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Everything posted by dil_bert

  1. hello dear Barand many thanks for the reply and the sharing of ideas and insights. I am glad to be here at this place. Again - many thanks have a great day.
  2. hello dear community, topic today: arbitrary file upload :: is this a vulnerability in WordPress just recognized some folders in a freshly wordpress-installation see the following: wp-contents/uploads/ /2016/ /2017/ /2018/ /2019/ NOTE. THE SITE WAS INSTALLED freshliy IN summer 2019 i have had no installation before.. so what happend here ...!?` btw found some interesting reading on the net well that looks interesting Arbitrary file upload vulnerability in WordPress User Submitted Posts .... curl http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/script.php.gif ...</blockquote>https://www.pluginvulnerabilities.com/2018/01/29/arbitrary-file-upload-vulnerability-in-wordpress-forms/ question - is this anything serious that i have found!?
  3. dear experts java jre 32 bit for win - where to download this? i allread have a googled it b. have had a closer look at the java and oracle page EG here https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/jre-install-137694.html can you give me some hints!? look forward to hear from you
  4. hello dear experts, Parallax effect involves a web page’s background moving at a slower rate than the foreground. This creates an illusion of depth to the page, giving the content a 3D effect as viewers scroll down. The majority of premium WordPress themes now come with built-in parallax effect on their homepage. Even the free WordPress default theme Twenty Seventeen comes with a parallax feature. What Are the Benefits of Using a Parallax Effect? There are a number of benefits to using a parallax effect on your WordPress website. The first, and most obvious, is the visual aspect of a parallax effect. A parallax effect is aesthetically pleasing, giving your website a fresh, stylish and modern look and feel. This wow effect can make your content really pop, and creates an exciting and interesting browser experience. The issue: I’m using the Twenty Seventeen theme in WordPress (the newest version) with a static front page with 4 additional sections. On the very top part - at the top of the page, as you scroll down, the logo of the page, and the site name, and tagline scroll up over the opening image appears. What is visible: There’s a clear background to the logo, title, tagline group, so the background image shows through very good. The behavior of the site: As you scroll down further, the 2nd image of the page comes into view, and it’s completely displayed when the 1st image of the page has scrolled off the screen and the menu is now at the top. Continue scrolling and the text of the next section scrolls up, covering over the 2nd image. but wait: However, this text has a white ( at least in my personal case) background and the image does NOT show through. Why is this so: This is the same behavior for the remaining image/text pairs. What is aimed: What I want to know how to do is make the background on those text sections clear, like in the topmost section of the whole page. I’ve seen how their color can be changed, but not how it can be made to be transparent. well i have read lots of postings here - but i found no answer untill now-... Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. hi there currently planing the creation of a subomain on apache can i do the following in a internal net vHosts with vhost with the apache module "mod_proxy" Code: NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName server01.network DocumentRoot /home/webmaster/htdocs </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName subdom.server01.network ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / </VirtualHost> LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache2-prefork/mod_proxy.so LoadModule proxy_http_module /usr/lib/apache2-prefork/mod_proxy_http.so whilst sudbomain is running on Port 10000 ,,,, any ideas !?
  6. hello dear community, good day, I've been having an issue trying to parse text in a span cass with DOM. Here is my code example. try to extract some lines out of a webpage - with following technique: with the Extraction of values of attributes of elements with DOMDocument. Here is what i have gathered and learned: $remote = "http://website.com/"; $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTMLFile($remote); $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc); $node = $xpath->query('//span[@class="user"]'); echo $node; and this returns the following error -> "Catchable fatal error: Object of class DOMNodeList could not be converted to string". And now - with this i need help. What I am trying to do is parse the user name between this tag; <div class="widget plugin-meta"> <h3 class="screen-reader-text">Meta</h3> see more below:Here the concrete example view-source: https://wordpress.org/plugins/participants-database/ and https://wordpress.org/plugins/participants-database/ goal i need the following data: Version: Last updated: Active installations: Tested up: view-source: https://wordpress.org/plugins/participants-database/ Proceedings; i checked the source of the webpage. i tried to find out whether the texte is related to some kind of pattern.i have looked closely and found that all of them have class=”widget plugin-meta” . Well - This will make extracting them, a piece of cake. I tried with the code below helps to filter html elements based on values of attributes. but unfortunatley this ends up in a bad result; i need a helping hand and need to know how to parse the above mentioned data Again; the goal: i need the following data: Any idea for the starting-point!? I love to hear from you.
