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update: well - i guess that Hydrogen requires more than a plain Python interpreter. It provides functionality much like a Jupyter Notebook. If all i want to do is run a small script, then I guess i should just stick to the script package, or run it in a terminal. but i want to see the output of the script - this is pretty important to me.
hello dear fellows, above all. well i hope you and your family is well - and all goes well in your location. How is your town dealing with covit19? I hope that we can overcome this crisis soon. ad i get continued messages and as i encounter issues day by day i just add the findings here - perhaps we can solve them in this thread. many many thanks to you and for any and all help. the topic of today: no kernel for grammar Python found - pykernel necessary - honestly? well this is pretty confusing - i can run scripts - even in python. but after installing hydrogen ( cf https://atom.io/packages/hydrogen ) i have encountered funny and very confusing things. i want to run a little python script - and while doing a test with hydrogen>run i get back the following message: see: No Kernels Installed No kernels are installed on your system so you will not be able to execute code in any language. (#)[Popular Kernels](#)[All Kernels](#) No kernel for grammar `Python` found Check that the language for this file is set in Atom, that you have a Jupyter kernel installed for it, and that you have configured the language mapping in Hydrogen preferences. To detect your current Python install you will need to run: python -m pip install ipykernel python -m ipykernel install --user well - what is pretty confusing - is the fact that i can run scripts - also python scripts - with the package called script: they work pretty well ... what goes on here - i have no glue --- see the image..
hello dear fellows How is your locality dealing with Corona? I hope you all were fine and all goes well. i hope that this question is in the right subforum - i have had some experience with ATOM and github - but now i have to do a restart. This thread helps me. i have some questions to make clear that i understand all well…: just set me straight if i am wrong. we can merge GitHub with Atom, so you can pull your repo on GitHub to Atom, that said we can: see changes on Atom, make changes in Atom, commit in Atom, and then push to GitHub, similiar to GitHub Desktop just with a built-in editor. the core function “Git-Integrator” is a great feature: at the moment it is like so: i have started ATOM and i have logged into my GIthub-account - online. Now the question is: how to connect to github from ATOM - how to connect both!? At the moment all looks like so: again - i have started and i am looged online into my github account and atom runs at the moment which steps should i take next"!? love to hear from you regards dil_bert regard your apollodriver
hi there - good day dear GW 1500 se - update: if we have a closer look at the image - the foto in the thread... and if we think of this.. session_save_path ([ string $path ] ) : string session_save_path() gibt den Pfad des aktuellen Verzeichnisses zurück, das zum Speichern der Session-Daten verwendet wird. [/CODE] [CODE]No session => no login No session => no installation An session.save_path not writable => No session. [/CODE] conclusio: i all ways thought that this code tests if we can write into the php variable $_SESSION or - if we cannot do that - and i allways thought that this is read only what do you say - !? look forward to hear from you
hi there - good day dear GW 1500 se - many thanks for the quick reply - i am trying to install a 3 Party application.. https://www.limesurvey.org it is a survey-script which is used all over the globe see by the way this thread... https://www.limesurvey.org/forum/installation-a-update-issues/120432-how-to-do-a-reset-of-the-user-pass-combination#195701 look forward to hear from you have a great day... and many many thanks for your continued support here.
