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Everything posted by Andy_Kemp

  1. In Wordpress there is this code <?php $user_info = get_userdata(1); echo 'Username: ' . $user_info->user_login . "\n"; echo 'User roles: ' . implode(', ', $user_info->roles) . "\n"; echo 'User ID: ' . $user_info->ID . "\n"; ?> My question is how they get this? $user_info->user_login My code class Config { private $db; public function __construct($db) { $this->db = $db; } public function get() { $query = 'SELECT * FROM config'; $select = $this->db->query($query); $config = array(); while ($row = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $config[$row->config] = $row->value; } return $config; } } $config = new Config($db); $conf = $config->get(); print $conf['test']; Now i liked to do same way like wordpress Instead of this $conf['test']; i'd like to get result like this $conf->test;
  2. <?php declare(strict_types = 1); function test(string $username, int $age, float $price) : array { return array('Username' => $username, 'Age' => $age, 'Price' => $price); } $_get = array( 'username' => '', 'age' => '', 'price' => '', ); $_get = array_merge($_get, $_GET); print_r(test($_get['username'], $_get['age'], $_get['price'])); I am new with php7 So when i looked those examples i see test('test_username', 20, 20.01) but int and float are absolutely useless with $_POST, $_GET, Its always error. WITH int - must be of the type integer, string given. WITH float - must be of the type float, string given
  3. Whats the best method to determine who can access to admin panel? <?php if (!defined('Test_script')) { exit('You don\'t have right permission to access this file directly.'); } if (!is_logged_in($ui)) { redirect_to('../index.php?do=login'); } # By user role if (!user_has_role($db, $ui['id'], return_role_id($db, 'user'))) { redirect_to('../index.php?do=home'); } # Or by permission if (!user_has_permission($db, $ui['id'], return_permission_id($db, 'admin_access'))) { redirect_to('../index.php?do=home'); } /* ............................... */ ?>
  4. Added role_id to user table + -- + -------- + --------- + --------------- + ------- + ---------- + ----------- + + ------- + -------- + | id | username | password | email | last_ip | last_login | last_active | ......... | role_id | status | + -- + -------- + --------- + --------------- + ------- + ---------- + ----------- + + ------- + -------- + | 1 | user_1 | long_hash | email@email.com | ::1 | 0123456789 | 0123456789 | ......... | 1 | active | + -- + -------- + --------- + --------------- + ------- + ---------- + ----------- + + ------- + -------- + | 2 | user_2 | long_hash | email@email.com | ::1 | 0123456789 | 0123456789 | ......... | 2 | inactive | + -- + -------- + --------- + --------------- + ------- + ---------- + ----------- + + ------- + -------- + Table name: role + -- + ----------- + ----------- + | id | name | description | + -- + ----------- + ----------- + | 1 | super_admin | Super Admin | + -- + ----------- + ----------- + | 2 | user | User | + -- + ----------- + ----------- + Table name: permission + -- + ----------- + ----------- + | id | name | description | + -- + ----------- + ----------- + | 1 | edit_news | Edit News | + -- + ----------- + ----------- + | 2 | manage_news | Manage News | + -- + ----------- + ----------- + Table name: role_permission + -- + -------- + ------------ + | id | role_id | permission_id | + -- + ------- + ------------- + | 1 | 1 | 1 | + -- + ------- + ------------- + | 2 | 1 | 2 | + -- + ------- + ------------- + Do i need to add login page to user and admin side? I have no idea what to do next.