  7. dear community What if I want to forward example.net to example.net What does the visitor see? As a site? What does the adress bar display? Is it possible to do a forwarding that shows the domain name example.com in the adress bar, and that it shows the content of example.net? Which solutions do fit here: can i use Apache-directives!? Look forward to hear from you
  8. hi there - many thanks dear requinix - great to hear from you. the above mentioned example is only a little (and trivial) one - see below the more realistic one. +-------------------------+ +------------------------------------------+ | vvloremipsumcallemadridlor | | loremipsumcallemadridlor| | loremipsumcallema | +---------------------------------------+ +----------+--------------+ +------------------------------------------+ | +-+--------------------+ +--------------------------------------+ | loremipsumcallemad | | Bloremipsumcallema | | | | | +----------------------+ +--------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------+ | loremipsumcallemadridl | | loremipsumcallemadridlor | | | | | +-------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------+ | loremipsumcallemadridlor | | | +-----------------------------------+ +----------------------------------+ |loremipsumcallemadridlo | | | +----------------------------------+ +------------------------------------+ | loremipsumcallemadrid | | | +------------------------------------+ so - again how to achieve a extension of such a ascii-art example!? love to hear from you
  9. hello dear Requinix many thanks for the quick reply glad to hear from you . well - i encountered this on a site which is a beta-beta-beta site: but i am willing to fulfill all the GDPR-things. So i have to take care of the correct way and that Transportencryption (https) is working propperly. And i am pretty sure requinix that you are right - in every sight! I can say that I can't imagine there are many users that would willingly enter any account credentials on an unencrypted page at this point in time. btw: as for some fixes in that sort of thing: can we fix the https (there are free certificates one can use like zerossl.com/free-ssl/ for example) and furthermore - what about to look into a simple free gdpr/cookie consent script like eg here www.freeprivacypolicy.com/cookie-consent/ above all: i will make sure that the GDBR authorities will be able to go even on my small website that for any reason - if they are interested in GDBR-Things. like - logging user data (like requiring visitors to login, - or any kind of cookie tracking). Above all: many thanks dear requinix for the reply. I will take care - and above all - i will set up the whole server new.. so that all of these things will be correct. regards ;)
  10. hello dear php-experts, what if my (wordpress-) website has no Transportencryption (https) working. in other words is it so that in this case i am transmitting credentials unencrypted through the wire!? does this affect any law or gdpr issue (law)?! Love to hear from you
  11. dear community, i have creaed the ascii-data with the the tool here http://asciiflow.com/ - well so far so good. what if i want to add a block in the row ( just on the fly ) in notepad, Is this possible!? Can this be done with Notepad!? +-------------+ +-------------+ +--------------- +-----------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------+ +-------------+ +---------------+ +-----------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ [/CODE] +-------------+ +-------------+ +--------------- +-----------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------+ +-------------+ +---------------+ +-----------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ [/CODE] look forward to hear from you regards
  12. hello dear experts good day dear PHP-Freaks the question today is: VScode vs VScodium on Debian - which one to use!? i want to work with VSCode on Debian - now i have heard that there also a alternative Kit exists. vscodium - i want to configure this to work with Python and MicroPython - and of course also with PHP. what do you say - can we install this on Debian too - without any hassle?
