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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. amateurs have this problem I will concede - but that is purely they don't have the experience. PROFESSIONAL developers should be using everything to their advantage - and css is but one of the tools still not utilised to its potential by the vast majority...
  2. DO use absolute positioning - especially with a good strict doc type!!! The beauty of css layouts is that you can create semantic, well ordered mark up that can have absolutely NOTHING to do with the visual layout. This gives you FAR more control over what you can do. If you just go in and replace your tables with divs yet maintain the flow of your document to reflect its visual layout then you have just wasted all the power that css gives you...
  3. Film god... There are LOTS of people who will help others through out this wonderful planet. If you'd like to know how to find them simply enter my lottery based in Ghana... You will be able to claim the entire contents of a recently deceased wealthy individual - all you need to do is give me your bank details, driving license number and passport number. On completion I shall send you a list of email addresses of wonderful people just like me and AndyB
  4. true for ie6 but modern browsers do handle :hover on any element... td div { display: none; } td:hover div { display: block; } REMEMBER ie6 WILL need a JS solution.
  5. if you are just getting started with css then I would suggest you use this opportunity to drop table based layouts also. the height of an element is dictated either by an absolute value or a percentage of its parents available space - IMO height should NEVER be defined for any element that will have variable amounts of content within....
  6. you should build your site to work with ANY technology and simply provide a style sheet for the relevant media type for each...
  7. you don't need to do this in php... just use ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0, 1 in your select clause....
  8. no - you could use javascript but that seems like a whole load of work for not that much benefit - just place a text input next to or below for the user to fill in if their option is not available...
  9. <h2><a href="">text</a><h2> give the a tag in side h2... h2 a { display: block; text-indent: -9999px; }
  10. you want a textarea... <textarea id="fieldname" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea> you can use css to give it width and height but rows and cols are needed for validation.
  11. you can actually reference your string as an array in exactly the way you show. $string{2} has been used but I believe in php6 you will only be able to use $string[2] notation. so get the size of the 'array' just use strlen();
  12. the main reason to do this is because you should never use an image to convey anything you can do with semantic markup. The use of background images and hiding text allows you to provide a nice eye-catching design or company logo but still maintain readability for text only or assistive technology devices.
  13. use a png with the level of opacity you want and the OR use positioning (absolute or relative) to place your div with opacity beneath the other. once you set opacity to a div it is 'inherited' in the way that the contents are that level of opacity too.
  14. yes.. use a style sheet for media="screen"
  15. to destroy a session use unset($_SESSION) followed by destroy.
  16. constants are constants so you can't reference them as variables... constants are defined (hence the define construct) and as such should not need to be 'found' - they will already be there... to grab all constants set use print_r(get_defined_constants());
  17. ToonMariner

    MP3 link

    http://elouai.com/force-download.php a golden oldie - there are probably better scripts out there but this is the first in the list from google...
  18. in firefox your form on the right hand side is superimposed over the link - as if it were a block level element... according to my duberry its positioned absolutely with both left and right set to 0 - which would give it 100% width...
  19. be careful!!!! querying the database inside any kind of loop is not efficient OR desirable - some servers are set up to limit the number of queries per page... grab all the info you will need into arrays and loop through them instead.. anyway your code... you need to reset $totaalbedrag and $totaalbedragbtw once they have been used.... $query = "SELECT * FROM `facturering` ORDER BY `factuurdatum` DESC;"; $result = @mysql_query( $query ); while( $factuur = @mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) { $factuur_id = $factuur['id']; $totaalbedrag = 0; $totaalbedragbtw = 0; $bedrag = 0; $btw = 0; $query_bedrag = "SELECT * FROM `producten` WHERE `factuur_id` = '$factuur_id';"; $result_bedrag = @mysql_query( $query_bedrag ); while ( $row_bedrag = @mysql_fetch_array( $result_bedrag ) ) { $bedrag = $row_bedrag['bedrag']; $totaalbedrag += $bedrag; $btw = $row_bedrag['BTW']; $totaalbedragbtw += $btw; } $bedragexclusief1 = number_format( $totaalbedrag, 2 , ',' , '.' ); echo "$bedragexclusief1 "; $bedragbtw1 = number_format( $totaalbedragbtw, 2 , ',' , '.' ); echo "$bedragbtw1 "; }
  20. asmith... css layouts are something that will take 2-3 days to learn and play with - the BEST 3 days you will ever spend in web development... As with anything there are a number of ways to achieve the desired goals - someone showing you how to do it will NOT help you learn as much as you doing it yourself... Go, play and develop...
  21. Personally I found this one to be most effective - there is a transparent gif but you don't really need it... http://www.twinhelix.com/css/iepngfix/
  22. you can't do that - you will need 3 rows and use row span like so... <table border="1" width="500"> <tr> <td width="100" height="500">a</td> <td rowspan="2" width="400" height="700">b</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="2" height="700">c</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="500">d</td> </tr> </table> which is why we don't use tables for layout... much easier to achieve with divs and css...
  23. Without reading your code I can tell you that IE6 will render the position 'fixed' as if you had use 'static'. your (possible) solution is here: http://www.cssplay.co.uk/layouts/fixed.html
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