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Everything posted by hivenky01

  1. And spending 3hrs a day you can become a good webdeveloper in 3months (learning from scratch)
  2. Hi alfredo, To become a good web developer you also need to have some knowledge in HTML, My best suggestion is to learn HTML from www.homeandlearn.com and PHP from www.homeandlearn.com (or) THENEWBOSTON PHP video tutorials, it contain 200 tutorials from beginning to advanced topic in php..
  3. Hi Guys, I Created a webservice in php, The code is as follows Server.php <?php function addid($id) { mysql_connect('localhost','admin','password'); mysql_select_db('mm'); $query = "INSERT INTO temp(`id`) VALUES ($id)"; $result = mysql_query($query); if($result){ $res = "true"; return $res; } else{ $res = "fal"; return $res; } } require('nusoap.php'); $server = new soap_server(); $server->configureWSDL('details', 'urn:firstname'); $server->register("addid", array('userid' => 'xsd:firstname'), array('name' => 'xsd:lastname'), 'urn:lasstname', 'urn:lastname#getfirstname'); $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA = isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA) ? $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA : ''; $server->service($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA); ?> Client Script <?php require_once('nusoap.php'); echo "starting"; $c = new nusoap_client('http://www.mydomain.com/mm/nusoap/lib/ts2.php'); $str = '5070'; $name = $c->call('addid',array('id' => $str)); echo "result is ".$name; ?> Now the Problem is: If the value of variable is a number the program is executed well and the value is stored in db if the value of variable is sting then the program is executing but the else part of server script is executed..! Whats wrong in this code. the schema of temp table is temp { id varchar(10) }
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