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Everything posted by wildteen88

  1. instead of fixed use right top instead. When you use fixed it fixes the background image to the whole page and not the individual element it was set in.
  2. for first problem add some padding - for best results use this: padding: 2px 8px 0 8px; For your second problem you will probably want to add the fixed right top elements to the background: attribute
  3. or add a column to the users table called topic_views then everytime a user views a topic you update the field with the topics id. You're best of separating each topic id with a comma. Then you select the contents from the topic_views field in the users table and explode the ids into an array called viewd_topics. Then when you loop to show the topics you check to see if the id of the current topic being pulled is in the viewd_topic array. If it is you dont bold the topic title, If it isnt you bold it.
  4. Then use redbullmarky's suggestion and use the ORDER BY clause.
  5. Im not aware of any browsers that may do this, however the server that the website is hosted can play part in this too, depending on how the server is configured Ideally you should not have spaces whatso ever in file names that are hosted on the web. If the file has spaces then use either a hyphen (-) or an underscore (_) in replacement of spaces in file names.
  6. Please read the FAQ thread on this, CLICKY. For suport on that FAQ thread please post in this thread Thank you. Thread closed and set as Sticky.
  7. Add an auto overflow, that what preventing your long non-spaced line of text breaking the layout. To add an auto overflow you'd do something like this: <td style="overflow: auto; width: 500px;">long string of text with no breaks in here</td> The browser should then add a scroll bar to the bottom of the table cell allowing you to scroll the content in the cell, like it does here. Note some browsers do not support the overflow style attribute. AFAIK IE6 and above, FF and Opera support this.
  8. If you want to code with PHP do it yourself don't use WYSIWYG editors. They are fine for HTML and CSS but not programming! For drag and drop style functionality to manage a MySQL server/database there are probably such products out there but expect to pay quite high prices for them. I have seen a few, cant remember the names of them, but there where quite expensive.
  9. You can put the servers hostname (url) or you use the ip address to the remote MySQL server.
  10. You dont need to edit the title to mark it solved any more. Just mark it solved by clicking the Solved button at the bottom of the page before the quick reply box and it does it for you. Looks like some one has already done it for you.
  11. The cause of the error is on line 70 in utils.php as indicated by the error message (important bits highlighted in red). The problem is not with mysession.php, but utils.php. Also the other errors you are getting are caused by the first error. SO if you fix the first error message then all other errors will go away Post lines 65 - 75 here from utils.php.
  12. Do you mean add the php code button in to the reply box next to the code button?
  13. This photo: [quote][img]http://www.phpfreaks.com/phpfreak/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=64&g2_serialNumber=1[/img][/quote] Looks so like my mate A.D at where I work. Thats just freaky. by the way A.dD is not the most average person you see every day. He dont like his face and gets in a mood and the throws things. He's sound though just dont like his face.
  14. To add code in code boxes warap your code in the code ( ) tags. You can also wrap short snippets of code in PHP ( ) tags too. Examples: code tags <?php echo "hello world"; ?> php tags <?php echo "hello world"; ?> To solve a topic you have created click the Topic Solved button at the very bottom of the post and just before the quick reply box. Note some boards do not have this available.
  15. When you press the browsers back button it doesnt resubmit data. it just goes back to the page you was last on and depending on the browser you use it will display the page according to the html - other browser may put back what you added into form fields automatically.
  16. In that case please read the FAQ thread on this problem - CLICKY.
  17. session_name doesn't create a session. You should do $_SESSION['my_sess_var'] = 'some value'; then you do the following on the next page: <?php session_start(); // this line must be added to the top of every page that uses sessions if(isset($_SESSION['my_sess_var'])) { code if true } else { code if false. } ?>
  18. If you want to format the output add in spaces to indent the outputted code not just \n, example: <html> <head> <?php echo " <title>My Title</title>\n </head>\n"; ?> <body> <p>Select year: <?php echo " <select>\n"; for($i = 2010; $i > 2000; $i--) { echo " <option value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n"; } echo " </select>\n"; ?> </p> </body> </html> output - lovely formatted code: <html> <head> <title>My Title</title> </head> <body> <p>Select year: <select> <option value="2010">2010</option> <option value="2009">2009</option> <option value="2008">2008</option> <option value="2007">2007</option> <option value="2006">2006</option> <option value="2005">2005</option> <option value="2004">2004</option> <option value="2003">2003</option> <option value="2002">2002</option> <option value="2001">2001</option> </select> </p> </body> </html>
  19. Does it work if you use the following code instead?: <?php include ("guestmailer/guest_form.php");?> If it does then its a configuration issue. Your host has a setting called short_open_tag turned on, which allows you to use <? ?> instead of <?php ?> and thus reaosn why the code works on your host and not your local dev server. In order for <? ?> tags to work on your local dev server you need to edit php's config file (php.ini) to turn short_open_tag on. Change short_open_tag = off to short_open_tag = on Save the php.ini When you have turned this setting on you must restart the server (click WAMP's icon in the taskbar and select restart All services from the menu to restart the server).
  20. localhost might be pointing to a different root folder compared to your web address. You will have to look into IIS's configuration. I am not experienced with IIS so I can't really help you sorry.
  21. Don't use the mysql command on its own. You should provide at least 1 or two paramters mainly the username (-u username here) followed by the -p parameter. So the command will look something like this: mysql -u root -p If the root user has a password set mysql will prompt for a password then you just enter in your password and hit enter again (if the user doesn't have a password it will skip asking for the password). If the password is correct your will be logged into MySQL. If you use the mysql command on its own it will use the defaults set in the my.ini
  22. What version of Apache are you running? Apache1.3.x? Also how are you loading the php5apache.dll module in the httpd.conf. Show use line 196 from the httpd.conf file
  23. Man that's huge but I aint complaining, I agree that the quick reply box was quite small ,however the quick reply should only be used to post short an simple replies not great big ones. I thought of a better idea though on this. Rather than providing a standard size of the quick reply box allow us to change the size we want it do by clicking a addition (+) button/link to increase the size of the textbox by 10 or so lines at a time and then a minus (-) button/link to decrease the text box 10 lines at a time - a bit like how IPB has it. This should only require a bit of javascript to do this. That way you can increase/decrease the size of the box to fit your post while replying to a thread.
  24. Just create them yourself. Download a file converter and chose a music/video file that you have in another format to be converted in to another format for example wmv to mov or wma to mp3 for flv you can use flash for that just create a simple animation then use the video exporter to save it as a flash video rather than as a .swf If you want to cut them down to shorter version then there a video/audio mixers out there
  25. Ok I have done some testing and it appears the & symbol has a special meaning or something. You should use the pipe character (|) instead. That worked for me. So do error_reporting = E_ALL | E_STRICT instead Also 6143 is the numerical value of E_ALL constant. So when you set error_reporting to E_ALL | E_STRICT PHP will report the error reporting level set as 8191 (6143 (E_ALL) + 2048 (E_STRICT)). Read up on error_reporting here
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