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Everything posted by trq

  1. mail() is built in and cannot (without hacking the source) be removed. Post some code a few lines before and after line 1446.
  2. Did you bother to look at the example script I told you about?
  3. doc is a propriety format that is particularly hard to parse. There are php (and other) libraries around, but your not doing anything in plain html. If this is only a single doc your talking about, just recreate the thing in html.
  4. PHP is a scripting language. SO basically, anything you can do manually can be automated.
  5. You would write a download script that logs the user id (from where I don't know as you haven't given us enough details) forces a download (there is an example in Faq/Code Snippet board)
  6. This topic has been moved to Other Web Server Software. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=340474.0
  7. By default, a session will last 20 minutes without user activity or until the browser closes. This can be changed in the php.ini All sessions use cookies unless you have that functionality disabled (not recommended) in which case you need to pass the session id around through the url. You use cookies to persist a login any longer than described above.
  8. All of those questions are up to you. A session alone however won't keep a person logged in after they have closed there browser.
  9. This: if ($this->input->post('code') <> $this->session->userdata('captcha_key')) { echo 'error in captcha code'; } else { echo 'success'; } Cannot be in your class like that, it need to go in a method.
  10. trq

    how to

    Can you be less vague with your description?
  11. Well, there are no timers in jQuery. There are third party plugins, but why bother? Actually, a nice exercise might be to write your own jQuery timer plugin.
  12. Facebook also has detailed documentation about this api. I'm at work so can't find a link for you (facebook blocked) but just search for facebook developers.
  13. I would be more inclined to use a database.
  14. The query in your example has no effect what so ever on the call to mail.
  15. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=340386.0
  16. An even better option would be to simply have your function return $x.
  17. This topic has been moved to HTML Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=340378.0
  18. It wasn't necessarily the usage of mysql_real_escape_string that I was harping on about. More the fact that you can (and should) do the actual comparison in your query.
  19. That was a terrible example. <?php $id = mysql_real_escape_string($ec['id']); if ($result = mysqli_query("SELECT elderid FROM eldercategory WHERE elderid = '$id'")) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { // match found } else { // no match found } } ?>
  20. My first reply still applies unless you want to go down the Ajax path.
  21. You simply need to have the button direct to two different php scripts. Or send two different variables via get. PHP executes on the server, so you need to make a request to it before you can run any php.
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