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Everything posted by trq

  1. The issue is because your not checking to see if your query succeeded before blindly passing it's result to mysql_num_rows(). mysql_query() will return a bool false on failure, mysql_num_rows() expects a result resource, not a bool.
  2. The LoadModule lines you have shown us are for a *nix setup, note that they all end with .so instead of .dll. That doesn't look like the correct httpd.conf file to me.
  3. I don't see any insults in here.
  4. include won;t help, you need to make sure the extension is installed. Check your php.ini file.
  5. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=355401.0
  6. That is not at all what GROUP BY does. Using a GROUP BY will return 1 record for each insertDate.
  7. You meen you want to impersonate 500 users hitting your site? Why don't you just ask that question. Jeeze! Take a look at http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/programs/ab.html
  8. Is what good? We have no way of knowing what your actually capable of, but judging by this topic you have a long long way to go before you could state you understand OOP.
  9. What your trying to describe there sounds terribly inefficient. You should be able to select all of a users info using a single query.
  10. ps; Do you have error reporting enabled like you should while developing?
  11. Your using some class (phpMyDB), but then trying to retrieve a result set using mysql_fetch_assoc. I suggest you take a look at the documentation for this phpMyDb class and find it's equivalent.
  12. So change your query to produce the results you want.
  13. Yeah, that makes perfect sense and is indeed how you would do it, and if you use an MVC type of approach you should be able to execute controller/actions without making any http request.
  14. Inserting 500 rows or 500, 000 rows would have no effect on bandwidth usage unless you are echoing each row. Bandwidth relates to the amount of data sent to the client.
  15. This completely depends on how your email is setup. Given a dedicated server or vps your can setup virtual email accounts (these are email accounts that do not require a login on the actual machine) and most smtp servers can read user information from a database. So, once this is setup it is as simple as adding new entries to this database. Having said that however, unless you know a fair bit about Linux server administration (and obviously you don't given your asking this question), I would not advise going down this path. I use Google Apps for all my email these days and they do provide this sort of functionality through there API's, there are probably many other email providers that do the same.
  16. What makes you think that? There are encryption solutions around but they require extensions be installed on the server. other than that there is the phar option, but I'm not sure it's that secure. Your better off protecting yourself with a decent license agreement.
  17. You need to add a WHERE clause to your query and pass data from the form into it. There are literally thousands of tutorials around that show you how to do this.
  18. Ah, completely missed that one. We had a school teacher named Michael Hunt, we all nick named him fuckhead.
  19. This topic has been moved to Ajax Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=355358.0
  20. Actually, your missing two of them. Hence it's best to format your code in a readable format.
  21. Your missing a closing } on your if statement. On a side note, is there a reason you format your code so that it is hard to read?
  22. That question belongs in a completely different topic. ps; You still haven't removed or used that function.
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