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Everything posted by trq

  1. The data you have has nothing at all to do with cookies. Anyway, I would suggest making a table that replicates this structure. From there it would be simple to write an INSERT query to store your data.
  2. Variables are not interpolated within single quotes.
  3. Where are you getting the term "cookie data" from? It doesn't really make any sense in the context of this topic. Anyway, do you know how to connect to and query a database? All you need do is execute an INSERT statement that stores the data you have. What format is your data in?
  4. Indeed. Those API's also have documentation. The reason your question hasn't had a look in is because you have obviously made little effort to research the topic yourself. You need to be specific about where it is exactly you are stuck.
  5. Remove the error suppressors so that you might actually see the proper error.
  6. trq

    Please Help

    Did you actually read the topic of this board before posting?
  7. If all your function does is md5 the variable your passing to it, then it is useless, that is exactly what md5() already does, just use that. You pass variables into functions when you call them so you have complete control about the data they operate on.
  8. Functions are simple, what part exactly do you not understand? Also, you don't need a custom function for this. md5 already exists and does what you want already.
  9. Your kinda missing the point of the forum aren't you?
  10. Yeah, because it's pretty clear that the op is at that stage in there learning.
  11. Firstly, cPanel is NOT a server. Secondly, you have shown us nothing describing your actual error.
  12. You might want to elaborate on what application it is your editing. Nothing you have spoken of is common to php applications in general.
  13. This is exactly the type of system we make and sell where I work. Unfortunately for you, it runs at a cost of around $8000-$12000 for an initial license (dependant on the size of your school and what modules are included), then around $2000-5000 per year (again dependant on the size of your school and what modules are included). There is no open source alternative.
  14. The error makes little sense. It definitely exists.
  15. See http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-stmt.get-result.php
  16. Post your current code and a decent description of what is happening and exactly what you have doen to debug the issue.
  17. What are you talking about?
  18. 1) $action doesn't appear to be defined anywhere. 2) Your DELETE query is foobar 3) You have eror reporting disabled. 4) Your code isn't indented making it hard to debug.
  19. Why would the first font only be supported by chrome?
  20. Sorry, but the idea of editing the class to simply change connection settings stinks.
  21. url rewriting isn't going to be of any help, neither is php. Any solution to this issue is going to need to be done client side.
  22. It poses something of a security risk yeah. You should be able to do it on a per user basis however which makes it pretty solid IMO. Defaults requiretty Defaults:upload !requiretty There might also be some option to execute it via su but I would need to investigate that a bit.
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