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Everything posted by trq

  1. Ok, so I spent about 5 hours yesterday making sure the frameworks docblock annotations where all in good shape and have now added API documentation to the site. I also followed some of your advice Adam, and linked the blurbs to there relevant documentation sections and various other resources. I also added a link to the "Proem Framework" part of main navigation. Thanks for the input guys.
  2. The true power of Linux *is* the command line. What do you want to use Linux for exactly? From what Iv'e heard, Mint is a user friendly version of Ubuntu, which is itself a user friendly version of Debian, which in turn, is a pretty simple to use GNU/Linux. With that in mind, I would suggest that using Mint would not be that different to using Windows. When I started using Linux I had the exact oposite attitude to what you currently do. I installed slackware (after many attempts), installed a minimal desktop (fluxbox) and no file manager. This forced me into using the command line. It's the only way to learn really. Now, some 6-7 years later I can get more done quicker using the command line then I ever could using a desktop and mouse.
  3. Are you looking for a debugger or a compiler /compressor? The best debugger is probably firebug, though I use chrome these day and its console is pretty good to. Ps; dreamweaver sux balls.
  4. We are not here to write code for people. If your looking to have code written for you, make your request in the freelance board.
  5. Um, this is the MySql help forum. I don't see how your issue relates to the topic?
  6. If you have been unable to follow the documentation or tutorials you may have already read what makes you believe we are going to be better at explaining things? Do you really want us to write a tutorial here or what exactly are you asking?
  7. You need to escape all user input using mysql_real_escape_string before using it in any query.
  8. This topic has been moved to HTML Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=357646.0
  9. I think I tried that at first and it made everything look a bit off kilt. I'm not really much of a designer though.
  10. Ah, I've been using the new version of phpDocumentor, phpDocumentor2 for my work with Proem and it's been pretty good so far. Haven't tried any other though really.
  11. Adam, so you think I should shrink the tree down a bit and make it so all blurbs show on small screens? I can see what you meen when I look at it on my 15" macbook, but it hasn't really bothered me. I might try some stuff out. And, yeah, I def agree about the links.
  12. What exactly do you mean by a Documentation library?
  13. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=357636.0
  14. Have you installed and configured php on your server?
  15. The easiest way is to get yourself version control. Git is very popular (and I wouldn't use any other these days) and your project can then easily be shared between developers via http://github.com Version control allows developers to checkout a copy of the project, make there changes and check it back in. If there are conflicts in your changes and other developers changes you will be asked to resolve them right there and then.
  16. Sounds to me like you need to hire another programmer.
  17. Have you tried inspecting data within firebug ? what does it look like?
  18. That doesn't make sense.
  19. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=357488.0
  20. These easiest way to do that is simply: print_r(json_decode($some_json_string));
  21. But what will the data be used for?
  22. trq

    invoke [

    Sorry, I edited my post. See above.
  23. What exactly are you going to be using this json for? Is it for display purposes? I just don't see the point in your formatting it otherwise.
  24. trq

    invoke [

    [] is an array in JavaScript while {} is an object (more like a has actually). A numerically indexed array will encode into [] in php while an associative array will encode into {}
  25. The php button links to the manual. eg; [m]fwrite[/m], will output fwrite.
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