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Everything posted by JonnoTheDev

  1. It's so addictive https://market.android.com/details?id=com.rovio.angrybirds
  2. Reading your complaint, all that I can say is that I expect nothing less from a mobile (cellphone) network provider, it is typical. As I am in the UK I have no experience dealing will foreign carriers, however I have friends who work for UK mobile companies and know what they are willing to do if you threaten to terminate your service at the end of your contract. Basically dictate your terms. You may have to agree to a longer contract but demand the latest phone for FREE, a discount on your tariff & insurance policy. If you say you will move to another provider I have known people to get Playstations, XBOX's, laptops, etc just to stay with your current provider. Friends have told me the length that they can go to just to keep you on board. Honestly, with what they have told you just keep saying you will move to another provider, they should give in.
  3. Have you even bothered to read the information on that tutorial? It states: 1. after press submit button the form will send e-mail address to "send_password_ac.php". 2. at "send_password_ac.php" we have to find this e-mail address in our database. 3. if found this e-mail in our database give password to variable name "$your_password" and send this variable to e-mail that sent from our form. 4. if not found this e-mail in database, displays message "Not found your e-mail in our database" To me, you are looking for a complete piece of code to fit straight into your website without having to do anything. You are not going to get that! If I was to write a password reset script how could I possibly have all the information I need to make it work for everyone's website? I have already said this. The idea of a tutorial is to give you a guide of how to acomplish the task. It is not always a complete solution for your project. If you wish to add your own bits then you can implement them yourself using the tutorial as a rough template. As Thorpe has stated, this is a developers website where people ask for help with their own code. This is not a Google service. Please at least attempt to tackle the problem before asking for help.
  4. Follow this simple tutorial. http://www.phpeasystep.com/phptu/21.html There is no off the shelf script as nobody can guess your form field names, password policy, database structure, etc. It is really simple to create yourself.
  5. If you want to use Open Source software then you require Red5. Read the documentation. http://www.red5.org/ For paid software, Adobe Media Server http://www.adobe.com/products/flashmediaserver/
  6. Yeah, when Maria Sharapova does that orgasmic grunting thing. Nice!
  7. Very good informative post. I said someone would clarify cookie tracking. The funny thing is in this argument is that users are happy to give all their private information to sites such as Facebook which makes most of its revenue from targeted advertising based on the information that you have given it, and then there is all this hype on how privacy is such a big thing and it should be protected at all costs from sites on the Internet. As CV states, there is no personal data being collected when users are browsing and searching websites. Having your cake and eating it is the perfect analogy.
  8. A web company may store how many times something has been searched for, how many results are returned on searches, that kind of thing. The actual products you look at on a website may be placed in a cookie file so relevent adverts are displayed to you on other sites. Google is a master at this when you do searches and then watch something on youtube. Data that is saved in their databases will be when you click on adverts, also visits to pages on a website are probably tracked and stored for a period of time. They are then compiled and stored in a form that can be analysed over periods. There are a few analytics people on this forum who may jump in and clarify. It is not really my area.
  9. That's the issue. They want to give the users the choice but will ruin the Internet if every site has to adopt some kind of popup confirmation. It is not just big sites, it is all sites that use cookies. It will be law. They passed this law with no clue on how to tackle the technical aspect. Eh? Data is already stored on servers in databases. You cannot delete it. It is the cookie that is used to identify the user and pull data from the server or save it.
  10. This is how the majority of data, especially plugins & options within wordpress are stored. I'm not sure what plugins you have looked at but for forms I believe that the following are the best. http://www.deliciousdays.com/cforms-plugin/ This is not a free plugin, however it is supposed to be the best: http://www.gravityforms.com/ In my opinion Wordpress is a great system for the end user. For the developer it is a mess of spaghetti legacy code, global variables and garbage functions. The majority of it is really bad PHP.
