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Everything posted by ober

  1. You'll find that the error you're getting often results from a bad SQL query, like your value for the limit isn't correct or something. Change this: [code]$option = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM toxic_poll_results ORDER BY option_number ASC LIMIT " .$totaloptions. "");          while($optionarray=mysql_fetch_assoc($option)) {         $optionvotes = $optionarray['option_votes'];         $percent = ($totalvotes / 100) * $optionvotes;         print '' .$option[$x]. ': <img src="images/bar.gif" width="' .$percent. '" /> ' .$percent. '%<br /><br />';         $x++;     }[/code] To this: [code]$option = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM toxic_poll_results ORDER BY option_number ASC LIMIT " .$totaloptions. ""); if($option && mysql_num_rows($option) > 0) {         while($optionarray=mysql_fetch_assoc($option)) {         $optionvotes = $optionarray['option_votes'];         $percent = ($totalvotes / 100) * $optionvotes;         print '' .$option[$x]. ': <img src="images/bar.gif" width="' .$percent. '" /> ' .$percent. '%<br /><br />';         $x++; } else       echo mysql_error();     }[/code] Run that and tell us what it says.
  2. Somehow your $_POST contains a variable called "submit". That's the only way I can figure this doesn't work. Try changing the name of the submit button to something else and then modifying your first if statement. Also, this should be above the form, not below it. One more thing, when you submit, it doesn't refill the form with the info you already submitted. You might want to fix that. And it wouldn't hurt to say what was required and what wasn't. If it's all required, say so.
  3. [code] if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) // error checking {      while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))      {           echo $row['column1'];           echo $row['column2'];      } } [/code]
  4. $_POST[title] should be: $_POST['title'] And the same with the rest of them. You need quotes.
  5. elseif { $_POST[new] == "" } You're using {} instead of ().
  6. SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY newsdate DESC LIMIT 2 Just another note: "date" is a bad column title because it's a MySQL and PHP keyword.
  7. You can't do that for more than one file. include("domains.php"); include("rotate.php"); include("other.php"); etc.
  8. I think your error may be in your query: $query = "UPDATE mud_armour SET equipped = '1' WHERE arid = '$change'"; Change it to: $query = "UPDATE mud_armour SET equipped = '1' WHERE arid = '" . $_POST['change'] . "'";
  9. Post again if you still have issues.
  10. Welcome to the forums. I'm not personally aware of any said issues with AIX, but I've never run it on AIX either. Doing a quick search on a PHP mirror didn't yield any negative results, and I'm sure there are probably work-arounds for any issues you might run into.
  11. I'm going to guess it's because you're nesting a form inside of a table. Put your form tags outside of the table (you can obviously leave the input fields in the table) and see what happens. Also, it's good practice to put the action attribute in the form even if you're submitting to the same page. And I assume you mean "equip" instead of "attack", because that's how it is coded.
  12. $sun = $_SESSION['username']; That should work (make sure you use CAPS). Remember that you must have put $_SESSION['username'] = 'some_value'; somewhere else in your code.
  13. You can check the properties of a temp directory by using a FTP client.
  14. Welcome to the phpfreaks! There are a few different ways to do this. The first and best (IMO) would be to use a database to store your information. The second option would be to use a flat file (text file). If you go to the phpfreaks site (not the forums), you'll find tutorials on how to do both. You can also do a search on the forums that will probably yield you with some good results.
  15. You need to either name those text boxes differently or use an array (ie. "quantity[]") for the name of the textboxes.
  16. It could be a variety of things: 1) People don't trust paypal 2) You don't have the products people are looking for 3) You're not advertising enough (only 10 hits per day is pretty poor!) 4) People don't like the bright red 5) Prices aren't right Who knows... it can take months or even years for websites to really grow and get a good customer base.
  17. You need to use the forum's login table and build sessions like they do (if they use sessions) so it carries over between the two.
  18. "export csv" will get you the same results. The word "to" is what it is complaining about. The current limit here is 3, not 4.
  19. You can easily beat the MEC if you take and hold the intake.
  20. English or not, I don't see an explanation of what it is anywhere. There's not enough text explaining what I'm looking at or what any of the pictures mean. As with Andy, the load time was horrendous... on a normal broadband connection a picture with that content should be no problem, and even on dialup, it shouldn't take nearly as long as it did. You should definately try to optomize the pics a little more and consider pre-loading more of the images in the background if possible. I'd also suggest losing some of the borders because they suck and they're boring. Nice concept, poor delivery.
  21. You could start by removing stuff like this: [a href=\"http://chicblvd.com/dating/him_and_her/mr_right.html\" target=\"_blank\"]http://chicblvd.com/dating/him_and_her/mr_right.html[/a] While I agree that all women are precious and men should treat them with the utmost respect and do all those things, I also think women shouldn't expect them. As for the website itself... it's ok. One thing I noticed was that once I clicked on an item to order it (one of the bachelorette t-shirts), the picture didn't show up with the description. But I did notice that it worked for several other items. Another thing of concern is that when you click on an item when it's in the shopping cart, it takes you to what I assume to be your old yahoo store or something. Another thing that's probably hurting you is that you don't have a ton of choices. I don't know anyone that wants to buy a 24K gold golf ball.
  22. Even if you did, I'd put up a lengthy explanation of how you secure it.
  23. It depends. Ron and I have access to the templates, but not the database changes. We also (well, at least I don't) don't have access to the actual files themselves, so I/we can't edit the files, just what the admin panel provides us with.
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