  13. hello dear experts, i have - installed MX-Linux on a notebook. the question of the day: how to actualize all tize all the installed packages in the MX-Paket-installer!? at once!? - installed approx 4000 Packgages - 190 of them could be actualized question: how can we do a update /& actualization of all of them - at once: in other words: how to actualize all tize all the installed packages in the MX-Paket-installer!? love to hear from you
  14. Hello dear Barand first of all : many many thanks for the quick reply. Great to hear from you. Well thats just great and i really am very very happy to hear from you. I guess that we are on the right path with the processing of the data. unfortunatly the dataset cannot be imported to the google_calendar. this said - i have to point out that the experts on the google-calendar ponder that this should work flawlessly see here https://support.google.com/calendar/thread/6900392?hl=en well at the moment i am pretty clueless why the import fails all the time. i took this dataset to try the import...: "Start Date", "Summary", "Description" "01/01/19","Lukas:16:19","Es war ein reicher Mann, der kleidete sich in Purpur und kostbares Leinen" "01/02/19","Kolosser:3:13","Ertrage einer den andern und vergebt euch untereinander" "01/03/19","1.Petrus:5:10","Der Gott aller Gnade, der euch berufen" i do not know why it fails - and where the issues are any ideas why thew upload fails...
  15. hello dear Barand good day - many thanks for the andwer. one question: would that be possible to convert the data from calc to csv ... in order to put it into the google-calendar; if we take it like so - three columns, Date | Book:chapter:verse | Text and then putting the data into a conventional CSV format that can be opened directly by Excel - EG "01/01/19","Lukas:16:19","Es war ein reicher Mann, der kleidete sich in Purpur und kostbares Leinen" "01/02/19","Kolosser:3:13","Ertrage einer den andern und vergebt euch untereinander" "01/03/19","1.Petrus:5:10","Der Gott aller Gnade, der euch berufen" the issue is - that i have the whole dataset in a big calc-table: i need to export it into csv data-set ... would that be all right!? love to hear from you regards dilbert
  16. hello dear Barand - many thanks for the reply and for sharing your ideas. while i want to import the data into the google-Calendar i have to meet some data specs - see here https://support.google.com/calendar/thread/6900392?hl=en . ... More well you say that we have this layout.. note: i can put the data in a "combined collum" so that means that i do not necessarily need to "keep" all the different columns. i want to import data from Excel / Calc-Sheet into my Calendar - but it is not working propperly 7 Replies https://support.google.com/calendar/thread/6900392?hl=en see also this link: https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37118 dear Barand - if one important step towards getting the data in the right formate is to put some _separators_ between the data # then i could export all the data that currently resides in a calc sheet. Wouldn ´t this be a appropiate solution? see this little HowTo - that i found on the net: what do you say - could this help to get a dataset that is working for doing the import!? love to hear from you
  17. BY THE WAY: - My Server admin adviced me to do some extra tests; - running an installation with another script - a other than wordpress - to see if the installation probably would succeed with another script. well i am musing bout these advices - and will follow them. I must have more insights into the magic. will come back and report all findings. greetings
  18. first of all - many thanks dear Barand and Maxxd for the reply and your continued support: here some more insights and Output from SQL command SHOW GRANTS FOR 'jo'@'localhost'; .. Output from SQL command SHOW GRANTS FOR 'jo'@'localhost'; .. Grants for jo@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'jo'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*93C1B40FA5F0FED10E5A0CE946A5E71D59B00860' GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP ON `jo`.* TO 'jo'@'localhost' hmmm - running the SQL-Request works now - without any issue. but for the results : i try to figure out what these results mean. Guess that i can verify the issues.
