This is a big site. We get allot of new members and allot of spam. Having a free for all "promote my project" board would simply attract more spam, it's hard enough to maintain as it is.
We allow members of the community to post links to there project within there signatures as long as they are not too intrusive. The best way to promote your project through our forums is to become active within the community and place a link in your signature.
Having 15 posts and a thread saying "hey, please check out my project" just causes more issues than it's worth for us. Of course, active members will always be granted a little bit more flexibility in this area as well, but in reality, it's all about keeping spammers at bay.
Having said that, I'm not necessarily saying you where spamming. I'm just saying that these types of threads need to be kept under control to prevent them leading to spam.