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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. what if someone had a busy hub just for a short while??? apps that do this cheating do not take long to perform their (very simple) task so I think you should look more into comparing teh data sent from both (more?) participants - timing IMO is not the solution to your problem there are other issues involved here... If the thing you are looking to do is not completely evident then look for a different solution that would serve the same function but IS evident. The advantage of checking more than one data packet is that you can actually compare and see if someone is cheating - instead of inferring that they are just becasue it took 33 milliseconds longer than usual...
  2. STOP!!!! the full mp3 will never get anywhere near the flash player!!!! Upload the mp3 to a secure folder (above the web root). On upload use ffmpeg/mencoder to create a 10second sample of the mp3 and store this in a 'samples' library with suitable naming convention. The flash player can then just go and play these short clips and the full files can be made available when purchased... Flash has NOTHING to do with what you are attempting other than playing the mp3s. As has been pointed out - it can be decompiled SOOOOO don't do anything in flash that could result in your protected material being made available to all and sundry...
  3. nobody has a problem with a 10 second sample - thats why he wants to make one! The answer has already been given ffmpeg - for this you will need it installed on your server and be able to call it via exec in php... shout if you need help doing that...
  4. if its a game you have then you should check the results sent in from both players - if they don't match up don't accept them... If not then you should check and see if you could utilize something similar to punkbuster...
  5. face egg on NEVER used constant(); only constants I have are configuartion settings for my apps - I know what they are called so never had any call for to reference them dynamically - you learn somethinge new everyday... even if you doubt you'll ever use it
  6. $qry = "SELECT `tags` FROM `your_table`"; $qry = mysl_query($qry); if (mysql_num_rows($qry) > 0) { $vars = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)) { $vars[] = $row['tags']; } $vars = array_unique($vars); extract($vars,EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'var'); $number = count($vars); for($i=0;$i<$number;$i++) { $temp = "var$i"; echo $$temp; } } something like that shoudl do the trick...
  7. like I said - you can ONLY reference constants by their full assigned 'name' you CAN NOT concatenate a string that represents the name of that constant (maybe you can with eval but thats just VERY poor programming in my book). These are NOT constants so don't bother using ing them - just use variables...
  8. tables for layout.... sorry can't stand 'em enough to help out.... sowwie
  9. give your main content a % width (this is relative to the available width - the viewport - em relates to text size and NOT viewport width). then simply float the images - they will use the amount of space availabel before moving on to teh next line (oft done best inside an unordered list)
  10. yeah buts its ie6 - you need to find someway of punishing people for not dumping it while still providing them with meaningful content...
  11. <a href="domain.com/index.htm?color=<?php echo $color; ?>&date=<?php echo $date; ?>" ....
  12. hmmm - I hope you know what constants are and what they are for... The reason being is that you cant reference constants liek variables... define('NAME-'.$i, 'String'); will work but I don't see how its going to be useful as you cant then do anything like echo NAME-.$i; So ultimately this process is pointless.
  13. why not just give your body the width??? and give it margin: 0 auto; to center it.
  14. sounds like you mark up should actually be an unordered list... don't get divitis - use good semantic markup and you'll have won half the battle....
  15. have you tried adding display: block; to the legend declaration? (if it does work you should be able to rid teh negative margin.
  16. I use this method http://www.twinhelix.com/css/iepngfix/ - horses for courses IMO - I just don't like the filter method... You could consider using a gif instead in ie6 and use a conditional comment to include a separate stylesheet for ie6 only....
  17. you could place the entire contents inside an anchor tag - provided that the inner html is permissable...
  18. You should never rely on javascript for validation or detection... In this case what you need to is very simple - check which button has been clicked... Like the checkbox and radio button the submit button is only set when it is clicked - if it is not clicked then no value for that element is set. So you have two submit buttons give them a name/id and then use that in the processing script.. the html... <input type="submit" name="insert" id="insert" value="insert"> <input type="submit" name="delete" id="delete" value="delete"> the code... <?php if (!empty($_POST['insert'])) { // do insert stuff. } else { // do delete stuff. } ?>
  19. text-align center is NOT the best way to do this give your element (in this case body) a width (either % or absolute - like px) and set the lft and right margin to auto in your css... THAT IS THE BEST WAY TO DO THIS
  20. well adam - the difficulty is that all of your url is dynamically generated!!! The only surefire thing in there is that you will have 3 forward slashes - and I bet your bottom dollar that other sections of the site have the same and you don't want them re-directing to the same script. what would be more beneficial is to name the php scripts after the sections you want to redirect to then you could have a general rule for re-direction like so RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/(.*)\.html$ $1.php?title=$2 and so on...
  21. I would set a hidden input in your form called something like refpage="xxx" set the value of this to the current url... on login success redirect to the refpage. Now some may bemoan the idea of this as a security flaw - make sure that the refpage does NOT point to a different site in your processing file. You could also use $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] BUT this is not set in the headers on all browsers... Like I said its not an essential feature so don't go over board - the easiest to implement is actually just to check the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] alue and redirect there...
  22. you will save yourself all manner of time and heartache by doing the whole hog inone go... http://www.alistapart.com/articles/succeed
  23. tables are never better for layouts - even if you don't know what your are doing without them!
  24. Do NOT float it left with css... body { width: 750px; margin: 0 auto; }
  25. ToonMariner

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