  5. Admin panel login. Am I doing it right? $query = 'SELECT a.id, a.username, b.password AS admin_password, b.status AS admin_status FROM user AS a INNER JOIN admin AS b ON a.id = b.user_id WHERE a.username = :username'; Table name: user status - active, inactive, un-verified, suspended + -- + -------- + --------- + --------------- + ------- + ---------- + ----------- + + -------- + | id | username | password | email | last_ip | last_login | last_active | ......... | status | + -- + -------- + --------- + --------------- + ------- + ---------- + ----------- + + -------- + | 1 | user_1 | long_hash | email@email.com | ::1 | 0123456789 | 0123456789 | ......... | active | + -- + -------- + --------- + --------------- + ------- + ---------- + ----------- + + -------- + | 2 | user_2 | long_hash | email@email.com | ::1 | 0123456789 | 0123456789 | ......... | inactive | + -- + -------- + --------- + --------------- + ------- + ---------- + ----------- + + -------- + Table name: admin status - enabled, disabled + -- + -------- + --------- + ------- + ---------- + ----------- + -------- + | id | user_id | password | last_ip | last_login | last_active | status | + -- + -------- + --------- + ------- + ---------- + ----------- + -------- + | 1 | 1 | long_hash | ::1 | 0123456789 | 0123456789 | enabled | + -- + -------- + --------- + ------- + ---------- + ----------- + -------- + | 2 | 2 | long_hash | ::1 | 0123456789 | 0123456789 | disabled | + -- + -------- + --------- + ------- + ---------- + ----------- + -------- +
  6. Its fixed now. I dont know why but i need to recreate those files. require ROOT_DIR . 'includes/language_changer/a_panel/index.php'; This index.php require ROOT_DIR . 'includes/template_changer/a_panel/index.php'; This index.php require_once ROOT_DIR . 'languages/a_panel/' . $language . '/main/index.php'; This index.php
  7. And blank line at the top of the page.
  8. Dont know what do do with this issue. Inside php <?php $smarty->display('test.tpl'); ?> Output When i put test.tpl content to test.html and open it to firefox. Then everything is ok.
  9. Where should i set setcookie() to remember what language is selected? includes/configs/a_panel/index.php <?php /* ---------------------------------- */ require ROOT_DIR . 'includes/language_changer/a_panel/index.php'; if (is_file(ROOT_DIR . 'languages/a_panel/'.Language::get_language($db, $config).'/main/index.php') && file_exists(ROOT_DIR . 'languages/a_panel/'.Language::get_language($db, $config).'/main/index.php')) { $language = Language::get_language($db, $config); $charset = Language::get_charset($db, $language); require_once(ROOT_DIR . 'languages/a_panel/'.$language.'/main/index.php'); } else { $language = 'en'; $charset = 'utf-8'; require_once(ROOT_DIR . 'languages/a_panel/'.$language.'/main/index.php'); } /* ---------------------------------- */ $smarty->assign('db', $db); $smarty->assign('config', $config); $smarty->assign('ui', $ui); $smarty->assign('lang', $lang); $smarty->assign('language', $language); $smarty->assign('charset', $charset); ?> includes/language_changer/a_panel/index.php <?php class Language { public static function get_language($db, $config) { if ($config['ap_allow_language_changing'] === 'true') { if (isset($_GET['language']) && self::is_language_supported($db, $config, $_GET['language'])) { return $_GET['language']; } else if (isset($_COOKIE['admin_language']) && self::is_language_supported($db, $config, $_COOKIE['admin_language'])) { return $_COOKIE['admin_language']; } } return $config['ap_default_language']; } private static function is_language_supported($db, $config, $language) { $query = 'SELECT folder_name AS lang_code FROM language WHERE panel = "a_panel" AND version = :version'; $select = $db->prepare($query); $select->bindParam(':version', $config['script_version'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $select->execute(); $supported_languages = array(); while($row = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ $supported_languages[] = $row['lang_code']; } if (in_array($language, $supported_languages)) { return true; } return false; } public static function get_charset($db, $language) { $query = 'SELECT charset FROM language WHERE panel = "a_panel" AND folder_name = :language'; $select = $db->prepare($query); $select->bindParam(':language', $language, PDO::PARAM_STR); $select->execute(); $row = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $row['charset']; } } ?>
  10. How to automatically detect user timezone name? Like Europe/Stockholm How to automatically detect user locale? Like sv_SE Or its easier to let user to select their timezone and locale?
