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Everything posted by trq

  1. Your best (and most logical) approach would be to change the DNS records to point to the new server. Otherwise, you could nfs mount the remote directory locally and do it that way but it would slow your site down considerably.
  2. Using jQuery this would be a simple task. A VERY simple example, not tested. <html> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $('#thumbs ul li').hover( function() { img = $(this).find('img').attr('src').replace('-thumb', '-full'); $('#stage').html('<img src="' + img + '" />'); }, function() { $('#stage').html(''); } ); </script> </head> <body> <div id="thumbs"> <ul> <li><img src="image1-thumb.jpg" /></li> <li><img src="image2-thumb.jpg" /></li> <li><img src="image3-thumb.jpg" /></li> </ul> </div> <div id="stage"></div> </body> </html> You'll need the images image1-thumb.jpg , image1-full.jpg etc etc
  3. IIS7 has url re-writing abilities, otherwise, you'll need to fork out for a third party isapi filter such as isapi_rewrite3.
  4. The part in cPanel that asks for a remote host would need to be the hostname (or ip address) of the site you wish to allow access to your database. The part in your connection however would need to be the name of the server hosting the database.
  5. The point of functions is to package code into small encapsulated, reusable, callable pieces of code. Globals break 2 of the three things functions set out to do, encapsulation and re-usability. They also (as you are now experiencing) make things very difficult to debug.
  6. With all those globals I'm not sure why your bothering with functions at all. Functions accept parameters, use them.
  7. Have you looked into jQuery or a similar framework? This sort of thing is simple with a decent framework? Otherwise, where are you stuck? You haven't exactly posted any code.
  8. Your point? phpBB likely allows blocks to appear raw when there is no data within them. I still fail to see the logic in your question / problem. What exactly would you expect your parser to do when it sees a closing [/code] tag? I would expect it to close the code block.
  9. You need to turn error reporting on on your server, your code is riddled with syntax errors.
  10. Which is exactly what your rewrite rule does.
  11. What exactly would you expect to happen? Any parser still needs the correct syntax given to it.
  12. .box1 { background-image:url(images/newimage.jpg); }
  13. You have html after the ; on that line, which continues onto the next line.
  14. Ubuntu has a package manager that is perfectly capable of installing the amp stack. Did you use it to install xampp?
  15. What makes you believe JSP is any quicker than PHP?
  16. Again, you cannot execute anything on the clients computer.
  17. Why would there be a restriction on being able to use php sessions? You can use standard php sessions and still store all session data in a database if the writing of files is the problem.
  18. A bat file is just another executable. Where exactly are you trying to execute these? On the server or the client?
  19. If it is enabled. Your not going to be able to execute an exe file on a client.
  20. Were not here to write code for people. I suggest you learn enough cold fusion to pull this apart and turn it into php. Or, if you know php well enough, just write it from scratch.
  21. That is pretty much what package managers do. If however (as you have found) the packages you depend on are not available through whatever package manager you (or the end user) are using you won't have much choice but to have them manually install the application. Obviously, you should try and avoid uncommon dependencies when writing an application for distribution. What you could also do however (and this will mean allot more work) is actually provide (and maintain) the dependencies yourself as packages as well.
  22. You need to draw up a document outlining a sites requirements before work even begins. Anything outside of these requirements needs to be re-negotiated. And yes, you should always get sign-off on work completed. Generally I work on the principle of 1/3 upfront, 1/3 at beta and the final 3rd when the spec is completed.
  23. Because most (if not all) Linux distributions have there own package management systems distribution should be rather simple. Release a pure src version allowing a manual install and simply list any dependencies within a README file. Then, either you or someone else could maintain distro specific packages. eg; deb, rpm or ebuild scripts.
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