hi there - good day dear gw. first of all - many many thanks for the quick reply - we re talking about the installation of a survey-script - called limesurvey - cf. www.limesurvey.org i get the following complaints during the installation process - and if we have a closer look at the script - (see below) then the server admin says - that this script wants to have unsecure things.... what do you say!? look forward to hear from you
hi there - good day dear fellows, the topic of today: session.save_path (/tmp) is not writable for web server :: security-risk!? I am trying to install a script on my OpenSuse Webserver, and I managed to resolve most of the errors except of one: The value for session.save_path (/tmp) is not writable for the web server. Make sure that PHP can actually save session variables. That seems to be the problem. session.save_path: writeable You need set permission for your var directory. well - i guess that the default ownership may be incorrect on the session folder: Example; php on some Linux-Server defaults to apache user. If using nginx or other need to switch the folder ownership. Also as a note you have to change the user/group setting in www.conf. chown -R root:nginx /var/lib/php/7.0/ sed -i 's/apache/nginx/g' /etc/php-fpm-7.0.d/www.conf service php-fpm-7.0 restart But wait: what about the security - is it save to make the session.save_path writeable!? my server-admin says that this is a big big hole and makes the server unsecure. love to hear from you yours dil_bert by the way: years ago i have had this issue on the server. but the question is - is this a securitiy risk!? I need to know this. Look forward to hear from you
update: some additional notes here - today i noticed some more issues: i encountered som more things Unable to start the Python language server :: python -m pip install 'python-language-server[all]' dear developer dear ATOM-Team the **question as of today:** Unable to start the Python language server :: python -m pip install 'python-language-server[all]' added a pyhton code and suddenly i got back the following waring Unable to start the Python language server. Make sure to install pyls 0.19 or newer by running: and the following one: python -m pip install 'python-language-server[all]' well - to be frank ;: i am on MX-Linux and there Pyton is installed by default. So whats the fuss?! i am not sure what ATOM wants from me now!? can any body help out here
to find out more about how i work with the DOMdocument i go ahead - eg like so: I have this html code: <html> <head> ... </head> <body> <div> <div class="foo" data-type="bar"> SOMECONTENTWITHMORETAGS </div> </div> </body> and now I'd like to return all html tags (including its attributes) of DOMElement. How I can do that? How to achive this!? private function get_html_from_node($node){ $html = ''; $children = $node->childNodes; foreach ($children as $child) { $tmp_doc = new DOMDocument(); $tmp_doc->appendChild($tmp_doc->importNode($child,true)); $html .= $tmp_doc->saveHTML(); } return $html; } I already can get the "foo" element (but only its content) with this function above,.... guess that it is pretty woth to thake a closer look at the optional argument to DOMDocument::saveHTML: this says "output this element only". return $node->ownerDocument->saveHTML($node); Note that the argument is now in php7 available - - since 5xcy . Before that, you would need to use DOMDocument::saveXML instead. The good thing is that the results may very very helpful - Also, if we already have a reference to the document, we can just do this: $doc->saveHTML($node); okay - and now i will work on the above mentioned example... - in europe
hi there good day dear barand, ginerjim and gw1500se,😍 the "semantic" class is suppoese to be "eyp-card". function get_eyp_cards_data(){ $dom = new DomDocument(); $my_cards = array(); if ( $dom->load('https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/organisations_en') ) { // true or false https://www.php.net/manual/en/domdocument.loadhtml.php $domx = new DOMXpath($dom); $eyp_cards = $domx->query('div[contains(@class,"eyp-card")]'); // returns DOMNodeList https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.domnodelist.php if ( $eyp_cards->length > 0 ) { // length IS a property of DOMNodeList. works but looks a bit JSy foreach ( $eyp_cards as $eyp_card ) { // Debug: echo '<pre>', var_dump($eyp_card), '<pre>'; $my_cards[] = array( 'title' => $eyp_card->getElementsByTagName('h5')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'content' => $eyp_card->firstChild->nodeValue, // includes title ); } } } return !empty($my_cards) ? $my_cards : false; } $my_cards = get_eyp_cards_data(); the referenc of selectors https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1390568/how-can-i-match-on-an-attribute-that-contains-a-certain-string note -there are approx 200 pages or more. i guess that i will rework this and enhance it to get some data stored in a sql-db many thanks for all your feed-back and your hints
hello dear experts, i am fairly new to ATOM & PHP: i am running the ide-php version 0.7.18 the php-language support for ATOM now i have installed php on the win machine (note a win7) btw - the php resides here: C:\dev\php-7.4.3-src where to configure the ide-php version 0.7.18 or ATOM to set the paths? love to hear from you
hi there good day dear folks, the topic of today: ATOM-Settings: IDE-PHP could not launch your PHP runtime: how to proceed i just installed into ATOM the - IDE-PHP and i followed the recommendation: > You should also install the [atom-ide-ui](https://atom.io/packages/atom-ide-ui) package to expose the functionality within Atom. so i also installed the **atom-ide-ui** Now - i got back the complains from the system: No PHP interpreter found at **php** . If you have PHP 7.0 installed please Set PHP Path correctly. If you do not please Download PHP 7.0 or later and install it. `spawn php ENOENT` IDE-PHP could not launch your PHP runtime. No PHP interpreter found at **php** . well - i just need to install PHP - and set the paths **btw**: are there some other nice and easy leightweight IDEs or Editors for PHP!? Love to hear from you.