  11. I dont know if its right way to do this. If you would do it in a different way pleas let me know. Create unix timestamp with admin selected timezone else use server default timezone. function create_timestamp($config) { $time_zone = ($config['site_time_zone'] === 'default') ? date_default_timezone_get() : $config['site_time_zone']; $date = date_create(NULL, timezone_open($time_zone)); return date_timestamp_get($date); } Format unix timestamp to user selected timezone and date format else use default timezone and date format. function format_timestamp($config, $ui, $timestamp) { $time_zone = (is_logged_in($ui) && $ui['time_zone'] !== 'default') ? $ui['time_zone'] : date_default_timezone_get(); $date_format = (is_logged_in($ui) && $ui['date_format'] !== 'default') ? $ui['date_format'] : $config['default_date_format']; $date = date_create('@'.$timestamp); date_timezone_set($date, timezone_open($time_zone)); return date_format($date, $date_format); } Add interval to unix timestamp. function add_interval_timestamp($config, $interval, $timestamp = NULL) { $timestamp = ($timestamp === NULL) ? NULL : '@'.$timestamp; $time_zone = ($config['site_time_zone'] === 'default') ? date_default_timezone_get() : $config['site_time_zone']; $date = date_create($timestamp, timezone_open($time_zone)); date_add($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string($interval)); return date_timestamp_get($date); } Substract interval from unix timestamp. function sub_interval_timestamp($config, $interval, $timestamp = NULL) { $timestamp = ($timestamp === NULL) ? NULL : '@'.$timestamp; $time_zone = ($config['site_time_zone'] === 'default') ? date_default_timezone_get() : $config['site_time_zone']; $date = date_create($timestamp, timezone_open($time_zone)); date_sub($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string($interval)); return date_timestamp_get($date); }
  12. http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.prepared-statements.php <?php $stmt = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO REGISTRY (name, value) VALUES (:name, :value)"); $stmt->bindParam(':name', $name); $stmt->bindParam(':value', $value); // insert one row $name = 'one'; $value = 1; $stmt->execute(); // insert another row with different values $name = 'two'; $value = 2; $stmt->execute(); ?>
  13. You mean something like this $query = 'UPDATE config SET value = :value WHERE config = :key'; $update = $db->prepare($query); $update->bindParam(':value', $value, PDO::PARAM_STR); $update->bindParam(':key', $key, PDO::PARAM_STR); foreach($post as $key => $value) { $value = $value; $key = $key; $bool = $update->execute(); }
  14. TABLE NAME config id = INT(11), config = varchar(255), value = varchar(255) +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | id | config | value | +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 1 | captcha_type | disabled | # disabled, recaptcha_version_2, solvemedia +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 2 | captcha_login | true | # false, true +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 3 | captcha_pass_recovery | true | # false, true +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 4 | captcha_reset_pass | false | # false, true +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 5 | recaptcha_version_2_site_key | K7ERoXZln9UvnD.NaOksQEDlfkRWMlYz | +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 6 | recaptcha_version_2_secret_key | K7ERoXZln9UvnD.NaOksQEDlfkRWMlYz | +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 7 | recaptcha_version_2_type | image | # audio, image +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 8 | recaptcha_version_2_theme | light | # dark, light +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 9 | recaptcha_version_2_size | normal | # compact, normal +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 10 | solvemedia_public_key | K7ERoXZln9UvnD.NaOksQEDlfkRWMlYz | +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 11 | solvemedia_private_key | K7ERoXZln9UvnD.NaOksQEDlfkRWMlYz | +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 12 | solvemedia_hash_key | K7ERoXZln9UvnD.NaOksQEDlfkRWMlYz | +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 13 | site_name | Testing site name | +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 14 | site_title | Testing site title | +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 15 | site_description | | +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 16 | site_keywords | | +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 17 | site_url | www.testingsite.com/test | +----------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .....................................................................................................................................................................
  15. My db value column type is VARCHAR, because it holds any kind of data. Now i tried. It stores TRUE as 1 and FALSE has no value.
