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Everything posted by trq

  1. It's not. You may as well be using simple HTML if your just using your database like a filesystem. Anyway, we need to see some relevant code in order to assist.
  2. Why you would be storing entire html documents including Javascript in the first place is beyond me but anyway, are you escaping your data properly before trying to insert it? What errors exactly are you getting?
  3. This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=336816.0
  4. This topic has been moved to Apache HTTP Server. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=336808.0
  5. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=336794.0
  6. Right. Well, having never heard of PPI before I can only go on what there site says and that is that the framework is compatible with 5.2 and above. Having said that however there are many changes in 5.3 that could effect it. I would start asking some questions on a PPI specific board.
  7. Is your site built on Zend Framework or not?
  8. This topic has been moved to PHP Installation & Configuration. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=336776.0
  9. php.ini files are well commented, have you tried reading the advice in there?
  10. No, there is nothing built into the framework. It would however be simple to program yourself.
  11. I have never heard of the PPI framework. Didn't you say your application runs on Zend?
  12. A better example would be an Abstract animal class. Why? Because you can extend an animal class to a more specific type of animal. Now, why would you use an Abstract method. To enforce the concrete implemnation to create that method. In the Animal example you might want to enforce that all Animal Types (classes extending the Abstract Animal must have a makeNoise() method. Why? Becuase all animals (for sake of example) make noise. So what about the methods that aren't abstract? You can use them for shared functionality. Things that Animal Types do the same (the same implementation). So, with that in place, an example: <?php abstract class Animal { public abstract function makeNoise(); public function goToSleep() { echo "zzz"; } } class Cat extends Animal { public function makeNoise() { echo "Meow!"; } } class Dog extends Animal { public function makeNoise() { echo "Woof!"; } } $dog = new Dog; echo " A dog makes noise {$dog->makeNoise()} and now sleeps {$dog->goToSleep()}";
  13. Think about how you store images now (for use in plain HTML) for use in a web page. Doing it in PHP is not going to be any different, you just need to make PHP generate that same HTML for you. If however you would like to extend this idea somewhat and have comments for the images for instance, then you might use a database to link the images to a comment. How would you do that? You need to store some sort of reference to the image in the database, what reference do you have? A file system path.
  14. Programming is more than just learning the syntax, it's learning to break your problem down into logical pieces.
  15. It is also available as a printed book. It's called PHP in a nutshell, published by O'Reilly.
  16. To start within, $cat-id is not a valid PHP variable. The rest of your question doesn't really make allot of sense. Simply assign whatever value you need depending on whatever condition you need.
  17. Use isset to check the variable exists prior to passing it to your function.
  18. Your much better off buying a book rather than jump around from tutorial to tutorial. Theres a decent free book linked to in my signature though if your stuck (See Hudzilla).
  19. Of course it it, but variables are not interpolated within single quotes.
  20. It doesn't look like there are any instructions for installing php4 within the manual anymore these days, probably because it's out of date. I'd be more inclined to find more modern code, otherwise, the install shouldn't really be too different between 4 and 5. See http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.windows.manual.php
  21. session_register and session_is_registered have long been deprecated, whatever resource your learning from is well out of date.
  22. All of these question belong in one thread (and you need to learn how to use the manual). You have been warned before, maybe this time a little public shaming will help.
  23. But wait, isn't that your favourite trick fugix?
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