  11. Deferred for 1 year. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13541250 Just shows that someone never really thought it through. I would put money on the end result being that websites have to state exactly where they use cookies within their terms, and if the user does not want to accept the cookies it will be down to them to disable within their web browser preferences. Lets face it, some website owners may have used an off the shelf solution that is no longer supported. They are not developers. If that system were to use cookies to function correctly how would the owner know or even be aware of what a cookie is in order to pay a developer to modify in order to comply with the proposed law. Ludicrous!
  12. Read the following. It applies to any kind of software/web development cycle. There is no difference in the methodology of a developing a web site to writing the next version of Microsoft Windows. However, the main factor to take into consideration when deciding on the development cycle is the size of the project. You may shorten or cut out some of the activities from the development cycle the smaller the project is. When working on medium to large projects I will usually stick to the waterfall model. The actual 'writing code' section is usually the shortest activity of the development cycle. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_development_process
  13. The pony coughs and asks for a beer. The bartender serves him and says, "What's with your voice?" The pony says, "Nothing, I'm just a little hoarse. lol
  14. It will be one of those things that becomes law but no-one will really give a crap about. As they haven't even figured out how they are going to enforce it, it is just plain ridiculous. Reminds me of the fact that it is actually illegal in the UK to rip a CD that you own to store the tracks on your MP3 player or computer as it infringes copyright law. However, there has not been a single case brought to court.
  15. He's back again lol http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-13451965
  16. Add all your bits and pieces and then i'll test it. 5 minutes was a bit of an exageration lol, however it wouldn't take very long to complete your forms, read the email & extract data then login using a simple script.
  17. Hi Jon. Welcome to the forum. Is that wise if you are just starting to learn PHP or am I missing something?
  18. <?php /* heres the transaction string */ $string = 'TRANSFER 540021 61782457'; /* extract the numbers */ preg_match_all('/[0-9]+/', $string, $result, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $result = $result[0]; if(count($result)) { $number = implode('', $result); /* get the last 3 digits to save in the db */ $digits = 3; $to_save = substr($number, strlen($number)-$digits, $digits); } ?>
  19. You may want to use strip_tags() to remove any HTML. You could also use prepared statements to prevent SQL injection as opposed to mysql_real_escape_string() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/60174/best-way-to-stop-sql-injection-in-php
  20. <?php /* heres the transaction number */ $number = '123456789'; /* get the last $digits digits to save in the db */ $digits = 3; $to_save = substr($number, strlen($number)-$digits, $digits); ?>
  21. Then all you need to do is serialize & unserialize the data. /* save data */ $array = serialize($array): mysql_query("INSERT INTO table SET id=1, text='".mysql_real_escape_string($array)."'"); /* retrieve data */ $res = mysql_query("SELECT text FROM table WHERE id=1"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); /* unserialize data */ $array = unserialize($row['text']); echo "<pre>"; print_r($array); echo "</pre>"; http://uk2.php.net/serialize http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/function.unserialize.php
  22. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-13437279
  23. You are storing bank details! Are you allowed to do this? Why would you store a series of X's in a database field? If they are not meant to be seen, why even store them?
  24. Can I ask why you want to convert a multi-dimensional array into a string? Are you saving it into a database?
  25. Not bad. Not sure about the colours in the form fields or the blue titles. I'm not really a designer however since you are talking about Wordpress I would like to say that it is a god damn piece of **** from a programming standpoint. About a million global variables in the code, are they mad! They should have rewritten the API a long time ago using objects as opposed to functions containing millions of global variables. But no, instead they kept all the old code for backwards compatibility and slapped new code in with it creating two methods for adding functionality. I have never read literature on any other topic apart from Wordpress that has so many, "don't do this", or, "avoid this function when used with another function", and, "if you use the variable $xyz you will cause an error". It's shocking! Anyway, you can tell I have been working with Wordpress recently and that's just a quick rant that I needed. Hope the template is popular.
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