  16. Changed this block $defs = array( 'captcha_type' => FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, 'captcha_login' => FILTER_DEFAULT, 'captcha_pass_recovery' => FILTER_DEFAULT, 'captcha_reset_pass' => FILTER_DEFAULT ); $post = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, $defs); to $post = array( 'captcha_type' => $_POST['captcha_type'], 'captcha_login' => isset($_POST['captcha_login']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'captcha_pass_recovery' => isset($_POST['captcha_pass_recovery']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'captcha_reset_pass' => isset($_POST['captcha_reset_pass']) ? 'true' : 'false' ); Now i have another question. When is right time to close db connection? Do i really need all of this at the end of page? $db = NULL; $config = NULL; $ui = NULL; $lang = NULL;
  17. How to do it? If checkbox is checked insert "yes" to db else "no". And what else should i change in this code? <?php if(!defined('test_project')) { die('Hacking attempt ...'); } if(!logged_in($ui)) { redirect_to('index.php?do=login'); } $errors = array(); $alert = NULL; // Form is not submitted display db values. $post = array( 'captcha_type' => $config['captcha_type'], 'captcha_login' => $config['captcha_login'], 'captcha_pass_recovery' => $config['captcha_pass_recovery'], 'captcha_reset_pass' => $config['captcha_reset_pass'] ); if(filter_has_var(INPUT_POST, 'submit_form')) { $defs = array( 'captcha_type' => FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, 'captcha_login' => FILTER_DEFAULT, 'captcha_pass_recovery' => FILTER_DEFAULT, 'captcha_reset_pass' => FILTER_DEFAULT ); $post = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, $defs); if(demo_version($config)) { $errors[] = $lang['error']['h_0000']; } else { if(!NoCSRF::valid_token($lang, 'csrf_token', $_POST)) { $errors[] = NoCSRF::get_error(); } else { if(!user_has_permission($db, $ui, 'edit_captcha_settings')) { $errors[] = $lang['error']['h_0001']; } } } } if(filter_has_var(INPUT_POST, 'submit_form') && empty($errors)) { foreach($post as $key => $value) { $query = 'UPDATE config SET value = :value WHERE config = :key'; $update = $db->prepare($query); $update->bindParam(':value', $value, PDO::PARAM_STR); $update->bindParam(':key', $key, PDO::PARAM_STR); $bool = $update->execute(); } if($bool) { $alert = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => $lang['success']['h_0000']); } else { $alert = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => $lang['error']['h_0000']); } } $smarty->assign('post', $post); $smarty->assign('errors', $errors); $smarty->assign('alert', $alert); $smarty->assign('csrf_token', NoCSRF::generate('csrf_token')); $smarty->display('captcha_settings.tpl'); $db = NULL; $config = NULL; $ui = NULL; $lang = NULL; ?> <input type="checkbox" name="captcha_login" value="1">Captcha login page enabled<br> <input type="checkbox" name="captcha_pass_recovery" value="1">Captcha password recovery page enabled<br> <input type="checkbox" name="captcha_reset_pass" value="1">Captcha reset password page enabled
  18. Paginator shows page links even there is no data. Paginator Class <?php // ================================================================== // Author: Ted Kappes (pesoto74@soltec.net) // Web: http://tkap.org/paginator/ // Name: Paginator // Desc: Class to help make pagination more easy. // // 7/21/2003 // // Please send me a mail telling me what you think of Paginator // and what your using it for. [ pesoto74@soltec.net] // // ================================================================== class Paginator { //all variables are pivate. var $previous; var $current; var $next; var $page; var $total_pages; var $link_arr; var $range1; var $range2; var $num_rows; var $first; var $last; var $first_of; var $second_of; var $limit; var $prev_next; var $base_page_num; var $extra_page_num; var $total_items; var $pagename; //Constructor for Paginator. Takes the current page and the number of items //in the source data and sets the current page ($this->page) and the total //items in the source ($this->total_items). function Paginator($page,$num_rows) { if(!