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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. go and learn about css styling... a breif google on 'css for beginners' yielded this... http://www.htmldog.com/guides/cssbeginner/
  2. the WEFT method was (I believe) actually adopted as a standard. In the present climate Haku is indeed correct - in the future? We shall see - vednors say they will do things with browsers and don't but keep your fingers crossed and it will gain universal support...
  3. #bump# Do you think I should email the link to the IE staff?
  4. ok have a look at these two images. The first is my registration form the second is that form being submitted and errors in the users input detecting with info about the error being displayed beneath the relevant field. http://www.imagebin.eu/pics/d524388dd23fd8a7bb6597f17e48b382.gif http://www.imagebin.eu/pics/ae11bce68e33f623e0c272ac55afe254.gif the only difference in the html is that in the second case a <p class="error"> tag is present... If anyone has experienced anything like this before I would really appreciate some ideas as to why it happens and if possible how to stop it...
  5. does it say you have to? I don't I have never read it... see what they say.
  6. have you installed apache? mysql? have you configured these to work in harmony like ebony and ivory?.....
  7. not much use then really is it???
  8. you should display the lincence on download of your code. have the licence as a page on your site and simply put in your comments the url to the licence that applies to your code....
  9. hmmm the fact it doesn't work in my firefox kind of leads me to believe that its not very good how ever you did it...
  10. You are having a couple of problems with your quotes.... try this... <?php $qry = "SELECT wapenexpert,leader,chauffeur,auto,wapen FROM " . $oc . " WHERE gamename='" . $prefix . "' AND id = " . intval($_GET['id']); $rOCrime = mysql_query($qry); ?> Much easier to read what you are trying to do This method you can echo out your query to check errors in your mysql admin app...
  11. GUYS GUYS GUYS... while the code layout is not my cup of tea - the only problem with teh query is the comma before the where clause!!!! $query = ("UPDATE words SET word = '$word', def = '$def', tags = '$tags', WHERE wid = '$wid'"); just get rid of that and you shoudl be ok.
  12. yes if you include the correct flag... those flags being w, w+, a or a+ if you read http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/function.fopen.php you would already be familir with that...
  13. store files behind the site root. use the users login status to verify who they are OR on successfull purchase provide them with a code they must enter to get the download. store code in the database and associate with the file in question... use php to create a zip file of the item they have purchased (you can even password protect if you like but you'll have to email that password to the user) and download it using something like http://www.phpit.net/code/force-download/ - this kind of script can access files behind the site root...
  14. something a miss here... That line has broken out of php code and is actually javascript so you have missed something somewhere - the error booted out is clearly a php and that has nothing to do with the line of code highlighted.....
  15. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html Read the site - essentially you don't have to provide a licence - the only thing you need to state is that you provide the code without warranty and your fine. If you ever get to the stage where you want to protect and licence your applications then have a look at ioncube but for now just have a read of the gnu site and see if you find anything that suits your needs.
  16. indeed conditional comments to have ie use a style sheet that will make it work are the way to go. Here is an article that relates directly to your issue... http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/doubled-margin.html
  17. Agreed - BUT imagine if you didn't!!! If you could persuade your client that you should only provide it for those who use 'good' browsers. Stick a little notice up saying something like 'this site is years better using safari or opera' and provide a download link, other sites do the same; people may just start to realize their web experience can be so much better and the death of ie6 will come about SOOOO much quicker... I understand clients say stupid stuff like 'I want exactly the same in every browser on every OS - pixel perfect'... we know that can't happen BUT if advocate the use of browsers more standards compliant than IE and educate as to the need for such then in the medium to long term we will be on a winner - and so will the visitor. Provdie the core aspects of the site and make the rest (style, document effects etc.) an incentive for users of the 'better' browsers.
  18. indeed there are - BUT ultimatey what we need is the ability to achieve with purely css. We want rounded, smooth corners without the need for extraneous html... rounded corners are relatively easy to achieve but we NEED them to be even more simple - just a css property and notihng more that works cross browser. Until such time as vendors are FORCED to produce browsers that do adhere to the standards we will forever need to hack, hack and hack away to get what is essentially nothing but a little bit of eye candy...
  19. dbrim: with this ferrero roche you are really spoiling me (UK ad joke - brits will get it!!!)
  20. yes its easy to code - but you need to plan even simple tasks to get good results. What you are asking is more of a 'application/design layout' question as the scope is huge... you need to site down and think how each piece of data relates to another and how you need to make that relationship happen in the database with your foreign keys... good luck.
  21. this is one that best practice would sugget you leave to css3 - as it has the ability to utilize images for borders or multiple background images. OK OK only a few browsers will support it now BUT it would encourage people to start using those browsers and make web development much nicer again... After reading transcending css I no longer bend over backwards to provide such 'insignificant' style aspects to my site that require a disproportionate amount of work to achive in various browsers. Give the world what it absolutely needs then gives those with the sense to use a good browser all the sweeties that reward their efforts of using a good browser - others will catch on quickly enough....
  22. if you are into the accessible stuff... NEVER use fixed font sizes (px, pt etc.) even when designating the initial font size. use ems in your css and in the body declaration of your css use font-size: 80% (or another percentage - this gives you nicer control when nested em's come into play).
  23. hence the... provided that the inner html is permissable... at the end of my post.... this is dependant on what tags you place inside the anchor - that is probably where the error was flagged last time...
  24. you will need apache, mysql and php - instructions on how to install these on your system are given on the sites of these applications.
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