findings: As the error states, i think that simple_html_dom.php either doesn't exist or isn't in the right location. furthermore: since file_get_html is not a native PHP function, the function resides within my included file that cannot be found so i need to to fix that first. The filed does not exist by checking the inc folder in the project root. i am going to fix it. so the question is: this is my project-folder: /project /project/includes/ question: does the above mentioned file resides in that folder - the includes file!? finally i have it like this: C:\Users\Kasper\Documents\_mk_\_dev_\php\ ->here my_project-file_ C:\Users\Kasper\Documents\_mk_\_dev_\php\includes (and here the "simplehtmldom-parser" from https://sourceforge.net/projects/simplehtmldom/ goes in i am going to testrun now the whole thing on my machine - using ATOM i come back later the day love to hear from you regards see the picture:
hi there good day dear gw1500SE and ginerjm - good day,. after the first try i did another one: - i still get following errors: <br /> <b>Warning</b>: include(inc/simple_html_dom.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>[...][...]</b> on line <b>5</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: include(): Failed opening 'inc/simple_html_dom.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in <b>[...][...]</b> on line <b>5</b><br /> <br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function file_get_html() in [...][...]:11 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in <b>[...][...]</b> on line <b>11</b><br /> and this one: FATAL ERROR syntax error, unexpected '<', expecting end of file on line number 1 hmmm - i think that i have to do some corrections. I have to investigate the target to find out what is missing - what i have to correct in my testcode. i will come back later the day.. regards
good day dear ginerjm hello dear gw1500se many many thanks for your replies. great to hear from you. i did a quick test . due to the fact that i am on a travel and do not have a prepared notebook with me. but i will do further tests within the next few days. WARNING error_reporting() has been disabled for security reasons on line number 3 FATAL ERROR Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function file_get_html() in /home4/php/public_html/code.php70(5) : eval()'d code:11 Stack trace: #0 /home4/php/public_html/code.php70(5): eval() #1 {main} thrown on line number 11 i will perform further tests in the next few hours ... many thanks for any and all hints with this task - i appreciate any hint and idea with the test of this tiny little script
hello dear php-experts, i fairly new to simple_html_dom usage and methods. I know a little the parser, i want to gather some information from this site: https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/organisations_en#open is this possible to get the content - of let us say 10 or 20 last records on that page - and subesquently to store it in my mysql - db!? <?php // Report all PHP errors (see changelog) error_reporting(E_ALL); include('inc/simple_html_dom.php'); //base url $base = 'https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/organisations_en#open'; //home page HTML $html_base = file_get_html( $base ); //get all category links foreach($html_base->find('a') as $element) { echo "<pre>"; print_r( $element->href ); echo "</pre>"; } $html_base->clear(); unset($html_base); ?> I have the above code and I'm trying to get certain elements of the page but it isn't returning anything. Is it possible that certain PHP functions might be disabled on the server to stop that? The above code works perfectly on other sites. Is there any workaround? btw: i have created a small snipped as a proof of concept to run this with Python and BeautifulSoup - import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = 'https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/organisations_en#open' response = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'lxml') print(soup.find('title').text) block = soup.find('div', class_="eyp-card block-is-flex") and this.... European Youth Portal >>> block.a <a href="/youth/volunteering/organisation/48592_en" target="_blank">"Academy for Peace and Development" Union</a> >>> block.a.text '"Academy for Peace and Development" Union' >>> block.select_one('div > div > p:nth-child(9)') <p><strong>PIC:</strong> 948417016</p> >>> block.select_one('div > div > p:nth-child(9)').text 'PIC: 948417016' what is aimed in the end - i want to gather the first 20 results of the page - and put them in to a sql-db or alternatively show the information in a little widget