$page) { $this->page=1; } else { $this->page=$page; } $this->num_rows=$num_rows; $this->total_items = $this->num_rows; } //Takes $limit and sets $this->limit. Calls private mehods //setBasePage() and setExtraPage() which use $this->limit. function set_Limit($limit=5) { $this->limit = $limit; $this->setBasePage(); $this->setExtraPage(); } //This method creates a number that setExtraPage() uses to if there are //and extra pages after limit has divided the total number of pages. function setBasePage() { $div=$this->num_rows/$this->limit; $this->base_page_num=floor($div); } function setExtraPage() { $this->extra_page_num=$this->num_rows - ($this->base_page_num*$this->limit); } //Used in making numbered links. Sets the number of links behind and //ahead of the current page. For example if there were a possiblity of //20 numbered links and this was set to 5 and the current link was 10 //the result would be this 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. function set_Links($prev_next=5) { $this->prev_next = $prev_next; } //method to get the total items. function getTotalItems() { $this->total_items = $this->num_rows; return $this->total_items; } //method to get the base number to use in queries and such. function getRange1() { $this->range1=($this->limit*$this->page)-$this->limit; return $this->range1; } //method to get the offset. function getRange2() { if($this->page==$this->base_page_num + 1) { $this->range2=$this->extra_page_num; } else { $this->range2=$this->limit; } return $this->range2; } //method to get the first of number as in 5 of . function getFirstOf() { $this->first_of=$this->range1 + 1; return $this->first_of; } //method to get the second number in a series as in 5 of 8. function getSecondOf() { if($this->page==$this->base_page_num + 1) { $this->second_of=$this->range1 + $this->extra_page_num; } else { $this->second_of=$this->range1 + $this->limit; } return $this->second_of; } //method to get the total number of pages. function getTotalPages() { if($this->extra_page_num) { $this->total_pages = $this->base_page_num + 1; } else { $this->total_pages = $this->base_page_num; } return $this->total_pages; } //method to get the first link number. function getFirst() { $this->first=1; return $this->first; } //method to get the last link number. function getLast() { if($this->page == $this->total_pages) { $this->last=0; }else { $this->last = $this->total_pages; } return $this->last; } function getPrevious() { if($this->page > 1) { $this->previous = $this->page - 1; } return $this->previous; } //method to get the number of the link previous to the current link. function getCurrent() { $this->current = $this->page; return $this->current; } //method to get the current page name. Is mostly used in links to the next //page. function getPageName() { $this->pagename = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];; return $this->pagename; } //method to get the number of the link after the current link. function getNext() { $this->getTotalPages(); if($this->total_pages != $this->page) { $this->next = $this->page + 1; } return $this->next; } //method that returns an array of the numbered links that should be //displayed. function getLinkArr() { //gets the top range $top = $this->getTotalPages()- $this->getCurrent(); if($top <= $this->prev_next) { $top = $top; $top_range = $this->getCurrent() + $top; } else { $top = $this->prev_next; $top_range = $this->getCurrent() + $top; } //gets the bottom range $bottom = $this->getCurrent() -1; if($bottom <= $this->prev_next) { $bottom = $bottom; $bottom_range = $this->getCurrent() - $bottom; } else { $bottom = $this->prev_next; $bottom_range = $this->getCurrent() - $bottom; } $j=0; foreach(range($bottom_range, $top_range) as $i) { $this->link_arr[$j] = $i; $j++; } return $this->link_arr; } }//ends Paginator class ?> Paginator html <?php // ================================================================== // Author: Ted Kappes (pesoto74@soltec.net) // Web: http://tkap.org/paginator/ // Name: Paginator_html // Desc: Class extension for Paginator. Adds pre-made link sets. // // 7/21/2003 // // Please send me a mail telling me what you think of Paginator // and what your using it for. [ pesoto74@soltec.net] // // ================================================================== class Paginator_html extends Paginator { //outputs a link set like this 1 of 4 of 25 First | Prev | Next | Last | function firstLast() { if($this->getCurrent()==1) { $first = "First | "; } else { $first="<a href=\"" . $this->getPageName() . "?page=" . $this->getFirst() . "\">First</a> |"; } if($this->getPrevious()) { $prev = "<a href=\"" . $this->getPageName() . "?page=" . $this->getPrevious() . "\">Prev</a> | "; } else { $prev="Prev | "; } if($this->getNext()) { $next = "<a href=\"" . $this->getPageName() . "?page=" . $this->getNext() . "\">Next</a> | "; } else { $next="Next | "; } if($this->getLast()) { $last = "<a href=\"" . $this->getPageName() . "?page=" . $this->getLast() . "\">Last</a> | "; } else { $last="Last | "; } echo $this->getFirstOf() . " of " .