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Everything posted by trq

  1. I'm just not sure there has ever been that big of a need for it. It's not like we see these types of posts in Misc very often.
  2. If your "okay" with jQuery and php what's the problem exactly?
  3. http://www.google.com/analytics/
  4. Or really, you could just check that $_GET['addComment'] exists if it's only ever going to have one value.
  5. It's not a major issue. Just check for the string "true".
  6. This topic has been moved to CSS Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=351311.0
  7. You would be better off setting a new var all together. Something like: /vote_result.php?voteID=all
  8. Your going to need to be more descriptive I'm afraid.
  9. Not exactly, all values passed via the querystring are strings. Having said that however, there are a number of values that will return true in php. See this page: http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php
  10. Iv'e really got no idea what your doing but this will add the link to the id. $item->addChild('link', $link . $row['id']); You'll want to make sure that $link is a valid url though: $link = "http://reecesayer.com/projects/template/testprofile.php?id=";
  11. This topic has been moved to Ajax Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=351308.0
  12. Functions have there own scope. Variables declared outside of them do not exist within them and vice versa. You will need to pass the variable in as an argument.
  13. Your error has nothing to do with the fact that your code might be OOP. By the way, just because your using classes does not make your code OOP either. Anyway, $reports isn't defined within your userLogin() function.
  14. Your dead right there. This is a site for programmers IMO.
  15. You don't. PHP has nothing to do with mail servers. It however requires a mail server in order to be able to send mail. Just like you do. Installing a mail server is not generally a simple task and has nothing to do with php.
  16. PHP has no control over the session of another website, think about the security issues that would introduce. The code you originally posted relates to the current site only.
  17. It's funny actually, because there were a few book publishers quick to jump on the php6 bandwagon to make some extra cash. That's right, there are actually books around on php6 (which no longer exists).
  18. We need to see more code.
  19. What exactly is the problem?
  20. Can you please send me a poster size picture of yourself then? My main gripe with SMF's plugin solution is that you generally need to hack the core or at least a theme to get things working. Searching for specific strings of code and replacing them with other strings of code. If it did you "hooks" (I know you say it does but I haven't seen or used any) it would be much cleaner. The entire code bass is a bit of a mess in my opinion, but then again, I work in a completely OOP environment generally and most things are separated properly into the appropriate layer. Your not alone here however. IMO there aren't too many open source apps around in PHP that are that well designed. I think it's just what happens when projects get a larger code base and don't have enough "bigger picture" design applied to them.
  21. I'm not going to comment on the actual issue here as the actual design here is completely floored. forum appears to extend main simply because it needs a database connection. This is not the correct way to use inheritance. Object should only extend another object if they are of the same type. eg; dog extends animal. To gain access to a database connection within a class you need to pass the connection in as a dependency. This can be done in a number of ways, the most common is to pass it in through the construct. eg; $db = new MySql; $form = new forum($db);
  22. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=351208.0
  23. No, your going to need to write some code.
  24. Something like that yeah. It's hard to tell exactly what your doing but the process might be something like: 1) User fills in form and submits data. 2) A unique link (relating to the user submitted data) is emailed to company. 3) Company clicks link and fills in form. 4) A unique link is emailed to user (relating to the company submitted data) 5) User clicks link and accepts / rejects. Obviously, you could replace the email part with some other form of messaging (maybe built into the site itself).
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