hello dear experts at phpfreaks i hope you are well and everything goes all right today i have a question regarding the creation of a SSL-Certificate. note: i am fairly new to the process of generating a SSL-certificate ....: Is it possible to do self signed certification a website without domain name? to shed a light i have gathered some information: i have read some documentations and sumarize it here - trying to find out the information that helps me to answer the question. i have gathered some infos here at: https://www.openssl.org/ and at stackoverflow - see below OpenSSL is a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. It is also a general-purpose cryptography library. For more information about the team and community around the project, or to start making your own contributions, start with the community page. To get the latest news, download the source, and so on, please see the sidebar or the buttons at the top of every page. OpenSSL is licensed under an Apache-style license, which basically means that you are free to get and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes subject to some simple license conditions. ... taken from here: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSMNED_5.0.0/com.ibm.apic.cmc.doc/task_apionprem_gernerate_self_signed_openSSL.html
how to debug the phpBB-forum software: i allways get 500 error
dil_bert replied to dil_bert's topic in Applications
Installed xampp (version 1.8.2 ) on my win-7 notebook and started it all runs well - xampp runs put a new version 3-3-0 to the folder board: but see what i got back: http://localhost/xampp/board/install/app.php http://localhost/xampp/index.php no phpBB installation, is visible - not even this http://localhost/xampp/install/phpinfo.php what goes wrong here!? -
how to debug the phpBB-forum software: i allways get 500 error
dil_bert replied to dil_bert's topic in Applications
good day dear requnix thanks for your help... - thanks for sharing your ideas. i did a fresh install. i installed the phpBB version 3.3.0 i still get the following errors..: [Sun Feb 16 16:39:10.382324 2020] [php7:error] [pid 30171] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Cannot open source device in /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php:70\nStack trace:\n#0 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php(70): random_int(0, 35)\n#1 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php(106): gen_rand_string(16)\n#2 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/environment.php(202): unique_id()\n#3 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/environment.php(186): phpbb\\template\\twig\\environment->display_with_assets('installer_main....', Array)\n#4 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/twig.php(335): phpbb\\template\\twig\\environment->render('installer_main....', Array)\n#5 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/install/controller/helper.php(145): phpbb\\template\\twig\\twig->assign_display('body')\n#6 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/install/event/kernel_exception_subscriber.php(86): phpbb\\install\\controller\\helper->render('installer_main....', 'Information', false, 500)\n#7 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php(214): phpbb\\install\\event\\kern in /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php on line 70, referer: http://www.wp-forum.net/install/ [Sun Feb 16 16:59:53.138118 2020] [core:error] [pid 30171] (13)Permission denied: [client] AH00035: access to /phpBB/install/ denied (filesystem path '/sites/www.literaturen.org/phpBB') because search permissions are missing on a component of the path [Sun Feb 16 16:59:53.241618 2020] [core:error] [pid 30171] (13)Permission denied: [client] AH00035: access to /favicon.ico denied (filesystem path '/sites/www.literaturen.org/favicon.ico') because search permissions are missing on a component of the path, referer: http://wp-forum.net/phpBB/install/ [Sun Feb 16 17:00:04.609242 2020] [php7:error] [pid 30170] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Cannot open source device in /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php:70\nStack trace:\n#0 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php(70): random_int(0, 35)\n#1 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php(106): gen_rand_string(16)\n#2 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/environment.php(202): unique_id()\n#3 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/environment.php(186): phpbb\\template\\twig\\environment->display_with_assets('installer_main....', Array)\n#4 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/twig.php(335): phpbb\\template\\twig\\environment->render('installer_main....', Array)\n#5 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/install/controller/helper.php(145): phpbb\\template\\twig\\twig->assign_display('body')\n#6 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/install/event/kernel_exception_subscriber.php(86): phpbb\\install\\controller\\helper->render('installer_main....', 