$this->getSecondOf() . " of " . $this->getTotalItems() . " "; echo $first . " " . $prev . " " . $next . " " . $last; } //outputs a link set like this Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next function previousNext() { if($this->getPrevious()) { echo "<a href=\"" . $this->getPageName() . "?page=" . $this->getPrevious() . "\">Previous</a> "; } $links = $this->getLinkArr(); foreach($links as $link) { if($link == $this->getCurrent()) { echo " $link "; } else { echo "<a href=\"" . $this->getPageName() . "?page=$link\">" . $link . "</a> "; } } if($this->getNext()) { echo "<a href=\"" . $this->getPageName() . "?page=" . $this->getNext() . "\">Next</a> "; } } }//ends class ?> Example page <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Example 2</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 150px; margin-right: 150px; background-color: #FFFF99; font-family: Verdana; } h1 { font-size: 150%; } --> </style> </head> <center> <body> <h1>Example 2</h1> <?php //================================================================================= //This shows how to set things up to get your input from an array. This could be //used to make an image gallery or to display anything else you might store in //an array. This page uses Paginator_html for the pre-made links. The results //are pretty basic. You should be able to use something like CSS to customize these //for you own site. This page uses the previousNext() method. //================================================================================== //include the main class include("include/paginator.php"); //include the extension that makes the pre-made links include("include/paginator_html.php"); //Makes the array used in this example. for($i=0; $i < 0; $i++) { $p=$i+1; $pictures[$i]="pict" . $p . ".jpg"; } //gets the total number of items $num_rows = count($pictures); //======================================================================== //Parts used to make a new paginator //======================================================================== //Makes new Paginator_html. Current page here is sent by the get method. //$num_rows is the total items in the source. $a =& new Paginator_html($_GET['page'],$num_rows); //sets the number of records displayed //defaults to five $a->set_Limit(4); // if using numbered links this will set the number before and behind //the current page. //defaults to five $a->set_Links(3); //gets starting point. $limit1 = $a->getRange1(); //gets number of items displayed on page. $limit2 = $a->getRange2(); //========================================================================= //Printing out the items in the array for($j=$limit1; $j < $limit1 + $limit2; $j++) { echo "<strong>" . $pictures[$j] . "</strong></p>"; } //========================================================= //Put this where you want your links to appear $a->previousNext(); //========================================================= //uncomment for some info that may be helpful in debugging. //echo '<pre>'; print_r($a); echo '</pre>'; ?> </center> <p>This is an example of one of the pre-made set of links. It uses the Paginator class and the Paginator_html extension class. I use an array here to show that you can use this class with sources other then a database. Also I did this so you could get an idea of how this works without having to go to the trouble of setting up a database. This output is fairly plain which should make it easier to use something like CSS to fit it into the look of your own site. </p> <p> Check the source code of this page to see how to set something like this up.</p> <a href="index.php">Back to Index</a> </body> </html> Url For paginator files http://www.phpclasses.org/package/1239-PHP-Spliting-database-query-result-sets-between-pages-.html
  19. Can you help me with this htaccess rewrite rule. I have tried different rules what i found from internet but none of them worked
  20. Site Structure htdocs/ or www/ or public_html/ | | ==> frontend/ | | | | ==> pages/ | | ==> templates/ | | ==> templates_c/ | | ==> index.php | | ==> backend/ | | | | ==> pages/ | | ==> templates/ | | ==> templates_c/ | | ==> index.php | | ==> ajax/ | ==> cron/ | ==> files/ | ==> includes/ | ==> install/ | ==> languages/ | ==> .htaccess I want to access frontend directory when url is www.site.com not www.site.com/frontend
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