A few things.
Firstly, I didn't actually download any code, just hade a quick look through it on github. I don't really see where the framework itself resides. I managed to track down a file in vendor/framework/framework.php which appears to be some sort of Application object (class named Arrgh), but this object depends on Logger and Route objects that I am not able to locate anywhere. It's also very odd to have a class within a file of a different name. The general best practice is to name your files so they map 1-1 with there contents. This makes autoloading a breeze. It also seems odd to have this file (if this is indeed part of your framework) within a directory called vendor. Vendor directories are generally for third party code.
This brings me to my next point. Smarty? I'm not sure its a great idea to dump that kind of dependency on anyone. Personally i think template engines are well overrated in PHP, but smarty in particular is a pretty big dependency to have to pull.