'Information', false, 500)\n#7 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php(214): phpbb\\install\\event\\kern in /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php on line 70, referer: http://www.wp-forum.net/install/ [Sun Feb 16 17:01:06.889713 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3380] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Cannot open source device in /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php:70\nStack trace:\n#0 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php(70): random_int(0, 35)\n#1 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php(106): gen_rand_string(16)\n#2 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/environment.php(202): unique_id()\n#3 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/environment.php(186): phpbb\\template\\twig\\environment->display_with_assets('installer_main....', Array)\n#4 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/twig.php(335): phpbb\\template\\twig\\environment->render('installer_main....', Array)\n#5 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/install/controller/helper.php(145): phpbb\\template\\twig\\twig->assign_display('body')\n#6 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/install/event/kernel_exception_subscriber.php(86): phpbb\\install\\controller\\helper->render('installer_main....', 'Information', false, 500)\n#7 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php(214): phpbb\\install\\event\\kern in /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php on line 70, referer: http://www.wp-forum.net/install/ .....according to this installation-instructions - this offers misleading and disturbin information..: https://www.phpbb.com/community/docs/INSTALL.html they want you to do the installation with the following paths http://www.wp-forum.net/install/ http://www.wp-forum.net/phpBB3/install/ http://www.wp-forum.net/phpBB3/install/app.php http://www.wp-forum.net/phpBB3/install/app.php but they do not exist at all: we do not have the following path - called mydomain.com/phpbb3 - this is just disturbing. well i wonder why this installation-instruction does not meet the real conditions and facts. http://www.wp-forum.net/install/ http://www.wp-forum.net/phpBB/install/ http://www.wp-forum.net/phpBB/install/app.php http://www.wp-forum.net/phpBB/install/app.php by the way: i use for the unzip the WinRAR 5.71 !? note this is a testversion - for only 40 days. these 40 days are gone.. are the issue probably rootet in the WinRAR 5.71!? Could / should i try to do the unzip with another tool!? love to hear from you -
how to debug the phpBB-forum software: i allways get 500 error
dil_bert replied to dil_bert's topic in Applications
hello dear according to this instruction https://www.phpbb.com/community/docs/INSTALL.html i have to say : this is pretty funny - . so called double bind instructions.... like so a. do this b. do not this just have a closer look at this instrcutions.. Once all the files have been uploaded to your site, you should point your browser at this location with the addition of /install/. For example, if your domain name is www.example.com and you placed the phpBB files in the directory /phpBB3 off your web root you would enter http://www.wp-forum.net/phpBB3/install/ http://www.wp-forum.net/phpBB3/install/app.php into your browser. When you have done this, you should see the phpBB Introduction screen appear. well - to be frank - i start over again - but this file structure and these instructions are not good - all can be misunderstood this is so bad bad bad.. and we can say - these instructions are messed up totally again: uplpoad and start over... -
how to debug the phpBB-forum software: i allways get 500 error
dil_bert replied to dil_bert's topic in Applications
hello dear Requinix i did it - i had a closer look at the logs. btw: the server is no a bit more stable and the errors on the Wordpress /(open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/) is not within the allowed path(s): ) note: we Modified the open_basedir settings in our hosting account and set them better. We corrected the open_basedir setting given under 'PHP Settings' area on our server. To resolve this error we edited the file httpd.conf. Way before it can be seen in phpinfo in apache2handler section directive Server Root. For example, in my case this way - / etc / httpd / httpd.conf. so the wordpress on the same server - is running good - with no errors and no issues at all. but i have issues with a vhost - where i did not have installed the phpBB version 3.3.0 which resides on that server: again: as mentioned above - i struggle with some facts that i encountered - the file-structure of the phpBB 3,3: well this is extraordinary confusing and disturbing... with the phpBB version 