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Everything posted by sevsar

  1. thank you for your suggestion, my probleme is resolved, on personal help me and explain my how it work: <?php class Dbase{ private $_pdo_host_dbname = "mysql:host=;dbname=dbase"; private $_user = "root"; private $_password = ""; private $_conndb = FALSE; public $_last_query = NULL; public $_affected_rows = 0; public $_insert_keys = array(); public $_insert_values = array(); public $_update_sets = array(); public $_id; public function __construct(){ $this->connect(); } private function connect(){ try{ $this->_conndb = new PDO($this->_pdo_host_dbname,$this->_user,$this->_password); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Connection failed: '.$e->getMessage(); } } public function query($sql){ $this->_last_query = $sql; $result = $this->_conndb->query($sql); $this->displayQuery($result); return $result; } public function displayQuery($result){ if(!$result){ $output = "Database query failed: ".$this->_conndb->errorInfo()."<br />"; $output .= "Last SQL query was: ".$this->_last_query; die($output); }else{ $this->_affected_rows = $this->_conndb->rowCount($this->_conndb); } } public function fetchAll($sql){ $result = $this->_conndb->query($sql); if ($result) return $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } public function fetchOne($sql){ $out = $this->fetchAll($sql); return array_shift($out); } public function lastId(){ return $this->_conndb->lastInsertId($this->_conndb); } }
  2. i try the resolve my problem 1 month but im lost with PDO, thank you for you help i go try the find solution
  3. I am lost with PDO
  4. thank you, now y have this error : Call to undefined method PDO::rowCount() in .../Dbase.php on line 50
  5. Hello, > Sorry for my English I use a translator frensh => english:) I have a problem for convertire my current code MySql in PDO, I want to keep the same structure. This is my MySql structure: <?php class Dbase{ private $_host = "localhost"; private $_user = "root"; private $_password = ""; private $_name = "dbase"; private $_conndb = FALSE; public $_last_query = NULL; public $_affected_rows = 0; public $_insert_keys = array(); public $_insert_values = array(); public $_update_sets = array(); public $_id; public function __construct(){ $this->connect(); } private function connect(){ $this->_conndb = mysql_connect($this->_host,$this->_user,$this->_password); if(!$this->_conndb){ die("Database connection failed:<br />".mysql_error()); }else{ $_select = mysql_select_db($this->_name,$this->_conndb); if(!$_select){ die("Database selection failed:<br />".mysql_error()); } } mysql_set_charset("UTF-8", $this->_conndb); } public function close(){ if(!mysql_close($this->_conndb)){ die("Closing connection failed."); } } public function escape($value){ if(function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string")){ if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $value = stripslashes($value); } $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value); }else{ if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $value = addslashes($value); } } return $value; } public function query($sql){ $this->_last_query = $sql; $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->_conndb); $this->displayQuery($result); return $result; } public function displayQuery($result){ if(!$result){ $output = "Database query failed: ".mysql_error()."<br />"; $output .= "Last SQL query was: ".$this->_last_query; die($output); }else{ $this->_affected_rows = mysql_affected_rows($this->_conndb); } } public function fetchAll($sql){ $result = $this->query($sql); $out = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $out[] = $row; } mysql_free_result($result); return $out; } public function fetchOne($sql){ $out = $this->fetchAll($sql); return array_shift($out); } public function lastId(){ return mysql_insert_id($this->_conndb); } } I am trying to self resolve but and don't kan resolve, i try this but is not work: <?php class Dbase{ private $_pdo_host_dbname = "mysql:host=;dbname=dbase"; private $_user = "root"; private $_password = ""; private $_conndb = FALSE; public $_last_query = NULL; public $_affected_rows = 0; public $_insert_keys = array(); public $_insert_values = array(); public $_update_sets = array(); public $_id; public function __construct(){ $this->connect(); } private function connect(){ try{ $this->_conndb = new PDO($this->_pdo_host_dbname,$this->_user,$this->_password); } catch { echo 'Connection failed'; } } public function escape($value){ if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $value = stripslashes($value); } $value = $this->_conndb->quote($value); return $value; } public function query($sql){ $this->_last_query = $sql; $result = $this->_conndb->query($sql); $this->displayQuery($result); return $result; } public function displayQuery($result){ if(!$result){ $output = "Database query failed: ".$this->_conndb->errorInfo()."<br />"; $output .= "Last SQL query was: ".$this->_last_query; die($output); }else{ $this->_affected_rows = $this->_conndb->rowCount($this->_conndb); } } public function fetchAll($sql){ $result = $this->query($sql); $out = array(); while($row = $this->_conndb->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ $out[] = $row; } return $out; } public function fetchOne($sql){ $out = $this->fetchAll($sql); return array_shift($out); } public function lastId(){ return $this->_conndb->lastInsertId($this->_conndb); } } Please help me
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