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Everything posted by trq

  1. All of this information would have been help full when you first asked your question. Indeed it does. If you want /etc/ to be persistent your going to need persistent storage. Generally though, the /etc directory needs to be on the root partition because the fstab file is read from there at boot time. You could try mounting /etc to a persistent drive late in the boot process maybe, I can see this getting pretty tricky.
  2. Is this system running from cd or some other unusual medium? You don't have any normal file systems mounted.
  3. trq

    Cron problem

    Its not Cron that is creating the file, but the command you are telling Cron to execute. Is there a particular reason you are making a http request for the php file instead of executing it via the cli?
  4. WTF? I asked for the output of.... cat /etc/fstab Nothing to do with your Samba config. As for what 'distro' means. Its what GNU/Linux 'type' youi are using. eg, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS etc etc. I saw in another of your threads your using CentOS so, I assume this problem relates to the same machine? Your distro is CentOS then.
  5. trq

    Jail a user?

    Well I don't want to have a load of system files in there gameserver folder. Why would you need to do that?
  6. That isn't even valid php. The class would need to be named 'Form_Elements'.
  7. You just need to register your namespace with the autoloader. require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php'; Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance()->registerNamespace('Form_');
  8. trq

    Jail a user?

    Still, what's the problem?
  9. This topic has been moved to Other Libraries and Frameworks. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=307986.0
  10. Just define the action as an empty string. eg action=""
  11. trq

    Cron problem

    You have described the expected behavior. What exactly is the issue?
  12. trq

    Jail a user?

    Without creating a jail you'd need to deny the user permissions to the rest of the system manually. What is the actual problem?
  13. I would recommend installing ntp, and syncing time from a server.
  14. The question is why is it being reset in the first place, this isn't common behavior. What distro are you using? And what is the output of.... cat /etc/fstab
  15. That explains nothing. I said in detail. Anyway, know one is going to write you a tutorial on creating a mail server. PHP probably isn't the best language for it either but anyway, I suggest you start with sockets. http://php.net/sockets You will also need to read up on the SMTP protocol.
  16. Firstly, can you explain to me (in detail) what you think a mail server actually is.
  17. Your question is pretty vague. Do you need to make a mail server or a web interface to access emails? These are two completely different things.
  18. I often laugh a little inside when looking at the freelance board. I mean, you people do realize people can search the board for your threads? The first thing I would do if I where to ever hire someone from the freelance board would be to search through all the posts seeing if they are asking or answering questions.
  19. mysql_real_escape_string only works when there is an active connection. Move it. Your php also needs to go within a check for the forms submission, otherwise it will generate errors. eg; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // the rest of your php code } You need to turn on error reporting and display errors when developing. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL) ; ini_set('display_errors','1'); ?> As for this.... I have no idea what your talking about.
  20. Surely you need to break this down yourself. If you don't know what a cart does, you'll need to do some investigating, Or, do you really want us to do your work?
  21. thanks for nothing (you know why ) Whatever you think.
  22. Um, the check needs to go within your foreach loop.
  23. We need to see your actual code in order to be of any help. ps: We have tags.
  24. The $_POST method would work work the form you previously posted. Of course, you also need to wrap all your code within a check to see if the form has been submitted or not.
  25. Are you passing the complete path to is_dir()?
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