3.3 xy we have a annoying file and folder structure just have a closer look what we have the following listing: /sites/www.wp-forum.net/install/ with the folders /convert/ /convertors/ /shemas/ and the files app.php and we have the following: /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/install with /controll /console /event /exception /helper /module installer.php that looks pretty insane - i wonder why we have install - two times [php7:error] [pid 9543] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Cannot open source device in /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php:70\nStack trace:\n#0 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php(70): random_int(0, 35)\n#1 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php(106): gen_rand_string(16)\n#2 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/environment.php(202): unique_id()\n#3 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/environment.php(186): phpbb\\template\\twig\\environment->display_with_assets('installer_main....', Array)\n#4 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/twig.php(335): phpbb\\template\\twig\\environment->render('installer_main....', Array)\n#5 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/install/controller/helper.php(145): phpbb\\template\\twig\\twig->assign_display('body')\n#6 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/install/event/kernel_exception_subscriber.php(86): phpbb\\install\\controller\\helper->render('installer_main....', 'Information', false, 500)\n#7 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php(214): phpbb\\install\\event\\kern in /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php on line 70 [Fri Feb 14 20:19:07.436913 2020] [php7:error] [pid 9543] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Cannot open source device in /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php:70\nStack trace:\n#0 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php(70): random_int(0, 35)\n#1 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php(106): gen_rand_string(16)\n#2 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/environment.php(202): unique_id()\n#3 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/environment.php(186): phpbb\\template\\twig\\environment->display_with_assets('installer_main....', Array)\n#4 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/template/twig/twig.php(335): phpbb\\template\\twig\\environment->render('installer_main....', Array)\n#5 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/install/controller/helper.php(145): phpbb\\template\\twig\\twig->assign_display('body')\n#6 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/phpbb/install/event/kernel_exception_subscriber.php(86): phpbb\\install\\controller\\helper->render('installer_main....', 'Information', false, 500)\n#7 /sites/www.wp-forum.net/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php(214): phpbb\\install\\event\\kern in /sites/www.wp-forum.net/includes/functions.php on line 70 dear requnix, - i have to digg deeper into all that - so that i can find out what i need to a. correct on the server (-configuration) b. can do on the server c. find out more insights - in using a clever debug mode or something thelike... look forward to hear from you -
Wordpress: how to add the featured image to a page !?
dil_bert replied to dil_bert's topic in Applications
hello again, untill now i did not fix the issues, here a description that fits most: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/post-page-not-showing-featured-image/ question: I have installed the theme but on post page, none of the post showing the featured images, just showing on the home page… Can anyone help to resolve this problem so post page can also show the related featured image? answer: I managed to bodge it by adding this to (my child theme’s) single.php ` <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { // check if the post has a Post Thumbnail assigned to it. the_post_thumbnail( 'full' ); } ?> (Insert after <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>) <img src="wherever" /> and a link: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-add-featured-image-or-post-thumbnails-in-wordpress/ note: i did not have applied the code to a child-theme yet. but i deactivated all the plugins - step by step. - without any success. note: i have upgreaded the server from PHP-Version 5.6 to Version 7.2xy at the moment i struggle with some issues on the page: `Warning: ini_set(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp/wp-errors.log) is not within the allowed path(s): (/sites) in /sites/www.my-site.com/wp-includes/load.php on line 345` condluding question: is it possible that this can cause the issues?!? with the featured image!? look forward to hear from you regards