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Posts posted by benanamen

  1. Yes barand, the default setting is 1024 and it will truncate at that point. But, it is a setting and it can be changed. Much like the default upload size in PHP is two meg but you usually want to always change that. Just a part of performance tuning. I don't expect newbies to know about it let alone how do it. I am sure you would agree to avoid sub queries when possible.


    A bit confused why you point out about the original database having a datetime column. The db that you and I both used also has a datetime. The only difference is I didnt use date time to find the last record which as I pointed out will not work if there are two records with the same date time for a given prospect.

  2. Sub-query's can take a toll on your database. One thing to point out about @Barands solution is that since it is based on datetime rather than the actual last record inserted per prospect, if there are two records with the same exact date-time for a given prospect, you are going to get more than one result for that prospect. Per your specs, you just wanted one result per prospect only and that being the LAST record.


    Here is an example how to do it that will not take a sub-query toll on the DB and will give you the actual last record inserted per prospect and is a lot less code.


    * I didn't see that you were trying to get the staff_id or the comment date so I left it out.

    SELECT p.*, 
           Substring_index(Group_concat(n.`comment` ORDER BY n.note_id DESC), ',', 1 ) AS last_comment
    FROM   database_prospects AS p 
           INNER JOIN database_prospect_notes AS n ON p.prospect_id = n.prospect_id 
    WHERE  p.active = 1 
    GROUP  BY p.prospect_id 
  3. @hansford, not sure what your post has to do with the limited info the OP provided, but there would need to be four more tables needed for your example for a properly normalized DB. Another one for address, another one phones along with a phones type table, another one email/electronic communications, and another one note, all of which has nothing to do with "Person" data.


    Person data would be first, middle and last name, sex, birthdate, hair color, eye color, height and weight, ethnicity, active/inactive, marital status (unless you are tracking those over time, then separate tables for those)

  4. Perhaps you should detail exactly what you have and exactly what you are trying to accomplish. I for one don't understand. It would greatly help if you posted an SQL dump of your "Normalized Master Database" along with sample data and details of what you want to do with it. "Analyze" doesn't tell us anything, neither does time series.


    Regardless of what your doing, creating all those tables is just wrong. Doing the wrong thing never saves time.

  5. Here is the MySQL version to get you up and running. You should always use lowercase column names. You have some all lower, some upper and lower



    -- ----------------------------
    -- Table structure for database_prospect_notes
    -- ----------------------------
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `database_prospect_notes`;
    CREATE TABLE `database_prospect_notes` (
      `note_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `prospect_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `staff_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `comment` mediumtext NOT NULL,
      `date` datetime NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`note_id`)
    -- ----------------------------
    -- Records of database_prospect_notes
    -- ----------------------------
    INSERT INTO `database_prospect_notes` VALUES ('1', '1', '1', 'Police check uncovered issues?', '2015-10-15 12:02:33');
    INSERT INTO `database_prospect_notes` VALUES ('2', '1', '236', 'Appointed', '2015-10-15 14:29:27');
    -- ----------------------------
    -- Table structure for database_prospects
    -- ----------------------------
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `database_prospects`;
    CREATE TABLE `database_prospects` (
      `prospect_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `FirstName` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
      `LastName` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
      `State` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
      `Active` int(1) NOT NULL,
      `Email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
      `UserType` varchar( NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Prospect',
      `dlr_group` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
      `middlename` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
      `carname` varchar(80) NOT NULL,
      `tradingname` varchar(80) NOT NULL,
      `arn` int(6) NOT NULL,
      `carn` int(6) NOT NULL,
      `authorisations` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
      `phonehome` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
      `phonework` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
      `phonemobile` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
      `faxwork` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
      `website` varchar(80) NOT NULL,
      `paddress` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      `psuburb` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
      `pstate` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
      `ppostcode` varchar(4) NOT NULL,
      `haddress` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      `hsuburb` varchar(30)  NOT NULL,
      `hstate` varchar(3)  NOT NULL,
      `hpostcode` varchar(4)  NOT NULL,
      `baddress` varchar(50)  NOT NULL,
      `bsuburb` varchar(30)  NOT NULL,
      `bstate` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
      `bpostcode` varchar(4) NOT NULL,
      `raddress` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      `rsuburb` varchar(30)  NOT NULL,
      `rstate` varchar(3)  NOT NULL,
      `rpostcode` varchar(4)  NOT NULL,
      `dob` date DEFAULT NULL,
      `placeofbirth` varchar(50)  NOT NULL,
      `split` varchar(20)  NOT NULL,
      `abn` varchar(15)  NOT NULL,
      `exdealer` varchar(40)  NOT NULL,
      `software` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
      `softwaremodules` varchar(30)  NOT NULL,
      `research` varchar(30)  NOT NULL,
      `Income` varchar(20)  NOT NULL,
      `Probability` varchar(4)  NOT NULL,
      `Cashflow` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
      `added` date NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`prospect_id`),
      KEY `id_2` (`prospect_id`),
      KEY `id` (`prospect_id`)
    -- ----------------------------
    -- Records of database_prospects
    -- ----------------------------
    INSERT INTO `database_prospects` VALUES ('1', 'Smith', 'John', 'NSW', '1', '', 'Prospect', '--', '', 'John Smith', '', '0', '0', '--', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '--', '', '', '', '--', '', '', '', '--', '', '', '', '--', '', '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '$15,000', '100%', '15,000', '2015-10-15');

