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Everything posted by kanoy83

  1. hi got it, Function: to see and find if data exist in table before Insert Table structure: id - auto increment artist - specific id number title - unique title if (isset($submit)) { $newtitle = $_POST['title']; $querytitle = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['title']); $queryalbum = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['album']); // col_title is name of column title in table // indexid is the id of the table $sqldbtitle = "SELECT * from tblmainfile WHERE col_title = '$newtitle' "; $checktitle = mysqli_query($con, $sqldbtitle); // This is assuming query only returns one result $resultcheck = mysqli_fetch_array($checktitle); // now check the value for 'title' if ($resultcheck['col_title'] == $newtitle) { echo "NEW TITLE IS SAME WITH EXISTING DATA"; } else { echo "NOT THE SAME TITLE"; } } thanks cheers!
  2. can you show me some sample queries ? thanks
  3. hi Guys, just for a quick question summary: I want to add new data in my table however, i want to check if my new data name has same name with stored data name in table, if not same name we can proceed to adding new data/post. in my database table: ===================== ID | title | remarks 01 | orange | fruit 02 | mango | fruit addfile.php $newtitle = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['title']); $newtitle = htmlentities($newtitle); $sqldbtitle = "SELECT * FROM tblmainfile WHERE strcmp('$newtitle','title') = 0 LIMIT 1; $getdbtitle = mysqli_query($con,$sqldbtitle); newfile.php; <form> <tr> <td>Title:</td> <td><input type="text" name="title" value="<?php echo $newtitle; ?>"></td> </tr> </form> goal: if i will add orange, it will notify me that there is already orange in table. questions: 1. will strcmp be faster or i will just use mysql query? thanks a lot!
  4. simple question what is the meaning and purpose of this: if($_FILES) thanks, cheers!
  5. @muddy sorry, i think you posted to different thread.
  6. hi guys, i have simple form submission with title, description and file upload, this file having size,type,filename will insert to table3, ALL same time after ADD. am trying to make a simple PHP form submission and insert data to 3 MySQL tables: category: -id -category_name (dropdown menu) table1: -id -category_id(FK, automatic when dropdown selected) NOT WORKING -title -description table2: (automatic insert file properties info here) -id // auto increment -table1_id(FK, automatic get ID from table1) NOT WORKING -filetype -filesize -filedate -filename FORM: -Date -Title -description -category(drop down) -upload file (get the file info like type,ext,size,filename) Status: it is inserting but only 2 not working $sql2, I just try to use it but some problem in real escape string, but anyway, I think this is simple, maybe either mysql statement or handling of php data? here's the CODE: FORM: <strong>Fill up the form:</strong><br /><br> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upfileone.php" method="POST"> Date: <?php echo date("d-M-Y") ?> <p>Title: <input type="text" name="title" value="<?php echo $sel_filepage['file_title']; ?>" id="file_title" /> </p> <p>Description:<br> <textarea name="description" rows="4" cols="24"> <?php echo $sel_filepage['content']; ?></textarea> </p> Category: <select name="select_cat"> <?php $cat_set = get_all_categs(); while($category = mysql_fetch_array($cat_set)){ $catname = $category['cat_name']; echo '<option value="'.$catname.'">'.$catname.'</option>'; } ?> </select> <br><br> <label for="file">Choose File to Upload:</label> <input type="file" name="upfile" id="upfile" > <br /><br /> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000" /> <input type="hidden" name="filepage" value="<?php echo $_GET['filepage']?>"> <input type="submit" name="upload" value="Add" class="pure-button pure-button-success"> <a href="content.php?filepage=<?php echo $sel_filepage['id']; ?>" class="pure-button">Cancel</a> </form> <!-- END FORM --> ACTION FILE: <?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); // directory to be saved $target = "server/php/files/"; $target = $target . basename($_FILES['upfile']['name']); // gets info from FORM $currentDate = date("Y-m-d"); $file_title = $_POST['title']; $content = $_POST['description']; $category = $_POST['select_cat']; $upfile = ($_FILES['upfile']['name']); /* $currentDate = date("Y-m-d"); $file_title = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['title']); $content = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['description']); $category = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['select_cat']); $upfile = ($_FILES['upfile']['name']); */ // connects to db $con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "password", "database"); if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "error connection" . mysqli_connect_error(); } // insert to database $sql = "INSERT INTO filepages (category_id,file_title,content) VALUES ('$category','$file_title','$content')"; $new_id = mysqli_insert_id($con); $sql2 = "INSERT INTO fileserv (filepages_id, filetype, filesize, filedate, filename) VALUES ($new_id, '{$_FILES["upfile"]["type"]}', '{$_FILES["upfile"]["size"]}', '$currentDate', '{$_FILES["upfile"]["name"]}')"; if(!mysqli_query($con, $sql2)) { die('Error ' . mysqli_error()); } /* $sql3 = "BEGIN INSERT INTO filepages (category_id, file_title, content) VALUES ('$category','$file_title','$content') INSERT INTO fileserv (file_date) VALUES ($currentDate) COMMIT"; */ if(!mysqli_query($con, $sql2)) { die('Error ' . mysqli_error()); } echo "1 File Added <br>"; if (file_exists("server/php/files/" . $_FILES["upfile"]["name"])) { echo $_FILES["upfile"]["name"] . " already exists. "; } else { insertFile( $_POST['filepage'], $_FILES["upfile"]["type"], ($_FILES["upfile"]["size"] / 1024), $_FILES["upfile"]["name"]); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["upfile"]["tmp_name"],"server/php/files/" . $_FILES["upfile"]["name"]); echo "The FILE " . basename($_FILES['upfile']['name']) . " has been uploaded.<br>"; echo "Stored in: " . "server/php/files/" . $_FILES["upfile"]["name"] . "<br>"; echo "Upload: " . $_FILES["upfile"]["name"] . "<br>"; echo "Type: " . $_FILES["upfile"]["type"] . "<br>"; echo "Size: " . ($_FILES["upfile"]["size"] / 1024) . " kB<br>"; echo "Temp file: " . $_FILES["upfile"]["tmp_name"] . "<br>"; } ?>
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