p>Hello world</p> <?php $this->headLink()->appendStylesheet($this->serverUrl($this->baseUrl('/css/continuity-form-style-v3.css')), $media = "all"); $pv = $this->patientVisit; /* @var $pv Application_Model_Entity_PatientVisit */ $reports= $pv->getReports();/* @var Application_Model_Entity_CPM */ ?> <div> <?php // find the type of report that the user would like to retrieve. $reportType = $request->getParam('report_type'); if ('dischargedWithoutDinstr' == $reportType) { } elseif ('dischargedFaxStatus' == $reportType) { } elseif ('dischargedFaxStatusWeek' == $reportType) { } // this executes faxStatusRecent when there are no other options. else { } ?> </div> Now, what am I doing wrong? Am I missing something? Should I show more code of some sort?
  12. I have this piece of PHP code: function OffsetDate($dayFraction, $date = false) { if(!$date) { $date = 'CURDATE()'; } $fraction = $dayFraction * 24 * 3600; return $date . ' + INTERVAL ' . $fraction . ' SECOND'; } If I were to put in -28 as an input value (and only that value), this is the result that I would get: "CURDATE() + INTERVAL 2419200 SECOND " What will that SQL code do? What does it mean? I have to maintain this PHP code, but I don't quite understand how this SQL would work in a simulated environment.
  13. That did not occur to me. This is what I get: And I checked in my php.ini file and the timezone was in Europe/Berlin, I changed that to America/New_York. I'll go with the "clever" approach (easier to understand).
  14. Hi, I'm confused about this code: <?php //phpinfo(); $twentyEightDaysOffset = 28; echo "Since time immemorial: " . time() . "<br><br>"; echo "Offset 28 days ago: " . (time() - ($twentyEightDaysOffset * 24 * 60 * 60)) . " and now in days: " . (date('Y-m-d', time() - ($twentyEightDaysOffset * 24 * 60 * 60))) . "<br><br>"; echo "A slightly more clever way of doing this: " . (date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-28 day'))) . "<br><br>"; ?> When I run this code, this is what I get: Since time immemorial: 1352153998 Offset 28 days ago: 1349734798 and now in days: 2012-10-09 A slightly more clever way of doing this: 2012-10-08 Now, here is my question. Why is it that when I do (time() - (28 * 24 * 60 * 60)), I get a different date than when I run strtotime('-28 day')? And why is it that when I set the strtotime('-9 day) and $twentyEightDaysOffset to 9, that's when the drift in dates begins? Also, is there a way to post PHP code with indentations so that it looks better?
  15. The web-app already exists. I was wondering how to move all of the data that's in Access into MySQL (over-writing all of the previous data in MySQL). Most options that I found online did not work (maybe I was looking in the wrong location?)
  16. Hi all, In my organization we have a small group that keeps track of medical terms in an Access database (they're secretaries and not very technically savvy, it works for them) and they'd like to take the contents of this database and move it to a web-app who's backend is a MySQL database. What would be the best way to make this conversion happen? The version of Access is: 2007
  17. Not following you. You have a method that you'd like to use. You don't want to create 2 methods (one static, one dynamic) that are exactly the same. So you make a small instance of the class where the static method because you need access to that one method. Can I create an instance of my class elsewhere as opposed to a static method? Sure. But in a case that having an instance is undesirable/impossible, I don't see an alternative.
  18. If you really need to be able to use a dynamic function from inside a static method, then that's one way.
  19. Ok, say I have this url (it's a dummy URL, it doesn't lead anywhere meaningful, it's just for illustrative purposes): http://staging.intra...3982/region/TYQ I'm working in Zend Framework 1.10 (hence the slashes between variables and their values). Now, how could I get at the customerOrder and region? I'd like to grab that info when the user clicks on a Fax button (which is custom made and I'd like to use this info for our purposes). Any ideas how I can get this info? A 'zend' way of doing this will be nice, but I'll be pretty happy with using just straight up PHP.
  20. And calling dynamic inside of static methods is possible. ManiacDan, I did find this "work-around" to the problem that I'm having. Basically, you instantiate the class inside of a static method and you can gain functionality to the class. I realize that the static method would need a setter method to pass in variables that the other class might need, but hey, not too shabby. <?php //phpinfo(); class StaticMethodClass { public function simpleMethod() { self::samplePrintStuff(); echo "And yet more printing!<br><br>"; } public function weWillPrintStuff() { echo "Still not enough outputs and other goodies!<br><br>"; } private static function samplePrintStuff() { self::samplePrint(); } private static function samplePrint() { echo "This is a simple sample print!<br><br>"; } public static function callerFunction() { self::samplePrintStuff(); $smClass = new StaticMethodClass(); $smClass->weWillPrintStuff(); } } StaticMethodClass::callerFunction(); $smc = new StaticMethodClass(); $smc->simpleMethod(); ?>
  21. It's possible that you did not have all error reporting turned on.
  22. How would I do that in this case? I _need_ to call samplePrint, any way to get around this issue?
  23. Well, that almost did the trick. This is what I get with the following code: Code: <?php //phpinfo(); class StaticMethodClass { private function samplePrint() { echo "This is a simple sample print!<br><br>"; } public static function callerFunction() { self::samplePrint(); } } StaticMethodClass::callerFunction(); ?> Output: How would I get out of this issue?
  24. Eine freundliche Begrüßung! You did bring the beer, right?
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