    Query to get some data

    SELECT d.firstname,
           n.comment AS LastOfcomment
    database_prospect_notes AS n
    LEFT JOIN database_prospects AS d ON n.prospect_id= d.prospect_id
    WHERE d.active=1
    ORDER BY n.note_id DESC LIMIT 1
  6. Some Formatting would make it much more readable. Post an sql dump of your tables and data for us to test on. Mysql doesnt not have a "Last" function

    SELECT database_prospects.firstname, 
           Last(database_prospect_notes.comment) AS LastOfcomment 
    FROM   database_prospect_notes 
           RIGHT JOIN database_prospects 
                   ON database_prospect_notes.prospect_id = 
    GROUP  BY database_prospects.firstname, 
    HAVING (( ( database_prospects.active ) = 1 ))
  7. The t1, t2 etc are specifically ALIASES. Say your name is mike(table_name) but your wife calls you bigdaddy(alias).


    It is a shortcut so you dont have repeatedly type out the whole table name.



    SELECT shortname.id, shortname.firstname FROM mysuperlongtable AS shortname


    Instead of

    SELECT mysuperlongtable.id, mysuperlongtable.firstname FROM mysuperlongtable


    And in practice

    SELECT s.id, s.firstname FROM mysuperlongtable AS s


    The ALIAS can be anything you want it to be and is generally only one or two characters


    I have always found the t1, t2 way to generic and undescript. If the table is users, I would use the ALIAS u, if the table is books. I would use the ALIAS b



    Alias used to confuse me too, especially because of t1, t2

  8. So much to say, but a bit short on time at the moment. The biggest thing is that you are using obsolete MySQL code. You need to use Pdo with prepared statements. Your database structure could use improvement as well.


    You are also storing the timestamp data incorrectly. MySQL has a time stamp data type. You should be using that.


    Your code is also vulnerable to SQL injection. You never ever send user-supplied data directly to the database.

  9. @hansford

    Nice job with array_keys & array_values but its not going to work with multiple rows. When appending you are going to repeatedly insert the header row.


    Also the b parameter is no longer an option in newer PHP. Per the Manual:


    As of PHP 4.3.2, the default mode is set to binary for all platforms that distinguish between binary and text mode. If you are having problems with your scripts after upgrading, try using the 't' flag as a workaround until you have made your script more portable as mentioned before

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