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Everything posted by trq

  1. You have that backward. Server side processing cannot change what has already been sent to the browser. JavaScript on the other hand is very commonly used to manipulate the DOM.
  2. Following on from my reply to ballhogjoni's What do you think thread. I thought I'd ask the question - what development tools can you not work without? Or at least, what is your top 10 list of development tools? For me (in no particular order); 1 ) MacBookPro (and no, I don't have the retina one). Being a long term Linux user it has taken me a while to admit to, but now days, I love my Mac. It's an awesome desktop machine yet still has all the power of unix underneath including my old faithful Bash shell. 2 ) Vim. I have been using vim for many years now and wont use anything else. It's light, customisable, on every machine I work with. 3 ) Git. Git has version control pretty well spot on in my opinion. It does what it's meant to and stays out of my way, but also has lots of cool tricks that make development so much easier. 4 ) Github. While I'm not someone lucky enough to use Github on a daily basis, I do have a few of my own projects hosted there. It's an awesome resource for developers and has IMO improved the lay of the land in regards to FOSS software dramatically over the last few years. 5 ) HomeBrew. Coming from Linux to Mac, there are obviously a bunch of tools that would otherwise not be easy to install / update. brew makes this easy. 6 ) Vagrant. With most of my development work still taking place within a Linux environment. Vagrant makes it easy to setup these environments in a predictable mannor. 7 ) tmux. I simply cannot work without this awesome tool. 8 ) Jira. We have been using this at work now for about the last 12 months. With a good workflow and process in place this has been bar far the best issue tracking I have used. 9 ) Funtoo. My all time favourite Linux distribution. Super customisable and light weight. Not exactly what I would call user friendly however, but thats cool - it's a great learning tool as well. We maintain around 1200 servers where I work, all of which until recently were FreeBSD. Around 12 months ago however I was put in charge of building a Linux based system for us to use. I chose Funtoo as our base and don't have any regrets at all. An awesome OS that has been great fun to work with. 10 ) Puppet. While I have only recently started really using puppet for more than just a few simple tasks this tool is really starting to shine as a part of our day to day process at work. I hail it.
  3. trq

    Smtp Mail

    I'd start by removing the error suppressor from your call to mail and see if your getting any error.
  4. Can we see the output of: show create table tablenameDon't forget to tell use the name of the columns that are giving you grief.
  5. Both examples look exactly the same to me. I'm not sure that the description your giving coincides with the code either. I don't see any usage of fabricjs or the canvas element, nor do I see how that would relate to the php code you have posted.
  6. These are two of the things I would have asked about during the interview process. If you didn't ask, while I believe you can make suggestions or even ask for the things that you want, you've made your own bed, your going to have to lie in it. I need my development environment to be enjoyable & customisable. I use vim on *nix and wont touch Windows machines ever. I need decent version control (either svn, git or mecurial) and a clear process around it. I also usually inquire about any ticketing systems used and also how that process works. I've worked for places that couldn't answer some of these questions properly but were excited that I had asked. They were happy to have me lead the way in terms or processes around version control and ticketing systems. This is something I personally enjoy. If I were at an interview and asked these question and they couldn't be answered or I could tell the company didn't care, that would be it for me. I turned down two jobs last year because they wouldn't have accepted having a developer using a Linux box, now did they use version control at all.
  7. See: http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.string.php That code already has issues as well unless you have defined the days of the week as constants.
  8. You forgot to ask a question. You also forgot the fact that no one here cares how urgent your project is. If you want help fast, hire a programmer, otherwise ask your question and wait in line.
  9. There are ways to check for the existence of a specific extension, yes, but everything in php is an extension so doing that everywhere would eb a nightmare. Because your hosting company are incompetent.
  10. The thing with programming is, in general, looking for specific tutorials like that will get you nowhere. Why? Because you'll read the tutorial, build whatever it is you where building then forget the entire process. Next time you need to do something similar you will go on a hunt for another tutorial and so the circle continues. A better option is to simply think about your actual problem in little pieces. Break it down and impliment each little piece youself. This way, you will actually learn to think like a programmer. So, with all that in mind. Do you have a specific issue you are trying to resolve?
  11. You might also look into reactphp (http://reactphp.org). An asynchronous non-blocking framework for php.
  12. I assume your building from source, extensions (not modules) are enabled at compile time. They are part of the --configure options. Is there a particular reason your not using your systems package manager to achieve this? Most Linux distros come with very capable package managers that would make this task very straight forward.
  13. Sorry, but whatever resource your learning "OOP" from should be thrown out the window. Globals completely break the capsulation that classes are designed to provide. Static methods also make it very easy to do the same. If you want to get started with OOP you should at least follow some decent guidelines. Dependency inject is a very simple concept and looking at your code, is something you really need to be aware of at this point in time.
  14. You could simply use something lie: $css = 'odd'; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $css = ($css == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd'); } Then just use the $css variable within your class.
  15. You need some method of telling the database what order things are going to be in. Not being a very good "coder" in jQuery doesn't really cut it I'm afraid. Do you want to get this done or not?
  16. We do this all the time using some form of client side sorting mechanism. jQuery UI has a decent implementation, see http://jqueryui.com/sortable. With this type of UI you can simple name your elements foo[1], foo[2], foo[3] etc etc Whenever the order is changed, you send all elements in the (new) order in which they appear on the screen to a php script which updates each element's "sequence" column as required.
  17. Indeed, the community has picked it's act up a bit in the last 18 months or so. Some good frameworks around, lots of good libraries are using standards and Composer.
  18. Where exactly are you stuck? It should be pretty simple, edit your crontab (crontab -e) and add something like: @hourly scp /path/to/local.csv remote-server-name:/path/to/`date +%s`.csv
  19. Why exactly are you trying to reinvent the wheel?
  20. Your going to need to at least attempt to narrow your issue down somewhat. Posting a bunch of code and saying "this doesn't work" does nothing to help us help you.
  21. Shells use backslashes to escape special characters like spaces.
  22. Not exactly a CMS out of the box, but it is designed to make building one easier. http://cmf.symfony.com
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