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Everything posted by ober
Well I'm not going to write it for you. The examples provided in the manual don't get much more clear on how to use them.
I'd suggest checking with them. The code is too simple to be anything else if you say the response is being returned correctly.
Has anything changed on the server in the past day?
Remove the error suppression (@ symbol) and see if the file_get_contents() part is working.
Well... you have a div in there plus a <br>. You may have to take one or both out to get it to stay on one line.
All you should have to do is check to see if there is anything in the $_FILES array. If there isn't, skip that portion of the processing event.
May I ask what is taking so long? What are you possibly doing that would take 6 minutes to process on the database? And are you starting the sending of the script every 60 seconds? You really need to change the execution time in the php.ini file.
All you have to do is add a counter variable to the loop. I'm going to modify your code, because do-while loops aren't the normal or preferred way of looping through a recordset... because it will ALWAYS do one before checking the condition and I'm not sure how you're getting your first record that way either... and for that matter, you're jumping in and out of PHP tags FAR too often: [code]<?php if($Recordset1 && mysql_num_rows($Recordset1) > 0) { $counter = 0; while ($row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1)); { if(++$counter == 12) { echo '<span class="breaker"></span>'; $counter = 0; } extract($row_Recordset1); ?> <div class="employee"> <p> <img src="images/<?=$firstname?>_<?=$lastname?>.jpg" width="140" height="140" /><br /> <?php echo "$firstname<br /> $lastname<br /> $office<br /> $phone</p>"; ?> </div> <?php } } ?>[/code]
I'm not sure what you're trying to do. The only reason you would use HEREDOC is to echo something. If you want to do string comparisons, put the strings into an array.
I'm not sure I understand how the code you posted relates to the problem. Everytime you run that script, you should just add in another query to check the stock level and if the results of the query match your level... you echo a message. Maybe you can explain the problem a little more?
I'm not completely sure I understand the question or how it relates to your dynamic image script, but you should look into fopen(), fread(), fwrite() for reading and writing text files.
This is not a PHP question. Thread Closed.
Hmm... double posting. Yeah, that's against forum guidelines. If you want it moved to this board, that can be done, but please don't double post. You can bump your old thread if it hasn't been answered or PM me to have it moved to here. Thread Closed.
Everyone has their own personal tastes, but I think a lot of what people post on this critique board is technical stuff (how the site works, whether it uses mailto vs a contact form, etc.). And certain fonts are just bad ideas... you want the site to be readable, easy to navigate, and have a good flow. The rest is just graphics and making the site appeal to the general public. However, if you're finding that what you like is the complete opposite of what everyone else is saying, maybe you're in wrong business. Some people just have a knack for this stuff. It's all about style... people like jcombs have it and they know how to produce it. I'm pretty much a hack when it comes to style, but I'd like to think I know what works and what doesn't. EDIT: for example... you obviously don't care about paragraphs and making sure your spelling is ok when you post on a forum. I do. It's little things like that that set us apart.
They support PNG, just not transparency and opacity in those browsers.
James, Thanks for reporting all those threads. I've gone though and deleted every thread he posted that was offensive. I've also PMed the admins.
I don't understand your layout whatsoever. The banner image is fixed width... and it's stretched to all hell so it looks like garbage. The font you're using is horrid and hard to read. And there's no styling otherwise to speak of. Work on the CSS and pick either fixed width or full and then get back to us. And I'm not sure what Javascript you're talking about, because what you have right now shouldn't require ANY javascript.
If you find someone posting something inappropriate or spamming the forums, hit the "Report" button under the post. One of the mods will see it and take care of it. If it goes on long enough, they'll be banned.
I'm unsure why you would want to do something like that. Storing the same data in 2 places means that your database isn't normalized. However, you could create a VIEW that would meet your criteria.
You can easily grab the values out of the form with Javascript before opening the pop-up. If you're unsure how, post in the Javascript board and someone should be able to help you.
Actually thorpe, it would appear like he's using strings instead of integers. So the way he had it origionally should work, and he does query the database... it's above the output. However, if you truly intend to use integers (0,1), you should change the table and the if statement if it is currently treating those as strings. Are you sure any of the fields actually have 0 in them??
$this is a keyword within a class that refers to the classes global variables. $this->variable_name = "x"; will set the class's variable equal to x. The .= is an append. It will add whatever is past the equals sign to the current string instead of replacing it.
You're going to have to be a little more clear on how you're passing the vars. Does the page submit to another page that opens the pop-up, or are you opening the pop-up from the same page? If it's the first, you have to make sure that you're filling the javascript function with the posted variables before you open the pop-up. If it's the second, you can't use POST variables that way. You'll have to use JS to extract the data out of the form elements.