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Newbie (1/5)



  1. Hey, I'm having a trouble with a code: Line 24 is: if(!preg_match("/^image\/(pjpeg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp/i)$", $img["type"])){ $error[1] = "This is not a valid image type."; } Can someone help?
  2. My form is like this: <?PHP $select = "SELECT * FROM questions"; $result = mysql_query($select); echo "<form id='questions' method='post' action='check.php'>"; while($result2 = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<p>Question: $result2[question]</p> <p>a) <input name='$result2[id]' type='radio' value='1'> $result2[option1]</input></p> <p>b) <input name='$result2[id]' type='radio' value='2'> $result2[option2]</input></p> <p>c) <input name='$result2[id]' type='radio' value='3'> $result2[option3]</input></p> <p>d) <input name='$result2[id]' type='radio' value='4'> $result2[option4]</input></p>"; } echo "<input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Check!' /> </form> </div>"; ?> So how do I "change my form so all the 'answers' are in a sub-key of the $_POST array"? Thanks!
  3. @ginerjm, thanks for your answer! But can you show an example of how to do this? I'm relatively new to php...
  4. Hey, I made the following code that checks the answers of a form: <?PHP include 'connect.php'; $points = 0; foreach($_POST as $id => $answer){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT id, ans FROM questions WHERE id = '".$id."'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); if($answer == $row['ans']) { $points++; } } echo "Your score: $points"; ?> The problem is that it makes a sql query for every question, which makes the script a bit slow... Is there a way to make a single sql query that select all the answers?
  5. Did you managed to solve this? I need the same thing and can't find anything about how to do this.
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