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Everything posted by trq

  1. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319963.0
  2. What do you mean exactly? 'Work with it'? 9 million records isn't exactly massive.
  3. There's a nice article here: http://blog.fedecarg.com/2008/12/27/testing-zend-framework-controllers/
  4. This topic has been moved to Other Libraries and Frameworks. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319964.0
  5. Obvious question but needs to be asked. You do have MS Sql installed and running?
  6. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319954.0
  7. It needs to be done client side, and Javascript is the most widely supported client side language. That's it I'm afraid. What your asking can be done in css however, you shouldn't need any programming language. If your stuck, ask your question in our CSS help board.
  8. This topic has been moved to Installation on Linux. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319933.0
  9. Your php.ini file must be referencing a non existent sqlite extension. if your not using sqlite just remove the entry from your php.ini, otherwise, install the extension. It also looks like you have an older version of pdo_mysql installed, you will need to upgrade this if your using it or remove it otherwise.
  10. This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319948.0
  11. Certain information is sent to the server when a user makes a request. You can use this information to attempt to detect a users browser type. The size of your screen / browser window is not sent along with this information.
  12. I'm really not sure there's anything that useful about it actually. It's just going to make your code harder to read. Sorry, but what exactly are you trying to achieve?
  13. PHP executes on the SERVER and has no idea what a browser is let alone its window size.
  14. Use the ip address of your database server instead of the hostname. eg; instead of localhost.
  15. trq

    Forms in Forms

    Its not possible, nor does your reasoning make sense.
  16. You cannot execute multiple queries with mysql_query(). I'm really not sure why your even using php for this.
  17. It's Javascript not Java. there is a massive difference and besides, this is the PHP Help board.
  18. I would ask around on a Suse board of some sort. It seems ridiculous it doesn't just work like it would with most any other distro. Never been much of a Suse fan.
  19. I agree with Anti-Moronic. This is a help forum, not a 'look at my code' forum. Get yourself some project hosting (Github is awesome) and go from there, who knows, you may get lucky and find someone that want's to help you. My opinion? As far as frameworks go there are simple, and there are ridiculously simple. Your stretching the boundaries of what I would consider a framework and what I would simply call skeleton code (ridiculously simple). I'm closing this topic. This is not the place, nor do we have a place for it.
  20. I've not used Suse for a number of years (and even then I only took it for a very short test drive), but those instructions you have pointed to are not Suse specific and would appear to apply to a manual install approach. Surely Yast is capable of installing and setting sane defaults. Have you tried not adding the.... LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so AddType application/x-httpd-php .php Lines to your httpd.conf file? Every other distro I have used adds these for you in there own way.
  21. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319873.0
  22. Yeah, that would make perfect sense.
  23. $('#actionResults').fadeIn().load('data.php');
  24. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319825.0
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