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Posts posted by benanamen

  1. I have never used a third-party framework and in all my years I've never found a "need" to use one. I do have to say that in all the projects I have worked on, I have been the only programmer and have built everything from the ground up so that could make a difference for some. I created a dynamic crud generator that can create an entire back end at the push of a button in a matter of seconds regardless of the amount of tables. Using the party model DB schema I can scale to Infinity on large projects with no problem. I would say just use the right tool for the right job. I am interested to see the feedback you get on this.

  2. and when all the rows are in that array, loop through inside the table like:

    $data = // your result in a single associative array
    foreach($data as $key => $value)
        echo "<td>".$value['brand']."</td>";
        echo "<td>".$value['category']."</td>";
        echo "<td>".$value['product']."</td>";

    This is not even close to what the OP asked for.

  3. I personally already understood the clarification you posted. I was making a dramatic point to the op to not use it without getting technical. The hows and the whys are neither here nor there. It just shouldn't be used. Good explanation for those that want to know why though.

  4. This code is all kinds of wrong. You are using obsolete code that has been removed from PHP. Md5 was cracked like 20 years ago. You need to ditch this code and start over. Depending on the name of a button to be submitted will completely fail in certain circumstances. The whole process of checking for a user name first before entering a new one is wrong as well. Using tables for page formatting went out in the 90s. You need to use CSS. I am on my phone at the moment so I can't get into detail. Others will give you more information.

  5. More importantly, you are using obsolete code that has been completely removed from Php. You need to use PDO with prepared statements.




    Also, counting on the name of a button to be submitted for your script to work is a bad idea. It will completely fail in certain circumstances. You need to use if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST')


    Its about time you start using HTML5 as well. Using tables and obsolete html for page layout went out 20 years ago (align="center"). You use CSS for page formatting. You also dont need to trim each individual input. You can trim the entire POST array at one time.


    Your code is seriously outdated and needs to be completely re-written.

  6. date_default_timezone_set('America/New York');




    The line you reference is for use in the actual php.ini. that you say you do not have access to. Per the manual re: date.timezone:


    The behaviour of these functions is affected by settings in php.ini.




    I dont' have access the the master php.ini file


    You're on a dedicated server but you don't have root access?

  7. You haven't shown how and where you are including the code. Nevertheless, change those echos to variables, i.e $var1, $var2 and then echo those variables where you want them AFTER the include file line wherever that is.



    Your include code is bad. You're missing something, like the Try.

  8. You have almost two thousand code errors on your site. Pretty bad for being a "Programmers" website. Its not even close to being cross browser compatible. It looks totally different in every browser you view it in.


    Your lack of skill shows in your client sites as well. Same kinds of issues. You really shouldn't be charging people until you learn how to do things correctly.

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