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Everything posted by wildteen88

  1. We do not prohibit this behaviour. We will not provide source code to commercial PHP scripts. If you want to use the script, buy it. Or find a free/cheaper alternative over at hotscripts.com Thread closed.
  2. Use PHPs nl2br function instead. Use this when you display the data
  3. This is not spam thorpe. As I am being redirected to the hell site. If I click the stop button in time I am not redirected. It only seems your index page is being affected. I can browser oither pages without being redirected.
  4. You have output being made around line 18 in users.php Post lines 13 to 23 here from users.php
  5. Dont use the latest version of APache then. Try installing Apache2.0.x instead For a free OS download [url=http://www.ubuntu.com/]Ubuntu[/url]
  6. is your php.ini in the WINDOWS folder then?
  7. I have no Idea. Check that php is using the correct php.ini so create a new file called php.php then add the following: [code=php:0]<?php phpinfo(); ?>[/code] What does the [b]Configuration File (php.ini) Path[/b] line say? Is that correct path to the php.ini you're edting?
  8. okay make sure there is not other libmysql.dll PHP may be finding. So go to Start ? Search > All files and folders Type in libmysql.dll There should be no other instance libmysql.dll other than libmysql.dll being in the MySQL bin folder, in zip files or the your php folder. If you find any other instance of libmysql.dll in C:\WINDOW or C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 either delete or rename them.
  9. Have your restarted your server?  Make sure you have setup the extension_dir directive. Prehaos a have a read of [url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,95378.0.html]this FAQ[/url].
  10. Prehaps have the adds display between the first and the secound post of each thread? Rather than have them display in the first thread. Also change the dimensions of the ads so they display horzontally (Use leaderboard (728 x 90)) rather than being a big box. If you do decided to do that. I have managed to add a [i]hack[/i] to the threads template (Dispaly.template.php) so it does this. You can probably edit my hack so it adds the ads every x amount of posts, such as every 4 posts in the thread.
  11. Try this: http://host/phpMyAdmin/index.php If that works then you need to add Indexes to the Options (around line 273) in the httpd.conf and add/or index.php on to the end of the DirectoryIndex line (around line 327). if it doesnt then I dont know whats wrong.
  12. Therre are plenty of posts about bbcode systems in the Regex board. Take a look at  [url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,101566.msg402102.html#msg402102]this post[/url]. Also we are not here to write scripts for you. We'll provide code snippets but not full scripts. If you want someone to build a fully fledged bbcode system then ask in the freelance forum.
  13. Which ever version of SQL you want to use MySQL, MSSQL, PostrgreSQL etc yuou'll need to download and install them from thier develoipers web site. Then for PHP to be able to communicate to the SQL Server you install you'll need to enable the extension in the php.ini
  14. Glad its all working. Npte if you wish to work with a mySQL database. You'll need to enable the mysql extension. Which you can learn to do [url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,95378.0.html]in this FAQ[/url]. If you get any problems please post back.
  15. So you have just installed Apache. you havn't downloaded and installed PHP? If you havnt downloaded PHP yet, download the following package: [url=http://www.php.net/get/php-5.1.6-Win32.zip/from/a/mirror]PHP 5.1.6 zip package[/url] Download that package to your My Documents area. Once downloaded, extract the contents of zip to C:\php (XP and 2000 should have an Extraction Wizard built in when you Right click and select Extract All) Once you have extracted PHP. We'll add the PHP folder to the Windows PATH variable. To do this make sure you're logged in as the adminstrator account. Now go to Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced Tab > Evironment Variables button > Evnvironment Variables Box Scroll to the Path variable. Left click the Path variable row and click the edit button. Now press the End key on your keyboard type in the following exactly: [b];C:\php;[/b] Click Ok on the three open dialog boxes to close them Now to configure Apache. Make sure you have downloaded and installed Apache2.0.x. If you have Apache2.2.x then you may need to download a third party dll file. Okay find and edit the httpd.conf file. You can access this file easily by going to Start > Program files > Apache HTTP Server (your version here) > Configure Apache Server > Edit the Apache httpd.conf Configuration File The httpd.conf file opens up for editing in Notepad/Wordpad Now scroll down and find the following: [code]#LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so[/code] Add the following on a new line after it: [code]#PHP 5 LoadModule php5_module "C:/php/php5apache2.dll" #PHPIniDir PHPIniDir "C:/php"[/code] Now scroll down and find the following: [code]DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var[/code] Add (space)index.php after index.html.var so the DirectoryIndex line is like this: [code]DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php[/code] Again scroll down and find the following: [code]AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz[/code] Add the following on a new line after the line above: [code]#PHP5 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml AddType application/x-httpd-phps .phps[/code] You have successfully configured Apache to parse PHP files with the PHP intepreter! Save the httpd.conf (Ctrl+S) Close the editor. Now go to C:\php and find the php.ini-recommended file. Rename this file to php.ini Everything is done. All you need to do now is restart your computer in order for the Path variable to com available. When you restart your computer.  You should get no errors/beeps fingers crossed. If you get no beeps/errors when Apache startup. Open up your browser and go to http://localhost/Examples/hello.php Is the php script now being parsed?
  16. Looks like you are passing the wrong variable or something. Post your code here that corresponds to that error being returned.
  17. Example: [code=php:0]switch($_GET['section']) {     case 1:         // do stufff for section 1     break;     case 2:         // do stufff for section 2     break;     // other cases here         // defualt case:     default:         // do something here if $_GET['section'] doesnt match any of the cases     break; }[/code]
  18. Most probably your host turned it off or they recently upgrade PHP. It i a good that regsiter globals is turned off. As it can cause security exploits in your code. However ponsho's suggestion should work. Always work with the superglobal arrays ( _GET, _POST, _SERVER, _COOKIE etc) regardles of the setting of register_globals if the host uses a PHP version greater than PHP4.2!
  19. Okay. Could you post the steps you did you to configure Apache here. Also what OS are you using? Windows, Linux, or Mac?
  20. If you want to use as localhost I believe you need to configure the host file in order to use that ip address as localhost. is the defualt ip address for accessing the intranet on the PC. localhost is the alias of
  21. In short: Returns the current configuration setting of magic_quotes_gpc which is set in the php.ini So if the magic_quotes_gpc is set to 1 or TRUE the get_magic_quotes_gpc function will return true. If magic_quotes_gpc is set to 0 or FALSE get_magic_quotes_gpc function will return false. magic_quotes escapes quotes from within a string which is PHPs way of making user input safe for you to use.
  22. My Ip address shows over at freehostia but it doesnt on the other site. Also no one can hack into your site and disable the REMOTE_ADDR variable. The server variables are defined via Apache or what ever webserver your webhosts uses. Also REMOTE_ADDR is set to for cjnavato.com. Does cjnavato.com have regsiter_globals enabled? You can chekc this by ruining the phpinfo function: [code=php:0]<?php phpinfo(); ?>[/code]
  23. Use full php tags not short php tags: [code=php:0]<?php echo "hello"; ?>[/code] Dont used <? use <?php instead. If it still doesnt parse your php script then Apahe isnt configured to send any php files that are requested to the php intepreter. How have your configured Apache?
  24. Added an acception to Adblock to preventy it from removing adds from phpfreaks.com Didnt notice the ads where added until I saw this thread. I will click on the adds a every so often that intrest me. I wont go OTT of course. ;)
  25. Users with purple usernames are in the Guru member group. There are also green usernames. Users with green usernames are in the Super Guru member group. No member in these groups have any special privallages. Unless your username is blue or red.
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