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Everything posted by leo_end

  1. SQL ht_no name 1315167669 nani 1310118798 raja 1321131003 alex 1314136291 john 1305150294 smith INDEX HT NO : <input type="text" name="htno" maxlength="10" id="htno"/> <input type="submit" value="Search" id="search-btn" /> PHP (to get date from SQL) isset( $_REQUEST['htno'] ) ? $htno=$_REQUEST['htno'] : $htno=''; $htno= mysql_real_escape_string( $htno); $sql = "select * from inter_1y_general_results where ROLLNO like '$htno'"; $rs = mysql_query( $sql ) or die('Database Error: ' . mysql_error()); $num = mysql_num_rows( $rs ); if($num >= 1 ){ // this will display how many records found // and also the actual record echo ""; while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $rs )){ echo "<tr>HT NO : $row[ht_no] | NAME : $row[NAME] </tr>'; } WHAT I WANT TO DO and now, whan i want to do is, when users enter his ht_no in input filed, it show his name (it is already doing now) and along with name it should show his PHOTO also, actually i didn't have any photo. i need a php code which search the same htno in this website http://results.cgg.g...tudentResult.do and get the photo from this website. HAVE A LOOK HERE : http://awesomescreen....com/001176h5d6 for eg try entering 1310118798 in http://results.cgg.g...tudentResult.do INPUT BOX. it should get the photo from that website and should show it in my page THIS RESORCE MAY HELP YOU : http://toolspot.org/...ebsite-data.php
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