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Everything posted by ober

  1. echo date("l d/m/y", strtotime($infoarray['date']));
  2. Yes, it crashed, but I was using a "weekly" release... not exactly tested like a beta release.
  3. ober

    1024 x 768

    Andy, I agree with you on the stats point from W3, but I've run JS stats engines on sites not too long ago and the stats were pretty comparative. And that was on a site that didn't have anything to do with technology.
  4. The Fast Reply boxes have been enabled in PHP Help and PHP Newbie Help. Keep in mind that we still have flood control enabled with a 15-second delay. If they are abused in any way, we will be forced to disable them. Thanks and happy coding from the PHPFreaks team!
  5. It's possible. But it would be a lot easier than any other alternative of keeping track of the videos and associated information.
  6. That error means that their is either white space or HTML or some other output being created before you call session_start().
  7. That's a JavaScript question. PHP is server side only.
  8. ober

    1024 x 768

    That's true and a very valid point, but some of my sites are for that specific audience that fit into the "older" crowd that don't have the latest in PC technology... people like old folks that are using hand-me-down PCs that their kids gave them. So unfortunately, I still write sites for that resolution. The other thing that provides is easy printing. You build a site that fits inside a 800x600 resolution and you're building a site that requires no changes for printing.
  9. Goddamn it... I had a really detailed list and then my browser crashed. And now I'm too knackered to re-write it all.
  10. ober

    1024 x 768

    You should still program for 800x600. There are still an amazingly large amount of users running that resolution, unfortunately. I have, however, seen a trend of web designers moving to a 1024x768. [a href=\"http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp[/a]
  11. Well the first one probably came from the fact that you were using "desc" as a column name... that's a keyword. I'm not sure what the second error is from.
  12. Change: [code]mysql_query($query); echo("Success!");[/code] To: [code]$result = mysql_query($query); if($result)    echo "Success!"; else    echo "There was an error!" . mysql_error();[/code] And tell us what you get. It would also help if you had access to phpmyadmin and you could create the table through there (or at least run the SQL through there) and see if you get anything.
  13. The "AS" part creates an alias. So when you echo a field, you want to use the alias name instead of the actual field name (the part after the "as"). echo $album['Picture'];
  14. That's probably because you're not specifying a specific file. You're just giving it an address. Could it possibly be: $xml = simplexml_load_file('http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/topstories.xml'); ?
  15. I'm about 99% sure I closed another thread like this. Emailing the same person x amount of times is nothing but a spam/joke generator and won't be tolerated on these forums. Unless you can PM me with a valid reason for a tool like this, the thread will remain closed. EDIT: Reopened. Unless you're using an old version of PHP, you need to use $_POST['number'] or $_GET['number']... same goes with the name, email address, etc. Also, your for loop is setup backwards. The middle term needs to be <=, it's a conditional statement that says keep going until it reaches x.
  16. Ya know, this topic changes as new editors get released. I'm not sure why we'd care if it came up again. New releases of old software changes their status too.
  17. I personally use Homesite 5.5, but if I were to switch to a free editor, I'd go with PHP Designer (2005... I've tried the 2006 beta and it's still really buggy). I've tried Eclipse and the Maguma studio packages... didn't really care for either.
  18. Well, to be honest, I'm not sure it's going to work how you're setting up the connection. I've never successfully pass a connection around like that. That might be where your problem is.
  19. That means you have an SQL error, and I'm going to guess it's the fact that you don't have single quotes around $user in your query.
  20. I'm not sure I understand the question. You need to put the results in 2 different databases or you need to send the results onto 2 other processing files? I guess my question is why can't you put all processing of the form into one file? And if you can't, you could always process the first file and then use a header() call to send the process onto the second file.
  21. Not off the top of my head. And I'd keep an eye on this thread if I were you. There are a few other members on here that probably have some experience in this arena that may be able to help you out.
  22. You can jump in and out of PHP as much as you want.
  23. I don't honestly know to tell you the truth, but I'm about 96% sure that calling a PHP script via webbrowser would pretty much kill it if you just decided not to provide a return path for the results.... that may not be an exactly accurate description of why it would die, but I can't come up with the right wording at the moment. It can't hurt to try, but it appears that you've done that, without a positive result.
  24. Your function would have an input in the class: [code]function GetUserInfo($user) { [/code] And you would call it like this: [code]$cn->GetUserInfo($user);[/code] Alternately, you could also pass this as a value to the constructor and make it a global variable in the class if you plan to use it in other areas of the class.
  25. [code]echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.writeln(\'<img id="menu0Image" src="./images/minus.jpg" alt="Collapse"  onClick="toggle(\'menu0Image\',\'menu0List\')\';\'">')\';\'</script><br>';[/code] Give that a shot. You have to escape ALL single quotes. And I'm not sure why you're using an echo for this... surely you could jump out of PHP and just write that instead of echoing it.
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