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Everything posted by trq

  1. An infinite loop is definitely not a good option. this would be much better done by having the script scheduled to execute every minute (or whatever). This can be done via either Cron on Linux or Scedual Task on Windows.
  2. You should be working within a 'dev' environment and not on the live code base. I don't even have access to our live code base at work, couldn't edit it if I wanted to.
  3. Not likely. I'm well and truly moved on from that application now. Besides, I wouldn't be able to invest the time at the moment, there's not allot of documentation around for ZF2 yet is there? I'm not too keen to work from the api docs & source code alone.
  4. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319793.0
  5. trq


    Your obscenely large ego maybe.
  6. I'll admit that this was only my 2nd or 3rd app built on top of ZF, and it was VERY large. We had caching in place and I spent quite a bit of time going through all the performance related information I could find regarding Zend apps. But yeah, in the end we had to drop it. I did however end up using bits and pieces of it, just not any of the routing, or controller & view stuff. We (me) wrote a small MVC (nothing else) that took care of that part.
  7. Yeah, there are various client side MVC (models are server side - requested via Ajax) frameworks around which allow urls to change while still using Ajax to load the page. I'm not convinced it's the right approach, not for all occasions anyway.
  8. This can be done but its not as simple as one might think. You need to know what mail server your using and how exactly it is configured (does it use virtual mail boxes stored within a database?) The first thing I would do is ask your host if this is possible. It is likely (if your on a shared host) that you hosting provider will not give you access to such a database and if that is the case you will need to write a script that will actually do this through your control panel (this will not be pretty). If you have decent hosting you should be able to do this directly.
  9. Can't help much without code, but in general, you should be fine. Your uploading files outside of your web root.
  10. Reloading a part of a page via Ajax will not change the url. Hence, users of your site can no longer bookmark the pages they like.
  11. Yes, that comma after the 'mm/dd/yy' is a syntax error. Most browsers (stupidly IMO) will let this slide, IE on most occasions (rightfully so) won't. So yeah, this is one occasion where it is actually IE doing the right thing and all other browsers doing it wrong.
  12. Obviously display_errors is off and/or the error_reporting level is set far too low on your work server for development purposes. The code itself should be fixed. It's very inefficient to have php generating errors, even if they are hidden.
  13. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319758.0
  14. Did you not read this: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/php-applications/this-board-is-not-a-code-repository!/ ?
  15. Don't use regular variables for this either. Use constants (see define). Variables are too easily overwritten and shouldn't be trusted. Globals in general should be avoided as much as possible.
  16. Performance has been my only issue with Zend. To the point where we can't even use it at work (IIS Servers - i'm not sure if that is part of the problem) anymore and haven't for 12 months. We ended up having to completely rewrite an application built on top of Zend because it simply couldn't perform well enough. Now my boss is pretty skeptical of frameworks in general.
  17. DATE_FORMAT is a mysql function so you don't need to jump intop a raw string. You should aslo give it an alias so you can access it easily later in your php code. $query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(comment_createdate, '%W %M %Y') as createddate , comment_text from comment"; Then you can use $row['createddate'] in your loop.
  18. This topic has been moved to Other Web Server Software. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319743.0
  19. allow_url_fopen & curl have nothing to do with file uploading. I also refuse to believe that a Google search of 'php file upload' produced no results for you when I get over 33 million results, with this being the very first one.
  20. It's not difficult. You just need a basic understanding of how all the components work together and some patience.
  21. What steps did you take to do the install? I'm not a Windows (or mac) user, but Iv'e heard nothing but bad reports about the install package. You should install from the zip package. Ive done this numerous times at work without issue. Also, (I assume this was a simple type but) you mean the bat script right? Bash scripts are for Bash shells eg: Linux & Mac. Microsoft have absolutely nothing to do with how PHP is packaged.
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