  19. hello dear MaxxD and Barand, first of all - many many thanks for the reply with all the ideas and suggestions. many many thanks for the quick answer with all the ideas, that are very interesting. here a little update and more findings: by the way: if i do not use USE <db-name> .... then it works propperlyconclusio: if i run SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'PORT';[/CODE]i get a concrete output from SQL command SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'PORT'; ..or if i run [CODE] SHOW GRANTS FOR CURRENT_USER;[/CODE]i get outputs like this one[CODE] Output from SQL command SHOW GRANTS FOR CURRENT_USER; .. Grants for root@localhost GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*4444444rrrrrrwwwww222222444443660283C379783ED8EF54B6EC01DAF8374444444rrrrrrrrrrrreeeeewwwww2CeC3C474F4' WITH GRANT OPTION GRANT PROXY ON ''@'' TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION [/CODE]and now i have to rethink what this does want to say in the context of a - error in trying to establish a db-connection - while installing a wordpress on the frontendlook forward to hear from you greetings
  20. hello dear Barand hello dear MaxDD many many thanks for the quick reply - @Barand - yo told me to do /use the following: to run the following command: mysqli_connect_error (PHP 5, PHP 7) https://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.connect-error.php mysqli::$connect_error -- mysqli_connect_error — Returns a string description of the last connect error Object oriented style string $mysqli->connect_error; Procedural style mysqli_connect_error ( void ) : string Returns the last error message string from the last call to mysqli_connect(). Return Values ¶ A string that describes the error. NULL is returned if no error occurred. Examples ¶ Example #1 $mysqli->connect_error example Object oriented style
  21. hello again - i try to work it out... can i run this sheme all data in two columns or should i put it in one column
  22. on a sidenote,. ... <?php if(function_exists('mysqli_connect')){ if(!($link = mysqli_connect('localhost','user','passwd','my_db'))){ die('could not connect: ' . mysqli_error($link)); } } else { die("don't have mysqli"); } echo 'connect successfully'; mysqli_close($link); [/CODE] well i guess that this is saying that 1 parameter was required, 0 were provided. and besides this we surely can say that there absolutly no error checking is being done before calling the function, it's blindly passing a variable that was collected. interesting: This actually makes sense, given i am probably failing to connect to mysql. What we don't see is validation that the credentials work, & i can connect. one option would be to ssh to the php server, & then connect over the cli to mysql. Otherwise, we´re just guessing. Above all - we can say that there probably is no pathing issue. honestly - there are serious doubts that wordpress has a pathing issue, or this is anyway code related. [CODE]active_connections 18446744073709551563 is this number normal? If not how can I reduce it? [/CODE] If this were the cause of the issue, none of the sites would work, assuming they are all using the same mysql server. The quickest way to reduce it would be to reboot the server. Just posting the number alone doesn't tell us enough. best thing would be to verify with netstat. If they are active connections, then i probably should have a closer look a the proper firewall rules in place blocking outside connections. hmm - i will have a closer look at all the condidions and settings - and will come back and report all the findings. have a great day
  23. hello again - i have gathered some more infos and insights due to some more tests. see the following data: - the outcome of a testscript: Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): No such file or directory in /sites/www.mysite.de/tests.php on line 3 Warning: mysqli_error() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in /sites/www.mysite.de/tests.php on line 4 could not connect see the script: <?php if(function_exists('mysqli_connect')){ if(!($link = mysqli_connect('localhost','user','passwd','my_db'))){ die('could not connect: ' . mysqli_error($link)); } } else { die("don't have mysqli"); } echo 'connect successfully'; mysqli_close($link); some ideas: the paths seem to be a problem - in the config by the way: the character-code is 1252 ANSI L any idea and help - i look forward to hear from you regards
  24. probably the paths are not correct... /** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { define( 'ABSPATH', dirname( _FILE_ ) . '/' ); } [/CODE] see here the errors [CODE]Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): No such file or directory in /sites/www.mysite.de/testconnection.php on line 2 Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in /sites/www.mysite.de/testconnection.php on line 4 Could not connect: [/CODE] i think that i have to understand the errors...
  25. hello again dear friends hello dear MaxDD and Barand first of all - many many thanks for the quick reply - great to hear from you. i will check the ressources that you adviced to have a closer look at. - the php-ressource - the wp-class.... besides that : my serveradmin told me that i have to be careful with the path / the pipe-path on the server.... well i think that it has to do with the pipe path to mysql .... i will digg deeper and i of course will keep you informed stay tuned and have a grat day btw: see the images ..that i have attached
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