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Everything posted by JonnoTheDev

  1. JonnoTheDev

    linux hosting

    There are thousands. Just Google. Also depends what you require? Do you require a dedicated server or a shared hosting environment. If shared, how many domains, etc I would say that it doesn't matter who you go with, but the cheaper you go don't expect anything fantastic.
  2. Then you are mad!
  3. <?php function get_previouspage_link() { if($this->CURRENT_PAGE > 1) { $previous_page = $this->CURRENT_PAGE - 1; } return $_SERVER['REMOTE_URI']."?currentpage=".$previous_page; } ?>
  4. Im not sure you can. Pack it to obfuscate the code. Secondly, put the javascript in a js file and include it in your source http://dean.edwards.name/packer/
  5. This is poor script design, nothing to do with the database. A primary key is simply a unique identifier and not to be changed. It is used to construct relationships with other tables meaning if a PK where to change all associated records in union tables would have to be updated. If you have hundreds of tables with millions of records then can you imagine the level of additional queries that you have to implement into a system making it massively error prone.
  6. Why should this matter?
  7. Yes, however don't use the version prior to 2010 release (Internet Security Suite) with Windows Vista if your pc is on a domain and has drive mappings. It will slow access to the drives massively. Spoke to Kaspersky about this and they are aware of the issue but have no fix. 6.03 works fine.
  8. Add your user objects to an array and then loop out in the template. Use the objects methods in the template i.e. user_displayname(); <?php $aValues = array(); $rResult = mysql_query("SELECT languagevar_id, REPLACE(`defVarName`, 'home.', '') AS key FROM advFetMem_settings WHERE defVarName LIKE '%home.%'"); while($aRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult)) { $aValues[$aRow['key']] = $aRow['languagevar_id']; } $smarty->assign('aCusLang_advFetMem', $aValues); // obtain settings $result = mysql_query("SELECT setting_username FROM se_settings LIMIT 1"); $aRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $bUserNames = $aRow['setting_username'] == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE; // users $iTime = time(); $result = mysql_query("SELECT `u`.`user_id` AS `userId` FROM `advFetMem_info` AS `i` INNER JOIN `se_users` AS `u` ON `u`.`user_id` = `i`.`userid` WHERE'".$iTime."' BETWEEN `i`.`start` AND `i`.`end` ORDER BY RAND()"); $smarty->assign('aAdvFetMem', FALSE); $users = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $users[] = new se_user(array($row['userId'])); } $smarty->assign('users', $users); ?>
  9. Just simply post the login data to domain1.com from a form on domain2.com. If the login is invalid redirect the user back to domain2.com
  10. It's the same old story where a bunch of politicians who have no idea how the technology works stick their noses in and say you must do this, this and this. Exactly the same with file sharing and cutting users off the Internet.
  11. Has anyone seen this? http://www.out-law.com/page-10510
  12. mkdir() does not create files. It creates a directory! However, if that is what you mean't then you must also be aware that the webserver must have the appropriate permissions to create a directory in the specified path. Read the manual for examples: http://uk.php.net/mkdir
  13. If you aren't a programmer then I suggest you get a book on php website development. You will not get help in the forum unless you show that you have the ability to lay down the basic code and logic. If you need this developing for you then I suggest you post in the relevent section.
  14. you saying we look like shit
  15. Can you post between pre tags. Can't make head or tail of that print "<pre>"; print_r($array); print "</pre>"; exit();
  16. Post the array contents
  17. It's gold not yellow. Mine is gold!
  18. Is it just me or? When you copy code from a block and paste into an IDE it pastes as a single line rather than the formatted syntax. The old forum used to work fine.
  19. I cannot believe that the concatonation operator (.) is any different. It is the amount of data you are querying and looping through that will make things slow. If it is for on-screen display then why not paginate the results?
  20. Firstly you need a windows PC with MS Word. You need PHP on the same machine. The Windows version of PHP has the COM extensions available in the core. This tutorial explains how to use the COM object to create a Word document. http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/yunus20031124.php3 To generate PDFs I would recommend fpdf. It is simple enough to use. http://www.fpdf.org/
  21. If using smarty then you need to build an array of users and then pass it into the template. You will then require a foreach construct to display the data $users = array(); $result = mysql_query("SELECT setting_username FROM se_settings LIMIT 4"); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $users[] = $row; } $smarty->assign('users', $users); Then in your tpl {foreach item=user from=$users}{$user.setting_username}{/foreach}
  22. Yeah, kinda gone down that route. Trialing Adobe DWCS4, which I like. I've noticed this
  23. You think!
  24. vava voom. what a cheating ba***rd
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