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Everything posted by trq

  1. If your preference is with jQuery I'd stick with that. I don't use Zend that often but I've never bothered with it's Dojo stuff, it's just not needed IMO.
  2. The system you describe doesn't really sound like it would need 'documents' at all. Whats wrong with storing your content in a database? You can easily print it, turn it into a pdf and attach it to emails, just send it as emails, whatever.
  3. You cannot call php functions (which execute on the server) with Javascript events (which execute on the client) without making a new request. This can be done via either a complete new request or Ajax. Either way, it's a client side issue and your question belongs in a client side board.
  4. sudo chown apacheuser:apacheuser /var/htdocs/Books/practical_Web2.0/data/logs Where 'apacheuser' is the account your server runs as.
  5. We can't help people without see relevant code.
  6. MVC is just a design pattern. It's not rocket science, and it is definitely not the be all and all. I posted a very simple example a few years ago, maybe it will help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/application-design/fully-understanding-mvc-concept/msg729041/#msg729041 That entire thread might be worth you reading actually. It doesn't. All requests go to a single entry point (the front controller) which then parses the url and executes the correct controller / action.
  7. Proprietary formats in general suck. There never easy to read from or write to because they are a closed format. Working with COM however your working directly with them, of course COM is just another proprietary interface that (again) is a nightmare to work with because it is so closed. What exactly do you plan on doing with these documents when they are completed? Do people need to download and keep them? Print them? What?
  8. Why on earth would that work? Variables are not interpolated within single quotes, nor do they need to be within quotes at all. Op: Have you tried the url in a browser? It's not working for me.
  9. Your server doesn't have permissions enough to write to /var/htdocs/Books/practical_Web2.0/data/logs. Make sure it can write to this directory.
  10. This topic has been moved to Other Libraries and Frameworks. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319523.0
  11. That is the general gist of what can be done with Ajax. Personally I would use jQuery as my Js framework and json (instead of xml) as my data type.
  12. This topic has been moved to HTML Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319527.0
  13. You'll get more help asking your question in an asp board. Asp abstracts away too much functionality for it to even look like Javascript.
  14. Turn error reporting to E_ALL & display errors on then.
  15. Where exactly are you stuck? Code would be helpful.
  16. It is a MySql error not a php one. Do yourself a favour and echo your query. $sql = "insert into log (user_id,receiver_email,subject,message) values ('$userid','$email','$subject','$message')"; if (!mysql_query($sql)) { trigger_error(mysql_error() . "<br />$sql"); }
  17. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319516.0
  18. Post the code where you have attempted this.
  19. It's not a long shot. Variables cannot have hyphens in there names. You should have error reporting set to E_ALL and display errors on while developing. This code would generate an error.
  20. Generally your isp will require authentication to use there smtp servers, this is not supported by php's mail function which expects a local mail server to be installed. In fact, the configuration you have shown us is still attempting to use an smtp server on localhost. Anyway, your best bet is to either install a mail server locally or to use a third party mail library like PHPMailer which can connect and authenticate to remote servers.
  21. I was actually looking at the api docs and source code.
  22. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319445.0
  23. Try echo'ing out your sql. $sql = "INSERT INTO Student_Course(SID, Cid, grade, comments) VALUES ('{$SID}','{$Cid}','{$esc_grade}', '{$esc_comments}')"; die($sql); $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); What does the statement look like? Your while loops that create the drop downs are outside of your form, hence that data is never sent. [ot] Your passing the arguments to insert_student_course() through mysql_real_escape_string (like you should be) but then your going ahead and using the raw $SID and $Cid variables. [/ot]
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