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Everything posted by trq

  1. This has nothing to do with php. You'll want to look at the 'sticky bit' setting on the directories in question.
  2. Yes, more than likely such a script exists. However, this board is for help with code, not help looking for it.
  3. In reality, you really should learn php progressively. Starting with the basics then moving forward to more advanced stuff. Jumping all over the place learning this and that is a recipe for picking up bad habits and poor practices. There's a free book/wiki in my signature (Hudzilla) that's pretty good.
  4. There is an Include directive available within the Apache config files. This directive also allows wildcards. So, you could use something like.... Include /var/www/vhosts/*.conf Within your httpd.conf file. This would make it much easier as you could now use php to simply create new .conf files (one for each vhost) within /var/www/vhosts This is similar to how my CMS used to work.
  5. The web doesn't really work like that. Your response is generally built and then sent. You can muck around with output buffering but its pretty unreliable at best.
  6. Looks like you want to take a look at imap.
  7. Never heard of it, does it actually have anything to do with MySql or are you just posting here for fun?
  8. How about you rephrase the question so we might understand what it is your talking about. Like, what is snowdrop for one? Should we as developers have heard of it?
  9. I think the OP wants to actually output php code. Could well be wrong though...
  10. Single quotes need to be escaped when between single quotes or php thinks your ending your string. echo '[b]<?php if(function_exists(\'twit_connect\')){twit_connect();} ?>[/b]';
  11. It can be hidden behind a proxy but if you make a request giving an incorrect reply address where do you suspect the reply goes? To the wrong address.
  12. I'm not an Ubuntu user but I do use Debian allot which is where Ubuntu is derived from. Never had any GD issues here.
  13. Looking at this image it would appear you need GD not imagemagick.
  14. How sir do you propose to guarantee a file that needs to be downloaded for viewing cannot be downloaded?
  15. What are you talking about?
  16. And this is the same guy going on about designing and implementing his own OS virtualization?
  17. Why not take a look at the manual for the curl extension?
  18. This board is 'PHP Coding Help'.
  19. for this code <?php curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'HackAliveCrawler htpp://mysite.com/hackalivecrawler'); echo $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; echo "|"; echo $_SERVER['USER_AGENT']; ?> You haven't defined $ch.
  20. It is not possible. Why? Because, for a client to view your content they need to download it. There are ways of making it more difficult, but that it, not impossible.
  21. Everything indicates that imagemagick is installed. Have you tried actually using it yourself?
  22. trq


    This board is for help with specific programming questions, your post is fare too vague and too widely scoped to possibly be answered within a simple forum post. I suggest you start posting these questions elsewhere.
  23. Assuming your database data is within $row['value']. $this->${$row['value']}(); Why your storing logic within your db is beyond me.
  24. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with your imagemagick install. I would suggest its a bug within phpThumb.
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