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Everything posted by jgab

  1. Hi , i'm new to php. i'm creating a signup form with email verification (PHPmailer) everything seems to work except when the user confirm the email, their information does not save to the database , so they can't login their account. the error is with the INSERT INTO customer part. can someone help me? thanks <?php if (isset($_GET["passkey"])) { $confirm = $_GET["passkey"]; $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root"); if (!$con) echo(mysql_error()); else { mysql_select_db("dbhotel",$con); $sql = "SELECT * FROM temp WHERE ConfirmCode = '" . $confirm . "'"; $rs = mysql_query($sql,$con); if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == 1) { $rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); $sql = "INSERT INTO customers(FName,LName,Title,Address,Phone,Email,Password) VALUES ('". $rows["FName"] . "','" . $rows["LName"] . "','" . $rows["Title"] . "','" . $rows["Address"] . "','" . $rows["Phone"] . "','" . $rows["Email"] . "','" . $rows["Password"]."')"; mysql_query($sql,$con); $sql = "DELETE FROM temp WHERE ConfirmCode = '" . $confirm . "'"; mysql_query($sql,$con); echo "Congratulations " . $rows["Title"] ." ". $rows["FName"] ." ". $rows["LName"] . ", you are now a member!"; } else { echo "Sorry, we are unable to process your request at this moment. Please try again later."; } } mysql_close($con); } else { echo "You do not have enough permissions to access this page."; } ?>
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