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Everything posted by trq

  1. Firstly, the W in Wamp stands for windows. Considering your using Linux, you have what is known as Lamp. Now to your issue: chmod 711 /src/www
  2. Let's just think about this for a second. Changing your ip is like changing your address. So, if you send a request to some server and give the server the wrong address to send the response to you will never receive the response.
  3. The best you could do would be to have the command sent to the server and stored. You could then have the other pc poll the server for any new commands.
  4. It is really not at all clear what your trying to do.
  5. Ajax is simply a http request. You can use curl to make a http request.
  6. " and ' are both quotes. If you look at the man page for the date function it tells you the the $format argument is expected to be a string.
  7. Numbers aren't strings. They should not be surrounded by quotes.
  8. $menuqry="SELECT * FROM menu WHERE menu_access_lvl <= $lvl ORDER BY priority";
  9. Are you talking about php generated errors / warnings? Firstly, you should fix your code to prevent them happening in the first place. Secondly, you should have display_errors disabled on production servers.
  10. Sorry but I would seriously consider getting a new hobby.
  11. They generally don't function without cookies. Though you can pass the session id around through the url. Generally though, people are aware that disabling cookies breaks there own user experience on the web.
  12. Have you tried actually writing some code? It's not rocket science.
  13. This whole idea smells bad. Why exactly are you updating some random row in the first place?
  14. Is ioncube installed? Do you have error reporting enabled?
  15. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=350859.0
  16. There are these things called computers these days, you should try one.
  17. What exactly are you referring to when you say a Splash page? This is normally some page tacked on to a website as an entry point. I can't say it has anything to do with PHP.
  18. Your not echoing your data. <?php echo $info["Name"]; ?>
  19. $i = 1; $output = array(); while ($i <= $Quantity){ $output[] = rand($RandLow, $RandHigh); $i++; }
  20. I think your missing the point of a help forum. The idea is you write the code and ask us questions when your stuck.
  21. No it does not work on every server. You can configure it to be enabled or disabled, excepting php5.4 where it is now enabled by default and unable to be disabled.
  22. You can already add quite a bit of functionality to the Option object on the fly without needing to extend it. Though I do also plan on having a better look at how I can make extending classes within the framework allot simpler. I just haven't gotten there as yet.
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